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DAY 6 of 2013
I hope the starmakers are working this weekend. LOL
Packing today for an unexpected trip to the bay area. I have a long layover in Charlotte
Thursday night. I am very familiar with the airport, and my gate is near a bar. I haven;t flown through there in a while but many hours were spent in that bar being stupid.
But that was then and this is now and I won't be doing that. The AL brain kicked right in when I looked at the itinerary---as in UH- OH 3 hours in Charlotte; that's a lot of drinking time!
The thought is sickening-to drink there, then fly to Raleigh then DRIVE home. Oh but yeah I have done that. SO thankful for antabuse!
I believe that part of the alcoholic mindset is the idea that we are not "as good" as others in many ways. It is for me anyway. I always thought that everyone had it all together except me. I finally realized that the facade exists for most-things are not always as peachy as they seem. I am no more and no less than anyone. And I cannot be perfect all the time.
What a relief to find some measure of self-acceptance.
I hope everyone has a good week. And I hope I get through this weel wothout stumbling; I am supprting a complex system that frankly I don't know as much as I should. I will get through it and give the help I need to.
Ann Carolina;1439155 wrote: I hope the starmakers are working this weekend. LOL
Packing today for an unexpected trip to the bay area. I have a long layover in Charlotte
Thursday night. I am very familiar with the airport, and my gate is near a bar. I haven;t flown through there in a while but many hours were spent in that bar being stupid.
But that was then and this is now and I won't be doing that. The AL brain kicked right in when I looked at the itinerary---as in UH- OH 3 hours in Charlotte; that's a lot of drinking time!
The thought is sickening-to drink there, then fly to Raleigh then DRIVE home. Oh but yeah I have done that. SO thankful for antabuse!
I believe that part of the alcoholic mindset is the idea that we are not "as good" as others in many ways. It is for me anyway. I always thought that everyone had it all together except me. I finally realized that the facade exists for most-things are not always as peachy as they seem. I am no more and no less than anyone. And I cannot be perfect all the time.
What a relief to find some measure of self-acceptance.
I hope everyone has a good week. And I hope I get through this weel wothout stumbling; I am supprting a complex system that frankly I don't know as much as I should. I will get through it and give the help I need to.
Hey Fly
Oh no I got this-antabuse takes the option off the table. I will be really tired from flying nearly all day and the time change.
I intend to shop, for one thing, and get a few things at the Body Shop near my gate. They also have a bunch of rocking chairs in the airport that are rather relaxing.
East to west coast trips and back after only a couple of days are very tiring to me. I have done it many times, but Friday I am not working so I'll sleep in and chill out at home. Just spoke to my boss and she said she so appreciates me going that I definitely don't have to come in Friday. My group is only 4 people and someone HAD to go; unlike my colleagues I don't fell that I have the right,so to speak, to say no. It's part of my job and they pay me a lot of $$ to do it so I don't feel that I could refuse. It nearly always goes this way, but 2 guys I work with have kids and I don't REALLY mind so much. I just wish I had more training on the system I have to support.
But drinking? NO FREAKING WAY
I am thinking that I should look in to antabuse. Anything I should know? Side effects? Had an AF free day on 1/5 and then I was alone tonight with a bottle of wine in the house and... well you can guess the rest. I start a new job tomorrow - what am I doing? I don't remember much about my evening. I guess I cooked dinner and I know I talked to both my sister in law and my husband but don't really remember much of it. I need some more help. I can not do this on my own. That much has just been proven twice over the past few days. I am calling my doc in the morning and setting up an appointment. All I can say is that this love/hate shit with AL is driving me crazy. I really hate it. I mean REALLY! I want to escape it.Make it a great day!:heart:
I feel ya! I know it is awful.
Just my story-my doc would not give me antabuse. I was at the end of my rope and ordered it from River pharmacy in Canada. A bit pricy but it's saving my life so I do not care.
It takes a while, and if you want some ASAP I can send you some until it arrives.
Just let me know. Someone here did that for me and I am grateful.
I'm on my to Cali right now but I can def get some to you if you want. I'll be home Thursday night. No kidding-in my case it is a lifesaver.
Don't beat yourself up ! You can do it! I was a terrible mess and am now getting some timme racked up and feeling good.
