Yep still am..not as bad as yesterday tho...probably bout 6 on the feelcrap scale
No announcement yet.
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Rightio I just cannot be arsed to get into another debate into whether an alcoholic can use alcoholic products in food or medication. Like I said yesterday I have listened to people with years more sobriety than me and they don't.
They never caused me to go on bender but why rock the boat this time. If you're happy using them then carry on.
Now moving on to the next post which will follow shortly..........It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Aww Mickles sorry you're a poorly bairn. I'll see if I've got some vapour rub (non alcoholic of course)
Very, very quiet morning today. Me and my boss spent 2 hour peeling and slicing 3 ginormous turnips for the clients Christmas dinner tomorrow using what looked like a hacksaw and a steak knife. They'd better fecking est the stuff tomorrow.
Got me nails done, got picked up by Mr JC and went to see MIL and FIL. Love them to bits but gawd their house must be hotter than a South African beach at noon.
Oh and finally got me pointsettia.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
I watched the first season and wasn't that keen but listen to this......................
Mr JC has got us unlimited broadband with 02 for 75p less than we're paying monthly at the moment. So I'll give it another go.
Might go mad and get Netflix or sumfing like that as well.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Evening Jacs, molls, mick, zenners, RC , and if I've missed yer I'm sorry
Evening to all that's been, and all to come
Just in from a shopping trip into town - got leggings and a shirt - but I swear that this is the last fat Christmas I will ever spend !!! And feck me - where has all the Christmassy gear gone ?? If its not on the sale rails yer fecked !!!
And I feel like shite !! Headachey and sicky - I'm praying its not the start of this norovirus fecker - they're dropping like flies with it at work !!! Being sick scares the shit out if me - literally lol
Anyway - anyone about ??Trying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
mollyka;1429445 wrote: I'm thinking of getting 'multi-room' for my bedroom, haven't had a tele up there since saorview came in in October - mixed feelings, but sometimes it's nice just to tuck into bed and throw some oul shite on.
Just means that we can stream through the big TV and watch a load of old shite on there.
Edit: yoo hoo Questy, Runners.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Never had a TV in the bedroom. ......Jackie,please please please tell me you meant a television :H:H:H:H
Questy...thats how I felt yest...bit better today tho...same dear other half has just informed me that the vomiting bug has reached 900,000..the depth of our conversations has no ending!!!af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Mick;1429453 wrote: Never had a TV in the bedroom. ......Jackie,please please please tell me you mean tell me you meant a television :H:H:H:H
Questy...thats how I felt yest...bit better today tho...same dear other half has just informed me that the vomiting bug has reached 900,000..the depth of our conversations has no ending!!!
And for the record - I have a 32 incher in my bedroom and I love it !!!Trying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Quest for the key;1429454 wrote: I know I saw a headline on a paper saying one million got it - by my reckoning that's 55 million left to get it - what are the odds ?
And for the record - I have a 32 incher in my bedroom and I love it !!!
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
RunningCourage;1429456 wrote: 32 incher? Oughta keep that a secret. Make the boys jealous. Have the ladies over at yours in no time.
And it keeps me entertained for hours at night - the telly th?t is !!!
RC get yer filthy mind out the gutter :HTrying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
mollyka;1429457 wrote: sick shower of shits yez are over there:H
I was talking about telly watching - I don't know what you were thinking :HTrying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
Army Thread Wednesday 19th December
Well, last day at work for me today - - though ended up saying i'd be on call as there are things that need tied up before i get back in Jan... so will have to do it during the holls... Bleh.
But at least I don't have to physically get up early tomorrow and lounge about in my jimjams for an extra hour or five in bed as the rain lashes down and the wind bashes and howls itself against the stone walls like an irate banshee.
And I have an idea for what to do at New Year (a fear cos in Scotland it is THE night to drink)... stay in Stirberia until the bells... then drive north to first foot my folks. Therefore I canny drink, and once I get to my folks will be sure of a restful snooze.
Molls were you trying to search for skiverville in a search engine called goggle or google? Just askin..