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Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

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    Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

    Whatsup JC??


      Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

      Ach well, back to day one MB. Thought you'd had a drink when you were on vacation, never mind could be wrong I often am.

      And you know me I'm sure that counting works.

      I was thinking about it this afternoon, when a baby's born we say ooh he/she's 2 days old. Then ooooh he/she's 5 weeks old, the well I never did he/she's 18months and then we talk in years.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

        JackieClaire;1433136 wrote: And here comes the most boring fart of the lot of yis.
        :hallo: fellow farter.

        I wish there was a farticon.


          Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

          Lurking sounds like stalking, dosen't it? Well, just that you guys seem to know each other so well, you know, I'm a bit shy coming in here but you all seem pretty cool.

          I did drink on Christmas Eve too. Yeah, not that great. didn't drink Christmas day or since. It's kind of stupid. I feel like I have to make my drinking guests feel comfortable so I drink w them. Isn't that dumb? What am I, in high school w peer pressure and all that?! Dumb.
          Alcoholic (or Ally)

          "Only a fool knows everything.
          A wise man knows how little he knows."

          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


            Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

            Alcoholic;1433148 wrote: Lurking sounds like stalking, dosen't it? Well, just that you guys seem to know each other so well, you know, I'm a bit shy coming in here but you all seem pretty cool.

            I did drink on Christmas Eve too. Yeah, not that great. didn't drink Christmas day or since. It's kind of stupid. I feel like I have to make my drinking guests feel comfortable so I drink w them. Isn't that dumb? What am I, in high school w peer pressure and all that?! Dumb.
            Some of us don't know each other. I don;t know any of them. But I'm paying them to put up with me. And now I can't afford to drink :H

            Making your guests feel comfortable? Hmmm sounds like an excuse. I feel that too - "oh i don;t want people to feel uncomfortable, they'll be wanting a drink, they'll be wanting to SHARE a drink with me..." If they feel uncomfortable, that's their problem.

            I don't know if you smoke, i suspect not, but you wouldn't light up a cigarette in your own to make your guests feel comfortable would you? Exactly. So just because, what, AL is "socially acceptable" doesn't mean that you or they have to feel uncomfortable if you decide no to a drink.

            I'm saying this on the AF band wagon. Different if you're modding though.


              Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

              it was not worth it because
              - hubs didn't like it one bit
              - kids didn't like it one bit
              - I am a light weight now and two beers makes me stupid
              - i felt like crap the next day....tired adn weepy and mad at myself
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                I still really struggle at Christmas, not with cravings but just feeling like I dont quite fit anywhere, I know its daft but its a huge issue for me to feel boring and although I am happy not drinking I think I am quite reserved and just feel well odd at Christmas and quite depressed actually.
                Mind you I can stand at the drinks isle and pick all sorts and not crave it, I dont even want it. I just want to be comfortable with my choices. Which I am mostly, just not at Christmas.
                Make sense?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                  Alcoholic;1433148 wrote: Lurking sounds like stalking, dosen't it? Well, just that you guys seem to know each other so well, you know, I'm a bit shy coming in here but you all seem pretty cool.

                  I did drink on Christmas Eve too. Yeah, not that great. didn't drink Christmas day or since. It's kind of stupid. I feel like I have to make my drinking guests feel comfortable so I drink w them. Isn't that dumb? What am I, in high school w peer pressure and all that?! Dumb.
                  I remember being called a lurker. I went bright red. Thank goodness no-one could see me.

                  Aww Ally, you're having a bash at moderation right now. Unless you got rip roaring drunk, insulted the neighbours and ran over someone's dog think you're doing OK. But drinking to make others comfortable needs a teeny bit of thinking about.

                  RunningCourage;1433154 wrote:
                  Some of us don't know each other. I don;t know any of them. But I'm paying them to put up with me. And now I can't afford to drink :H
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012


                    mama bear;1433155 wrote: it was not worth it because
                    - hubs didn't like it one bit
                    - kids didn't like it one bit
                    - I am a light weight now and two beers makes me stupid
                    - i felt like crap the next day....tired adn weepy and mad at myself
                    Sorry about the drinking mrs bear. I hope you can put it behind you quickly and move on. :l


                      Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                      Its so good to be able to share this shite with like minded peeps
                      I guess we never really forget how we were do we?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                        that is the plan Mr Bear, trust me
                        Christmas is a hard one, it really is
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                          Molls...everyone else was drinking an laughing and I just WANTED one.....really bad...
                          it's hard being the only one that doesn't drink in a room full of drinkers
                          and I enjoyed the was nice....but I KNOW I cannot drink...plain and is a dead end path for me and will only get worse
                          I honestly admire people that do it on their own....with no one to be accountable to
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                            startingover;1433167 wrote: Its so good to be able to share this shite with like minded peeps
                            I guess we never really forget how we were do we?
                            Do you know I could have sworn I replied to this.

                            You're so right Starts. I am lucky that I can have a wee chat with a few of the clients at work about addiction and I know for sure you lot have got big shoulders but I could live 'til I'm a 1000 years old and I honestly don't think my family will ever 'get' the power of addiction.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                              so true JC.....hubs just doen't get it.........
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Army Thread Thursday 27/12/2012

                                Mama....sorry to hear bout the Chrimbo drink...but in the grand scheme of things.certainly aint day one!!Pick yourself up.dust yourself off and keep walking the path....the next time he raises his head you will know how valueless it is :l
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

