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Woke Up This Morning

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    Woke Up This Morning

    Hi I woke up this morning and decided to try to taper off of alcohol. I ended up in the hospital three years ago with pneumonia and my doctors were so concerned about my drinking they treated me in a detox ward. Spent two weeks in for the pneumonia but strangely had no withdrawal from the alcohol. Had to recover at home for six months and didn't have a smoke or a drink for almost two years. Then started both again. Stupid move. Drinking every day but never drunk. I work from home so it's easy to function but I'm really mad at myself for getting in this position again. My wife is supportive of my decision to quit again but I'm a little scared I'll let her down again. Also scared of withdrawal even though I had no symptoms before when I was sick. Does tapering work? I can't pay for detox so I'm on my own wife my family.

    Woke Up This Morning

    9:45 AM and taking today one hour at a time. I feel positive about my decision and learned a lot reading some posts here.


      Woke Up This Morning

      Feeling Good

      So far I'm feeling good. A little anxious about the future. Spent the day reading about alcohol abuse. Took a vitamin and drinking lot's of water. Tapering is tough but sounds like it's for me. Still scared about withdrawal.


        Woke Up This Morning

        Hi know and good morning!

        I saw a thread yesterday entitled detoxing at home you can maybe search that one for suggestions, stories.
        Also the Newbie Nest is a great place to check in as there are lots of people just staring out as well as ' Ol Timers' (sorry Lav and disrespect?..) they are a great help.

        Wow, 2 years! Wish I had that under my belt no matter how I got there. I just got over pneumonia. What a fricken awful time that was so I can imagine your struggle. I wish I had gone to the hospital at one point. Whole family had it. Almost needed helicopter drops to keep us going. :H And of course Al was the last thing on my mind thank goodness!

        Welcome :welcome:

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Woke Up This Morning

          Hang in there. I find it easier sometimes not to watch the clock or the calendar.

          AF since 12/26/13

          "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


            Woke Up This Morning

            Staying busy works for me. I'll try to hang in. Thanks


              Woke Up This Morning

              Hi Iknowicandoit, Welcome!

              I thought it might be helpful to re-post what I wrote recently to another person that is new to MWO. I am not good on a computer or at writing, and it would probably take me all day to re-compose a new post with all the same information. Hope you don't mind and hope it helps. Good luck!

              Hi Rednose, and welcome. My story is very similar And my history. The drinking accelerated after older kids left home, news of death of father, whom I hadn't seen since childhood, death of mother 3 months later. Plenty more majorly stressful events at the same time.

              I have never been to a rehab/detox. I went to AA on and off for years. Many, many people there had gone to treatment centers, some several times, all of them ending up in AA in the end anyway. Thought I would save myself the money, which I didn't have anyway.

              AA didn't work for me either, as I had hoped. Constant relapse, in spite of all the meetings, sponsor, Big Book reading, steps, etc. I did eventually find a meeting I liked and felt comfortable in and went daily. There was a daily noon meeting, with pretty much the same people. It took five years, but I finally got two years of sobriety. Then I blew it and have been struggling ever since. Today is only day 16 for me.

              I also read Dr. Joan Larson's "Seven Weeks to Sobriety". You can get it at the library. I implemented her recommendations at the start of what turned out to be my two years of sobriety. I believed they helped alot. She takes a nutritional/supplemental approach which has worked for me. (Unfortunately, I also took up smoking after 20 years, but it provided me with a crutch when I was upset, to go have a cigarette instead of a drink).

              I lost 30 lbs in two months, after cutting out sugar, white flour, most grains, fruits, etc. The main thing being to stabilize blood sugar. The low glycemic thing. I felt great and was doing great. Kept the cravings at bay, too.

              Go over to "Just Starting Out" and check out the Newbies's Nest. Lots of support, there. People in all stages of recovery. There is a great link, today, on the Newbie's Nest, from a member named Kuya. It's at the bottom in the signature line. It is really an excellent, comprehensive article on alcoholism. Very informative. Read that, and read as much as you can of the postings on this forum. Join us in posting what is going on with you. So many kind and supportive people here, as I'm sure you will discover by reading.

