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Made it Through The Night

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    Made it Through The Night

    Hi all,
    Had a crummy night but had a small victory. As I said yesterday I started tapering off of alcohol. I spaced my drinks out and went to bed early. Woke around 3AM and thought about having a drink but said no to myself. Tossed and turned the rest of the night but didn't give in. A small victory but a victory none the less. Two days ago I would have. Not looking forward to today but I'll stay on track. I hope.

    Made it Through The Night

    Well done! It is all about telling that stupid voice to feck don't NEED one does

    Keep on trucking


      Made it Through The Night

      So True

      Scared about today. Wish I had never started drinking again Quit for almost two years. Didn't miss it. Keep beating myself up over it and know I shouldn't. I need to live in the present not the past. Plus to quitting is I smoked less cigarettes yesterday because I drank less. Fpund that out when I quit before.


        Made it Through The Night

        That fear is not YOU. It belongs to the al mind. It is afraid you will carry out with your plan & it will die. It knows it's only chance of survival is to convince you that you can't do this. That it's hard. That you will fail. That you will be miserable without al. It needs you to drink so it can survive. It is like a leech, sucking the very life force out of you, just so it can survive.

        You, the REAL you, looks forward to every al free day.

        So what's it going to be? Who is going to run the show? You? The REAL you? Or the energy sucking parasite that has no problem living off of you until you are dead.

        I read a post on here one day that rang true to me. It said...cravings are only thoughts.

        These thoughts are not yours. They belong to the al mind.

