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    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

    Kradle123;1446832 wrote: I didn't drink last night!! :yay:

    I wanted to but had miso soup instead and watched...wait for it...Star Trek

    Woke up this morning saying to myself: No guilt, No Shame, No regrets..over and over and over.
    That felt good...peaceful,
    Kradle, I've always meant to say how nice it is that there is another treky fan here

    It's my little secret. :H


      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

      30 days today!

      The big 3-0 today! This feels like a good milestone for me.
      My last good run was 107 days and I fully intend to make this a year! The comment from the bf really helps. Though I knew he probably thought that it was good to actually hear it.

      I did not go to the music jam last night. I just can't do that right now. I stayed home.
      Later on I'll be ok with it.

      Not sure is I mentioned WHY my company is busing us to the hotel for meetings, then drinks and dinner. I understand that it is liability. Particularly because a young woman last year drove someone to the hotel we use, very drunk, and some people were out front when she pulled up and ran over the curb. They drove her home and thought all was well, but found out later she went back out. She is local like me, so now we cannot drive over;we have to bus it with the out of town people.
      When this woman came to our company I knew right away that she was like me-a big drinker. She reminds me of me when I was in my twenties-just nuts.
      SOOO glad I am done will all of it.


        2013-LET'S DO THIS!


        I have a German female friend from work, and was just chatting with her on facebook.
        She told me that she has been on antabuse and has serious issues with alcohol.
        I have had beer with her since she works for my company but never knew this.
        I told her my truth and she told me a lot of stuff. This is unexpected good news.
        Could be a sober friend to hang out with !


          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

          Ann - that's really great that you have a friend that understands. Great job. I only have one friend (that lives around here) that knows.
          Congratulations on 30 days!! You are sounding great. 20 days here for me. I realized that I can't look at the big picture of all of 2013. It was really beginning to weigh on me. So, I'm concentrating on a day at a time and that is working for me. Plus, I'm loving seeing all of my stickers on the calendar. :H
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

            HEY NORA

            I am doing one day at a time too, just hoping for and imaging Christmas this year having been sober all year.

            The woman I mentioned also has a husband who works for our company and I always though he was a big drinker. But I did not know she was. Just goes to show you-you never know. SO many people have alcohol-related problems. We are not alone.


              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

              Ann Carolina;1446981 wrote: I am doing one day at a time too, just hoping for and imaging Christmas this year having been sober all year.

              The woman I mentioned also has a husband who works for our company and I always though he was a big drinker. But I did not know she was. Just goes to show you-you never know. SO many people have alcohol-related problems. We are not alone.
              I am a fiend for statistics Ann, 7 % of the population of countries that allow consumption of alcohol are alcoholic.

              3010 million in the US, 7% is, ermmm more than (:H maths in head), more than 21 million people. That is five times the population of New Zealand!

              Indeed, we are NOT alone!


                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                Ann Carolina;1446981 wrote: I am doing one day at a time too, just hoping for and imaging Christmas this year having been sober all year.

                The woman I mentioned also has a husband who works for our company and I always though he was a big drinker. But I did not know she was. Just goes to show you-you never know. SO many people have alcohol-related problems. We are not alone.
                Ann no one I work with would suspect I had a drinking problem. I think we'd all be surprised if we knew the truth. I'm glad you found a confidante in your walk to sobriety.

                I had a party to go to the other night. Started out fine, but about 3 hours into it one guy started getting obnoxious. I heard he was separated from his wife, but they were there together. He started following me around a bit too much for my comfort, trying to be funny, bragging about how much he had to drink, etc. Like that's something to brag about! I took that as my cue to leave. Later loser. So glad that is all in my past.


                  2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                  Good job FlyAway, onward for a great 2013.

                  AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                  As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                    Mon Jan 21

                    3 weeks into the new year and here we are!

                    Good job at the party Fly! It's so helpful to see drunk people being stupid.

                    Last night I had a blinding headache that really scared me. It seemes to originate in the middle of my brain,don't know how else to explain it. Very intense and not something I will ignore if it happens again.

                    Other than that all is well. I am taking a vacation week to try to get some stuff done at home.

                    I hope everyone is doing well


                      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                      Three weeks and going strong.

                      AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                      As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                        New year success so far

                        Rolling along this year. I have an idea-something I think I will do.
                        The last day of each month I think I will go buy something small for myself. A scented candle, some wild socks, just stuff like that to mark the end of another month.
                        I still have determination for this.

                        Here is something odd-I found a ziploc bag of something in my closet. Not sure if it arrived there when I was drunk or what. At first I thought it was a bag of small black beads, since I am a beader. But on closer inspection that is not what they are. Some sort of black small odorless pellet looking things. ??? I showed them to my bf and he had no idea what they could be. A strange mystery.

                        So glad to be sober. We went out for lunch today-cold sunny day. I am really trying to live in the moment.


                          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                          Wow, flyaway: good for you!!!
                          Alcoholic (or Ally)

                          "Only a fool knows everything.
                          A wise man knows how little he knows."

                          Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                            Hi guys, haven't posted in this thread for a few days, so just catching up. I'm on day 22 and feeling amazing, trying to curb my chocolate habit now ;0)
                            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                            Day by day


                              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                              Frequent Traveler;1448285 wrote: Three weeks and going strong.

                              Fabulous job FT! ointup:

                              Ann Carolina;1448498 wrote: Rolling along this year. I have an idea-something I think I will do.
                              The last day of each month I think I will go buy something small for myself. A scented candle, some wild socks, just stuff like that to mark the end of another month.
                              I still have determination for this.

                              Here is something odd-I found a ziploc bag of something in my closet. Not sure if it arrived there when I was drunk or what. At first I thought it was a bag of small black beads, since I am a beader. But on closer inspection that is not what they are. Some sort of black small odorless pellet looking things. ??? I showed them to my bf and he had no idea what they could be. A strange mystery.

                              So glad to be sober. We went out for lunch today-cold sunny day. I am really trying to live in the moment.
                              Weird about the black things Ann! I thought peppercorns until you said no smell. Did the pain in your head come and go or was it constant? I have chronic headaches.

                              Alcoholic;1448554 wrote:
                              Wow, flyaway: good for you!!!
                              How are you doing Ally?

                              Mootsbill;1448683 wrote:
                              Hi guys, haven't posted in this thread for a few days, so just catching up. I'm on day 22 and feeling amazing, trying to curb my chocolate habit now ;0)
                              Moots I went absolutely nuts with sweets when I quit drinking. Just now starting to get it under control. Congrats on 22 days!


                                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                                Life is good being AF and NF.
                                AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                                As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.