              As far as the detox. I have been through some truly hellish withdrawals, the last being the worst, in that I used to bounce back in a few days, but this one went on and on for over a week. I thought I would never feel better. More wear and tear......being older.....more damage over time? If you are able to call your doctor, ask him/her for something to help you through the withdrawals, especially some valium. Only one or two of my withdrawals had any medical support, but it can be dangerous to go cold turkey. I once got a prescription for 10mg valiums, 3 times a day, just enough for a couple of days, and it was the difference between hell and a comfortable withdrawal.

              Mostly I've just done cold turkey, using whatever I could; tons of water with fresh lemon in it (re-hydrates and alkalinizes the system and helps detox the liver). I would take a GABA (with B6 added for absorption), a relaxer, l-tryptophan, another relaxer, the green drinks helped. Vitamin B....l-glutamine is supposed to help cravings, so is kudzu rescue. (Amino acids should be taken on an empty stomach, but lemon water is ok)

              There was one time when the above was not enough and I didn't have access to a doctor. I did the 'poor man's detox'. I tried to get through day 1, but was shaking so much, I thought I would go into convulsions. Wine has always been my drink of choice, so I didn't get that, but I walked to the nearest liquor store and got a couple of large, dark beers. I nursed those all day, as if they were medicine, just enough to keep the shakes and sweats at bay. It did work for me, that time. I was much better the next day and was able to continue on alcohol free (AF) But this approach can be a slippery slope...

              There are so many threads to read on MWO, advice and feedback on meds and supplements, there is the MWO book and cds. There is a toolbox, with lots of strategies and advice, (which is always linked with some of the senior members signature lines , if you can't find it). (I'm not good with a computer, or I would post those links here myself). Good luck Rednose. So glad you are here!
              AF since 12/2/12


                Woke Up This Morning

                Good Advice

                Thanks I have been doing the lemon/water drink. Today is a mental health day for me.


                  Woke Up This Morning

                  Hi Iknow,

                  How are you doing today? I was never able to taper because by beer 3-4 all my good intentions went out the window and I'd head off to the store to buy more. My only option was to quit completely. I'm not saying that's what you should do, it's different for everyone, and I DID have my doctor helping please do what's safest for you.

                  You know you can quit, you proved it in the past. A few years ago I had pnuemonia and I felt so awful that I swore I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt my body again...but I did. I went back to drinking AND smoking as soon as I felt better. I was recently able to quit smoking for 81 days but I too relapsed and have yet to quit again.

                  Take it one day, hour, minute at a time. You CAN do this and we can help.

                  Sending you strength,

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Woke Up This Morning

                    K9 Lover,
                    Doing well thank you or as well as can be expected. I guess we have a bond alcohol and pneumonia. I was so sick they told me I might not recover. Two weeks in the hospital and six month recuperation at home. Two years in with no smokes or wine and I blew it. I really am sick of both habits. Today I woke up and said this is it. I drank far less today so far than I have in months. Keeping busy helps. Watching old movies on AMC to pass time today. I wish I could call my doc but she'd be so disappointed in me I'm afraid to. She took a real interest the first time and saved my life the first time. Came on her own time every day to the hospital to cheer me up. I do remember what she taught me and am using it this time again. My wife is thrilled and I can depend on her support. Weird thing is I never get drunk so why drink? I'm a musician and drinking goes with the lifestyle. When I quit the first time I never craved a drink. Don't know why. Also did a positive thing and joined the YMCA today. Helped the last time. Thanks for tour comment and support.


                      Woke Up This Morning

                      My wife is having a few girlfriends over for an Xmas party tonight so I'll just go in the bedroom and watch a movie . Very weird day today. Drank a lot less than usual today but felt tired and anxious all day. Hope tomorrow is better. I'm sure it will be.


                        Woke Up This Morning

                        I'm sure it will be too. Take it easy tonight and get some'll feel better tomorrow! You'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank (or drank MORE) the night before!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

