I'm joining Skiverville today... I plan on doing NOWT all day except cooking dinner. Even the laundry can sod off. I'm going to make calls, write emails and watch movies. How about them apples?!
I've been thinking about the booze in food convo from yesty... ya know, I put what's left of glasses of wine into a water bottle and save them for cooking... how bloody Scottish is THAT?! :H Only my own mind, I throw theirs out! LOL I know I have no cooties and what they don't know won't hurt them! lol But that's a strange thing too as I more often than not won't finish the glass. If I finish my dinner first, the glass mostly doesn't get drank. All very strange. I can't even be a straight forward alkie. If the ice melts in a drink, I chuck it out. I reckon the more that goes down the gurgler, the better for me. (LOL... but I save the wine for cooking...)

Re mouthwash and meds... I saw a doco once about this woman that was addicted to mouthwash. I can't in my wildest imagination imagine swallowing that stuff (yes boys, it's official, she doesn't swallow!) :H But really when you think about it, is it any less poisonous than a sip of vodka? And medecine... I have some hefty meds in my house... OTC and prescription... and I never get into that shit. Actually, shouldn't say that because I did get a bit messed up on codeine pain pills when I had oral surgery at the start of the year. It was entirely unintentional though and I was in a LOT of pain and had to take the buggers.
So here's what I reckon... for me, and we are all different, meds, mouthwash and AL in cooking are not triggers. YET... I believe for Mollers and Jacks they are. What I was trying to say yesterday, and I didn't convey it too well, is that I don't appear to be chemically addicted... mine is an emotional/psychological thing primarily. When I detox I get sweaty and my sleep patterns go haywire... but I don't get any other WD's. And for someone that can drink the sheer quantities I can, that is really strange.
Quite frankly, I'm baffled. Don't really know what to think. But I keep coming back to the same thing... addiction is addiction is addiction... doesn't matter what your drug of choice is or if it's a physical or psychological motivation... it's all equally suckful. And the amount you drink has NO bearing whatsoever... it is the impact it has on your quality of life that matters.
Defo not a One Size Fits All situation.
This impending rehab has dragged so much up in my mind, it's not even funny. I talked to Starty and Sunny yesterday and ended up a blubbering wreck after... they let me get my fears out in the open and I reckon it was sheer relief.

Oh, and I ended up telling my Ma. I can't hide stuff like that from her and it was best I told her here in private than in rehab with someone watching me make the call. And, guess what, she ended up being really neat about it. She said "I'm here whenever you need me" and "asking for help is the first step in healing". She knows a thing or two. She's a recovered alkie (been so long since she drank I don't feel that "recovering" is the right word).
Anyhoo.... random thoughts from a random mind!

Margaret Thatcher had some hair do on her. I'd forgotten how big her hair was...