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Night Two

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    Night Two

    Made it through another night with out drinking. Again went to bed early woke around 2AM and really wanted a drink but didn't give in. Just tossed and turned but I figured it will help me taper off better if I know and can go without a drink for 6 or 7 hours. Tapering sure looks easier than it is. Going to add some time before each drink today. Lucky I work from home. I feel really anxious right now.

    Night Two

    Hang in there friend. During one of my sleepless nights early in my quit I made a list of the pros and cons of drinking at the level I was. After looking at it and discovering there was absolutely nothing of note which was positive I was able to reshape my thinking which gave me more resolve to part ways with alcohol. 2013 can be year full of promise.
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


      Night Two

      Keep adding more and more time without drinking. You can do this!
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        Night Two

        well done you...keep adding time you want a drink ..ask yourself why...all that sort of the time you are finished the craving should have gone!!
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Night Two

          Thanks everybody. As my dear wife reminded me I quit for almost two years before. Just need to tough out the anxiety and self recrimination. I made a plan this morning.
          1) Stop drinking through the night-Guess I started that already
          2) Once step one is accomplished don't drink in the morning for as long as you can
          3) Put more space between drinks
          4) Get active
          5) Read a lot of books
          6) Pray it works


            Night Two

            Good morning.

            You might want to check out a natiral product called Seredyn for the anxiety and also for withdrawals. I used that and still rely on it if I get an anxiety attack. Otherwise, i use AMoryn (same company) every day as a mood booster.
            For sleep, someone on this forum recommended Dramamine when you are withdraing, and it did help me.
            Hang in there. The alternative is so much worse. . .as you know!
            "One day at a time."


              Night Two

              Thanks I'll check it out. I was diagnosed with PTSD when I quit a few years ago. I think this anxiety now comes from not knowing if i can quit again or from withdrawal. My wife is so supportive right now. Just gave me a big hug before she left for work and told me I did a good job the past two nights and suggested I take a walk to calm myself. Only problem it's pouring rain out with 50 mile an hour winds. I guess I'll take a walk around the house


                Night Two

                Thanks. Today drank less again. Going out in a little while Xmas shopping. Should take my mind off of it.