Hi Once:
I have extra Antabuse too if you need it. It's rather old but...2010?
So Okay I bought THE CALENDER and I really love it becasue it's Maxine and if you don't knwo who Maxine is just think of a favorite , ass kickin' curmodgeon AUnt and multiple times ten and This is Maxine!I bought some stickers that say things like Way to go! YOu're terrific, excellent job...stuff like that.
So far everyday is filled after Christmas with the exception of the first Thursday. I had one small rum (and it was small because the bottle had been pretty empty from the Holidays) when the pressure built and built and built and built and no matter what I did to rellax I was a lunatic in my head so... I had small one and went to bed....
Anyway I am having the kids put the stickers on the days. They love it. I am telling them that I put them on there after I have accomplished a small goal for the day..Okay I don't tel them which goalI say something like did my homework for work tomorrow or Walked Luna for an hour...stuff like that!
They like this idea. Might catch on!
Anyway hope everyone's calander is seeing some stickers so far! Happty Monday !:lOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Kradle - I really love my calendar and stickers too. It's such a positive reinforcement. If I'm feeling bad, I just look back at my calendar and look at all my stickers! That way I can see that I have improved even though I might not feel that way at the moment.
Ann - have a good trip. Are you flying into Southern California? That's my area. Oh - you're going up North I think I read.
Once - Good for you for making the appointment. I just told my Dr that I wanted to stop the voice in my head that kept trying to make me drink. She knew I had been struggling so she prescribed it. Once you swallow that pill, it takes drinking right off the table. You just have to keep taking it. My problem was that I would stop after a month or so. I need to stick with it longer. Only side effects that I have had are the exhaustion and headaches when I very first start it. That goes away quickly. After that, I can't even tell that I'm taking it. No side effects with any food or perfume or anything. I don't even think about it.
Well - got to get back to work."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
I started the calendar/sticker thing about 3 years ago but it wasn't until last year that I was able to have a calendar FULL of was hit and miss up until then. BUT...the point is to keep on trying until it clicks...and it will!
Now I have 4 calendars for AF days, one for NF days, one for days I exercised, and one for the day I gave the dog her meds (because I won't remember otherwise)...jeez. LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
So I talked to my Doc today and she will not give me the Antabuse unless I sign up with them to do counseling along with it.She perscribed Naltrexone no problem but it really does nothing for me. Since I have no insurance until my probationary period is over I just can't afford the $125 per session appts. that they require once per week so I am out of luck for now. I will do some research on the drug interactions and then order from River if I have to. Ann - I will let you know if I need some to hold me over. For tonight I am fine. I am only having mild cravings and will have no probelms. It is the weekend I worry about. So, another day one under my belt. Have a good night everyone!
Make it a great day!:heart:
Remember we're all here for you and I ave the Antabuse if need be..:l
Nora and K9 I really do like this sticker calendar combination. Belleive it or not Nora it didn't occur to me look at the calander for big picture reinforcement ! Just the Whew I made it another day" picture. I think I need that overview . I am really struggling big time! Not certain why except of course the Stress of Matt...whom I love....and adore....and want to a galaxy far far away...
I forgot about e dog, K9..I have Frontline stickers for Flea treatments. Better get the, on there. No way I would remember until they were having their let's go to the hop part :H
Staying close to everyone tonight I really want to drink.....On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Kradle - I started doing the sticker thing last September. Sometimes I'll sit there with my calendar in my hands and just look at all the stickers. Gets me past the urge sometimes.
K9 - I really should start an exercise calendar but I'm putting that off for now. Don't want to overwhelm myself.
Once - my Doctor gave me the antabuse a couple years ago but wanted me to see a therapist. I did end up seeing a therapist and really like her. I just didn't stick with the antabuse. That is what my goal is now. Stick with the antabuse for a good period of time. Don't stop after 3 months."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
My husband brought home every trap known to man. I have locked up every morsel of you know those little vermin actually knawed bits out of the garbage can handles!! :shocked:
I keep Luna near me all night though I so far I don't see them...I think I heard something othe bedroom roof the other morning but could have been a squirrel... I'm certainly not counting my chickens yet. You know they are out there somewhere...
Haven't gotten to your Rat Resolution yet. still reading and learning! :l
PS- I looked into Rat terriers....On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest