How are you doing Ann?
No announcement yet.
Hello everyone!
FT - you are doing great!! I'm still hanging on with you.
Ann - are you getting a lot of stuff done around the house? I'm planning on going thru more stuff this weekend.
Fly - almost your anniversary date!! How exciting. :goodjob:
I hope that everyone is doing well. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
FRI Jan 25th
Happy Friday!
All is well here. Cold day with maybe some snow coming. My last day off.
Frankly I have not accomplished as much as I wanted to this week, but that is OK.
With the antabuse I rarely think about drinking, and when I do it's a random memory of something awful.
I had mentioned that I bought an expensive detox/cleanse thing to jump start weight loss. It consists of shakes and supplements. The shakes are rather yucky so I added Truvia and blueberries and fix them in the blender. It's kind of a thing where my determination is a result of the $$$ I spent. LOL
It is nice to be sober, looking forward to a weekend that will not include drinking and the recovery from it. I was at a point where it took 2 days to get over drinking. What a waste.
I rarely read fiction, but I am reading a book now -The Good House by Ann Leary. It's about a woman who has been to rehab and then starts drinking again. Pretty good actually. Good description of the delusional thinking that allows someone to drink who knows they should not.
I wish everyone a good weekend.
Frequent Traveler;1450895 wrote: Trying to maintain focus...
Good morning everyone!
Been buried under the children so haven't really posted much. Been thinking ALOT about what is stopping me from going forward in my journey ... I was over on the Stella thread not to long ago and kuya wrote me a wonderful post about staying stuck in my past...still haven't thanked her properly yet...lots to think about .
But this morning I found some web sites with inspirational blogs from people all around the words and this one spoke to me.
So for everyone struggling with making peace with our past (that should be my new Avatar!) here it is. And FT I see you are struggling too. Maybe this will help :l
You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex, but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with them...
:l :hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Frequent Traveler;1450923 wrote: Thank you Kradle, I will use those thoughts as I now take my bicycle out for a ride on this beautiful day.
:bedtime:On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Hello fellow travelers-
Here we are at day 27 of the new year. I am happy to report that I am on day 38.
Doesn't seem like a lot but it really is for me. Since I came to MWO my longest time was 107 days. The 2013 pledge is making a difference for me. I REALLY don't want to let myself down, and I want to be saying ONE WHOLE YEAR in December.
The week of the meeting I have to go to is next week, Feb 4th. I am not worried about it at all. All it takes is one little pill to maintain sobriety. Of course I have to be vigilant about taking it so I do take some credit.
I took the week off work, so I have been a bit isolated. It's been good for me though. Lots of time to be thinking about how I need my life to go from here.
AND spring will be here before you know it!
I hope everyone is doing well
Ann - you sound so positive. :l Thanks for this thread and all your positive energy.
Day 28 for me. I'm still taking my little white pill too. I'm really working hard to make sure that I stay on it. I have a history of 'forgetting' to take it. Or deciding that I was going to stop. So, I'm really trying to change that this time.
I hope that everyone is doing well.
FT - sorry that you have to travel. I'm thinking of you. Sending you strength. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora you are doing great! Thirty days is just around the corner.
Hi Ann. We are closing in on the first month of 2013 down! What a relief to get to the point where you're not sweating the work trips. Just keep taking the pill!
Hi Kradle, I was thinking about you today. I've been reading about a type of therapy called Somatic Experiencing. In a nutshell it's a type of therapy that deals with healing the nervous system and whole body from past trauma and emotions. I'm interested in it for myself and am trying to find a practitioner nearby, but I've noticed you mentioning the need to deal with your past and thought you might find it helpful too. I hope you are well. How are things with Matt?
FT are you feeling any better?
Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, but what can you do? I've been lazy the last 2 days. Feels good to decompress. I've been doing some yoga and am amazed at how hard it can be at times!
Wed 1/29
Hey everyone
Two more days and we are at the end of the first month! Only 11 to go --
All is well here in NC. The woman I mentioned who has revealed to me that she is addicted to alcohol wants to go to dinner Friday night. I am going and feeling good about that. We can probably help each other out in this struggle.
My daughter has been in the hospital for a Bartholin's cyst, very painful and infected and needed to be drained. THey did it under general anesthesia so she spent last night in the hospital. She has been calling crying with the pain and I really wished I could be there for her.
The meeting I mentioned where we are being bused to the hotel it seems is worse than I thought. Apparently, according to people who went to the first one, the second night is going downtown and riding a trolley and BAR-HOPPING basically, then finally stopping at a place for dinner. This annoys the hell out of me. The bus idea was supposed to be about liability for drinkers,not being responsible as a corporation crap.
They are actively encouraging drinking then saying WELL...after the bus drops you off you can still drive and we will not be liable. I am simply going to refuse to go. I have no desire to hop around downtown Raleigh with a bunch of people drinking.
Thanks for being here guys.
Peace and love
Happy Thursday and end of month one! Rolling along!
I noticed today another benefit of not drinking. I am able to live in the moment more, for several reasons. One being that I am not running late for everything having slept as late as possible with a hangover.
My drive to work is more leisurely since I am not going at the last minute OR late.
And of course it is much easier to get things done on the to-do list, instead of ignoring the evening ones to spend that time at a pub.
There was talk here in the office this morning of a guy with our company who lives in Phoenix and drinks a LOT. He drunk-dials a bunch of us often and people are not answering since they know what is up. I got a call last night at 10 my time but I did not answer. Two hours later he callled another guy and was talking jibberish. I feel for him but I don't think I am in a position to try to help really. He is in town in a few weeks and wants all of us to go out with him. Now that I think about it maybe I should and of course not drink as an example of how it CAN be done.
We are on month 2 tomorrow guys! YAY for us
Ann: so glad for those able to do it!!! I knew I couldn't and didn't. I think I caved 1 or 2 days out of 31 days... Maybe next month w 28 days I would do better. I'm so proud of you guys though!!!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.
Jan 31st has arrived,wow who would have thunk it back on New Year's Day that here we would be.
It has not been easy, several questionable desperate days but overall I am so glad I made this step and say as AL above next month with 28 days will be even better.
To all of you on this journey you are all my inspiration and I truly thank you.
FTAF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.