It doesn't feel like Christmas to me. My family is all over the globe and we couldn't get together. I don't know. It just doesn't feel like the holidays. Maybe because there is still no snow here in
I am very grateful for what I have.
And things are going well for me.
But I am having issues with the boyfriend. This is a big deal since we have been together for almost 6 years.
My drinking is just shit...but I can't seem to stop. Or imagine life without it.
This is the same old song and dance but I know I can vent here - no judgements.
Another black out again last night.
Huh.....another one - like it's no big deal or something.
And to deal with it the morning after I am thinking my answer is more booze. It's not.
I'm fat because of this disease too and I hate myself for it.
So I thought to myself - what is the point. If I die - then who will care.
I am not the party animal/life of the party like I thought I was. I am just a messy sloppy alcoholic that sucks at life at this point.
I HATE who I have become.
I HATE this disease.
I HATE that I can't be happy when I have amazing things going for me.
I HATE I can't stop at just a couple.
I HATE that I can't remember half of the last year.
I HATE 2012.
I HATE me.
I'm so lost.