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Army Thread, 24th January 2012

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    Army Thread, 24th January 2012

    Good morning litter mates! :l:l:l

    Surreal day yesterday. What is this nonsense about not being given anything you can't handle? Load of old rubbish if you ask me... and I think the powers that be could have timed it a bit better quite frankly.

    The Vet said he was sorry to leave it to Sunday to call me, he'd meant to get back to me on Saturday. Reason being someone stole his computer. OMG... Merry Crimbo! I honestly think the world we live in needs a boot up the bottom...

    Anyway... the whole darn family was in tatters yesterday. It's a huge long story but my uncle's dog belongs to my cousin and she just got back from Australia 3 days ago... just in time for the dog to go South. Aunty, Uncle, Mam weeping... half an hour after the Vet called about Hamish... and it is bloody Christmas again when my animals tend to go to the Rainbow Bridge. To say I was discombobulated would be putting in mildly! Made rehab look like a frikken haven!

    Hamish is now on supps... just like his mum. I'll see how he is when I get back. He's going in for a second round of tests next week... to make sure there was no screw up with the first lot... I shall be micro-managing as best I can... :upset:

    Will be off in there in the morn and will have a lot of you lovely people in my head when I do so. If I don't get to talk (through Reccy!) I'll see yous in a month. Going to miss yous big time... :upset:

    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year. It's quite a difficult time of the year for people, but I think there is power in numbers and you will all be able to hang together and make it a good holiday and keep each other safe and strong... :h

    I'll check back in a few after I brush my fangs, and I'll try and log on before I leave in the morning... but if I don't see youz I'll catch you in January... and may the start of 2013 serve you well... I'll be thinking of you all... you are very special people. )

    Love yiz! xxx

    Army Thread, 24th January 2012

    Mornin my lovely Zenny and Molly.

    Just as the wise Molls said Zen, this is your time... absolutely do what needs to be done for you and know that we are here, like a motley dishevelled crew of cheerleaders waiting for you...

    There's Mario :yougo:

    And Molls :yougo:

    And Jacs :yougo:

    And Whizzy :yougo:

    And Pingu :yougo:

    And Tipperooooo :yougo:

    Back in a bit - emoticon police are out on patrol....


      Army Thread, 24th January 2012

      And Tabbers :yougo:

      And Questyroo :yougo:

      And Mickerooney :yougo:

      And Foxy :yougo:

      And Benjy :yougo:

      And Arsey and Starty and Nurdie and PPQ and all the rest of who have popped by, not been by in a whiley, or our newly being inaugurated to the barracks. :yougo:

      We're all here waving our pink pomspoms until you return, at which point you can laugh at how fecking stupid we look and kick us all back into shape. Zenstyle.

      There's gotta be dance moves for that 'zenstyle' ....

      Zen I'll miss you much and will be thinking of your each day hoping your enjoying (right word ?) yourself to the max with Zentime.



        Army Thread, 24th January 2012

        Oh Gawd... I am going to miss yiz....

        Molly has been a rock for me, so has Jackie. Starty, as we all know, is my bestie... and I miss BigBum (One2Many). Sigh...........


        Earth to Sheila.

        Jackie, can you call Heather and tell her it would be best if she started posting again. Thanks hon..... I have no time left..........


          Army Thread, 24th January 2012



            Army Thread, 24th January 2012

            mollyka;1431370 wrote: My darlin wee Zen! Keep ur head up high - remember ur an alkie - not a criminal, it is an illness IMO - and u are goin to b healed - and soothed:l
            Leave the problems of the world behind u - family, kitties, house etc - they'll all survive - and so will u - this is Zentime for u - go into that 'other' world today - and forget about all else - it'll all b there - chugging along in a months time :l

            MORNIN all else - goin to look at ham pavlova and mince- pies - oh gawd why didn't I do more yesterda:upset:
            Fucking love you. End of!!! :l:thanks::h


              Army Thread, 24th January 2012

              Dear Zenilite,

              I know this is an emotional time for you hun & maybe even a bit scary. I know last year I almost checked in to. I was really scared!!!....I should have gone!!! I was getting pretty sick! My youngest daughter especially was begging me to go. Her big blue eyes were filled with tears. Oh gawd....

              Just trust that you've made the right choice & trust the pros. Plus you know Mollers, JC, etc would never ~ ever steer you wrong!!!... They, Byrdie & a few others have helped me so very much!!!...

