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ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

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    ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

    Recluse;1429916 wrote: Just scoffing down some reheated potato dauphinoise that was left over from lunchtime.
    ooooooh had to google "dauphinoise" and now I'm off to the grocery store......:H


      ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

      I am under a blanket and Tigger is under the tree, seems to have picked up after calpol...
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

        Oh hello everybody howareyiz...... 2 Hossys up this way are banning visitors cos of the bug...North Manchester and loads a wards in other ones...oh well wont be a problem after tomorrow night :H:H:H:H
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

          Molls are youse washing the books to make sure the bug isnt passed on??? :H:H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

            Hiya troopies :hiya:

            Molls - that's an ace thing to hear. You should be chuffed. So there.

            Pp-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-qqqqqqqqqqq, you are p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-ositively and quite p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-rop-p-p-p-p-p-osterously funny with your p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-icture p-p-p-p-osts :H

            Zenny - lights out, hun.

            Reccie! Good to see you. Excuse me for my ignorance but which wee part of the global village to you live in?

            P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-ingu... that aint good you and the Tigger having the snotters. Hope you both get better...very soon and especially for you in time for a snog from Santie.

            Hiya questyroo (not a word according to Lord Google), work done, aye?


              ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

              Mick - you alright? :hallo:


                ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                mollyka;1429932 wrote: Thanks again Reccie - it means a lot:l
                Aaaahhh - the Norovirus Sounds lot posher than my one hehe!!

                Just a thought ---- mebbe the Winter vomiting bug/Norovirus IS the end of the world - we just haven't realised it yet --- this time tomorrow we'll all be with holy god and we'll be saying 'AAAAHHHH - so that was what that was':H:H
                HA HA.

                Bloody well done Molly in being one of the three.
                See if this post gets through:new:
                Big problems with my internet
                I am sick with a UTI. However better than Novovirus


                  ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                  mollyka;1429918 wrote: Thanks Reccie - felt like I was showing off a bit there - but I feckin AM proud of myself - so ---- sod it!! Early days tho

                  Nope, not showing off at all.

                  mollyka;1429918 wrote: :H:H - well I think my last thoughts in me new specs would be 'shouldn't have wasted all that money':H
                  Had to laugh! Do you have Scottish ancestry by any chance? (Trying to wind up our fellow Scottish troopers!)

                  mollyka;1429918 wrote:
                  Have to work in Howth tomorrow - so will be leaving at the crack of shaggin dawn - and then up to Navan for Aftercare - bloody hell - should be getting airmiles
                  Are you working over the Christmas period? I used to like doing that because it was always so quiet and there was very little work to be done. The country practically shuts itself down for the Christmas week. I also did the overnight on-call duty cos it was quite lucrative over the Christmas period as so few people were prepared to do it.


                    ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                    see the state of some of the books - reckon they must vomit on them or summat
                    Wow Molls...some job...meals thrown in too!!! :H:H
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                      Well you know what will be said if you ever come to round to mine or Micks for an evening...

                      "You'll have had yer tea?"


                        ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                        back laters orf to watch a moive on me lappie...


                          ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                          mollyka;1429959 wrote: Just cos Arsey's gone to look at a moive - don't mean yez all have to bebandon me :-)
                          Not sure whether this post will post but not going anywhere!


                            ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                            I won't bebandon you.....have you heard about the Ikea monkey over there?


                              ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                              Ah it did go-- Sitting on the couch with Mr A who is feeling rough. However, me with a rip roaring infection feels OK!

                              All shopping done and family arriving from Scandinavia and Oman arriving tomorrow ARGGHH!!


                                ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                                Sorry 2 arrivings freudian slippage

