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ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

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    ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

    mollyka;1429970 wrote: Guess it's loads of 'arrivings' anyhows:H:H:H
    17 for christmas dinner . Nuff said


      ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

      That is what guilt does to you!


        ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

        Blimey whizzy, you and your family are a proper bunch of globetrotters! Mario will be getting jealous at this rate.

        You seem to be very knowledgeable about quite a lot of medical stuff, so I'm guessing your medical training was not limited to midwifery?


          ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

          mollyka;1429968 wrote: Who the feck is Carl (Not the brightest button in the drawer me:H)
          Carl is the monkey that escaped from a car, while the owner was shopping, and ended up in an Ikea. The owner lives in an area where they are not allowed to have monkeys so she said she'd move if she got Carl back.

          Video went viral, thought you all might have heard about it.

          I'll leave now.........


            ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

            anon;1429972 wrote: 17 for christmas dinner . Nuff said
            Blimey again! How on earth do you manage 17? Have you got more than one cooker?


              ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

              Recluse;1429976 wrote: Blimey again! How on earth do you manage 17? Have you got more than one cooker?
              I have told each couple to bring a course and I am borrowing a "Hostess Trolley"
              Mr A is usualy good at these events


                ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                RunningCourage;1429928 wrote: Reccie! Good to see you. Excuse me for my ignorance but which wee part of the global village to you live in?
                Oh...missed this earlier, arsey, sorry. I'm in West Oxfordshire, home of our (not so) beloved prime minister.


                  ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                  Recluse;1429981 wrote: Oh...missed this earlier, arsey, sorry. I'm in West Oxfordshire, home of our (not so) beloved prime minister.
                  Anywhere near Henley? My nephew lives there it is lovely. Mind you as a Guardian reader I cannot be doing with Cameron


                    ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                    Evening me darlings.

                    Off to have a read back.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                      mollyka;1429992 wrote: Just ate the left-over ribs from yesterday - they were simply - what's the word --- eeerrmm - awful nice :-)
                      Joey's just come in after doing his crimbo shopping - Mum to Joey 'did you get all your shopping?' - Joey to Mum 'yep, all done now' - Mum to Joey 'where is it?' - Joey to Mum 'oh shite - it's in Chris's car boot and he's gone to Cork' - Mum to Joey 'oh dear'

                      That was a nice read back. Oh Molls proud of you, darling.

                      Sorry you're a poorly bairns, P3 and Our Whizzy.

                      Oooooh and I'm now off work 'til 7th January.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                        anon;1429986 wrote: Anywhere near Henley? My nephew lives there it is lovely. Mind you as a Guardian reader I cannot be doing with Cameron
                        Henley is in South Oxfordshire whizzy, so we're kind of on opposite sides of Oxford. In reality, it's not far short of 50 miles from where I am to Henley. Never been there BTW. Nearest I ever got to it was reading Three Men in a Boat!

                        I sent a very stroppy e-mail to David Cameron taking issue with his policies shortly before the last general election. It was a very long e-mail and it took me a few hours to compose and I was drinking the whole time. The end of the e-mail was slightly less coherent than the beginning!


                          ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                          Mr JC's knew nothing about the world ending tonight. Where has he been for the last month.

                          Pie and peas in da JC hood tonight. We're so rock and roll.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                            Hi JC etc.--
                            Bloody hell Molly pressies goneto Cork:new:

                            Just had a call from Oslo with plans for christmas her man has never done a British Christmas!
                            All ideas welcome:H

                            Feeling tired but got loads to do!


                              ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                              sorry wreccie and molly x posts et al


                                ARMY THREAD 20/12/12

                                + JC