              Sometimes even tho I'm sober 7 months I still think I'd benefit. I was scared of things to, but you really & truly are giving your self the best gift you could ever give yourself sweetie! Like I said last week & all that love you are saying to.

              I did op-rehab, tricked them, but should have done in-patient. Feck I needed a 90 day one or more. But, like Molly is saying it's not prison! Funny how are minds can go all over the place. Your going to learn a lot & have some fun.

              Try not to worry, Mollers is right the world won't fall apart. We know you know. Time go's so fast. Just think how cool it will be to have your sobriety date at Chimbo.

              Gawd I'll miss you alot!..... Everyone will!!!.... You are so ~ so kind & nobody makes me laugh like you!... I was begging you to come have fun on that naughty thread. You talented girl you. :H

              I've had kitty problems from hell too. Haven't wanted to bother you. :upset:

              I have to call my Mom b4 she go's to bed sweetie. I'll pop back on here if your still up in bit. She worries. Just like yours.

              Oh crap did I tell you I went out shopping today in the crazy mess. :upset:

              Oh kiss one of the horsies for me. I want one really bad always have. A pony.

              Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Beautiful Woman. Your going to be so happy you did this! Blessings for you!

              Hi to the rest of the Army peeps.

              Love Always, :h

              Wildflowers :l


                Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                Awww damn it WF...

                WF... you are special... big hugs... and HUGE smiles!!!!!!!! I love you.


                  Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                  Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Zennie :l:l:l

                  Wish I could send you offf with a tin of the Anzac biccies I baked this morning.

                  Good morning Army An unseasonal (for this corner of Saffaland) thunderstorm last night and some welcome gentle rain this morning. The garden is soaking it up after the weeks of dry weather we've had.

                  Mum is off to go and say goodbye to one of her new neighbourhoof friends who'll be spending x-mas with her kids. The cubs went to the office with Mrs. T, who is working half day today. Dunno what I'll be up to for the rest of today.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                    RunningCourage;1431373 wrote: And Tabbers :yougo:

                    And Questyroo :yougo:

                    And Mickerooney :yougo:

                    And Foxy :yougo:

                    And Benjy :yougo:

                    And Arsey and Starty and Nurdie and PPQ and all the rest of who have popped by, not been by in a whiley, or our newly being inaugurated to the barracks. :yougo:

                    We're all here waving our pink pomspoms until you return, at which point you can laugh at how fecking stupid we look and kick us all back into shape. Zenstyle.

                    There's gotta be dance moves for that 'zenstyle' ....

                    Zen I'll miss you much and will be thinking of your each day hoping your enjoying (right word ?) yourself to the max with Zentime.

                    Awww ya wee beauty!

                    Big feckin smiles over here..........


                      Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                      tiptronic_ct;1431387 wrote: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Zennie

                      Wish I could send you offf with a tin of the Anzac biccies I baked this morning.

                      Good morning Army An unseasonal (for this corner of Saffaland) thunderstorm last night and some welcome gentle rain this morning. The garden is soaking it up after the weeks of dry weather we've had.

                      Mum is off to go and say goodbye to one of her new neighbourhoof friends who'll be spending x-mas with her kids. The cubs went to the office with Mrs. T, who is working half day today. Dunno what I'll be up to for the rest of today.
                      Take care... ok?


                      See you next year! *blink* OUT!!! :l :h :new:


                        Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                        mollyka;1431370 wrote: My darlin wee Zen! Keep ur head up high - remember ur an alkie - not a criminal, it is an illness IMO - and u are goin to b healed - and soothed:l
                        Leave the problems of the world behind u - family, kitties, house etc - they'll all survive - and so will u - this is Zentime for u - go into that 'other' world today - and forget about all else - it'll all b there - chugging along in a months time :l

                        MORNIN all else - goin to look at ham pavlova and mince- pies - oh gawd why didn't I do more yesterda:upset:
                        One last thing before I go... this person is special. :l

                        I should shut up now and bugger off.

                        See yis! Crimbo smoochies. Flip side! Bye! Will miss youz...


                          Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                          Zenstyle;1431396 wrote: One last thing before I go... this person is special. :l

                          I should shut up now and bugger off.

                          See yis! Crimbo smoochies. Flip side! Bye! Will miss youz...
                          :hallo: :l :l :h


                            Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                            Will miss you to zens xxx

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Army Thread, 24th January 2012

                              Good morning to the rest of ya, in a mad hurry loads of things to do,

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

