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    2013-LET'S DO THIS!


    Greetings to the twenty-thirteeners!

    Something to share today--this coming week a colleague in the company is coming to town. He used to work with us here and wants to go out with us one evening. He is a big drinker with a big drink and dial problem.
    A lot of people I work with discuss his phining at all hours,drunk, and refuse to answer the phone. I don't answer quite often since I know how it is going to go. I have a feeling that if we get together with him (whether I am there or not) something might be said to him about this. He lives in Phoenix and we are in the east so it's later at night here when he calls and people are tired of it.
    I like him and I would not mind going for dinner, which would be my main focus since I don't cook. I have no fear about drinking at all since I simply know that I will not. It does not bother me to be around it in that setting.
    I'm really not sure if anyone intends to bring his drinking/dialing up at all, or maybe to him privately. He has already been in trouble for this after calling some higher-ups and yammering drunk. This should be interesting.

    BUT all is well here in my world. Beautiful sunny day with lots of options. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!


      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

      Hi everyone,

      Just wanted to post a goodnight and say I truly wanted to drink girls and I volunteer for rescue mission meals on Saturday. Going home I kept thinking about telling the girls I needed some groceries so I could pick up you know what.

      Well, I thought of you guys here and some posts in particular...especially honeysoup who posted a really visual encounter she had standing in line at the grocery store!!

      So made it home and snuggled with the munchkins.

      I get to add another sticker! :yay: me!

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

        Yay you!!!! Great job Kradle!!! :goodjob:

        Ann - you are really sounding wonderful. I'm so happy for you. :h
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

          Ann what an awkward situation. I'm trying to honestly think if someone I knew saying something to me about my drinking would have made a difference. But for me it was only my husband and kids who saw me get drunk. I would think being told while out with a group of coworkers would be extremely uncomfortable.

          Kradle good for you! And how nice that you and your girls volunteer on Saturdays. You're setting a great example for them.

          Good morning Nora.


            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

            HAPPY SUNDAY

            Kradle-that is really neat about the volunteering. So nice to give back.

            Fly-I would love to send you a piece of my jewelry to celebrate your one year coming up so soon!

            As for the awkward situation (possibly) with my co-worker this week-I doubt if anyone will say anything. Though I kind of feel like I would like to talk to him about it in a kind and caring way. But then again that may not be appropriate. I know that when a comment was made about me in front of colleagues I was very embarassed BUT it was part of the catalyst to get me going on the right track. PART OF IT, along with my own shame and remorse etc. So you never know.

            I have mentioned my sister who lives with a drunk guy, and yesterday she said she got up at 9:30 he was sitting there with a mixed drink, had at least 3 then switched to beer. Drunk as hell by afternoon. She said something about all his drinking and he said -GET THIS-"DO I say anything to you about eating POPSICLES all the time?"
            The mind boggles at this nonsensical logic. Talk about denial!
            When I worked in a clinical setting I saw death from alcoholism in patients much younger than he is. I would say that this has got to catch up with him sooner rather than later. He just seems to roll along without major health issues at this point, but I have no doubt that his liver function has to be impaired greatly, and I think his cognitive abilities are diminishing. He drinks like that EVERY day and I am sure if he did want to quit, which he does not, he would certainly need medical detox. I feel sorry for her in a way, but you choose the way you live and she has no courage to change her situation. Sad.

            I hope everyone had a good weekend, as we are to slay the dragons again for another work week. I do love my job and don't dread going there. A major plus for me.

            Peace and love to all


              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

              Still AF & NF - like that little train, still moving along.
              AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
              As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                How are my 2013 partners doing?

                Ann did you have dinner with your coworker yet?

                FT I know you're still going strong.

                Is there anyone else who has been sober all of 2013?


                  2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                  Hi Fly, Ann, Nora, FT,

                  Still struggling somewhat over here. My son is becoming a huge depressing trigger for me. He was just kicked out of therapy, for heavens sake...honesty issues...what a surprise ...

                  Have a few no sticker days on my calendar but I am not going over board or's more like an edge offer . If that makes sense..

                  Still I know the pitfalls , the backwards progress this will produce. I'm trying. That's all I can say at this time....

                  Love you all. Staying close and reading reading reading :l
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                    Kradle123;1462780 wrote: Hi Fly, Ann, Nora, FT,

                    Still struggling somewhat over here. My son is becoming a huge depressing trigger for me. He was just kicked out of therapy, for heavens sake...honesty issues...what a surprise ...

                    Have a few no sticker days on my calendar but I am not going over board or's more like an edge offer . If that makes sense..

                    Still I know the pitfalls , the backwards progress this will produce. I'm trying. That's all I can say at this time....

                    Love you all. Staying close and reading reading reading :l
                    Trying is all you can do Kradle. And it's certainly better than doing nothing! Do you find the sticker system helpful?

                    I'm so sorry to hear about Matt. Can you talk to the therapist for some suggestions on what you should do? :l


                      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                      Hi Fly,

                      I love the sticker system. I think I have you or Nora to thank for that great tool/idea.:l
                      It's right over my desk and I can see my progress right in my face.

                      I have talked with his therapist a great deal. She basically says he's dishonest with us and until he gives consent for her to discuss his sessions as a family, she isn't seeing progress. He has three weeks to decide. She also thinks he should be put back into public school...the only school which will have him now sucks and he is really scared to go there. But scared or no I have to do something. It's really ripping me to shreds.

                      Parenting our children really is like walking around with our hearts haninging on our sleeves. :upset:

                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                        HEY GUYS

                        All is well here in NC. I did not go to dinner with the co-worker. Several people went and I went home. I just did not feel liike doing much of anything so I didn't go.

                        I am really out of energy today. I feel pretty awful and I don't even know why. I am still at work until 5; feel like I should just lie down. Which is probably what I will do ASAP.

                        Still not drinking, and still not thinking about it. It simply isn't something I have any desire to do. Right now that is. We know how quickly that can change. LOL


                          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                          Kradle sorry to hear about your son, lets hope things get better. I am lucky to se a 16 year old son and he is a pretty good kid, I know I am lucky.
                          So far 2013 is shaping up nicely, not easy but moving along and worth the effort. AF & NF and very proud of that, have had my moments but with these wonderful friends here it is working.
                          Making that commitment to health is a major helper as it makes me feel so good ( well most of the time ) not when the muscles are aching and screaming.
                          But the exercise does help a big way in helping me focus.
                          Anyway thank you all for continued support.
                          AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                          As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                            Happy Saturday Twenty-thirteeners!

                            Here we are at day 47 of the new year! As usual time is rolling along, and it is nice to be aware of it and living it rather than grinding through drunk.

                            We have SNOW today! Beautiful big flakes. I was very surprised when I got up and saw it; did not know this was coming. I scared the bf half to death running in and saying "LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!" He popped straight up like a jack in the box. It was pretty funny.

                            So I now have 58 days and as someone said on a different post I don't want to drink, and really don't even think about it. Except to sort out the ways my behavior was different even when not drinking. I think I had a chip on my shoulder to any criticism, knowing that my secret was so awful. But of course it was not a secret; to astute observers it was obvious.

                            This year I am taking on big work projects to further my career, after a few years of somewhat slacking. I plan to regain the respect of my peers that I used to have and I think I have started to do that. I have agreed to speak at a big meeting in Georgia in May, where the scrutiny will be harsh. Also hoping to do demos in Vancouver in June. This will be a really big deal and you have to be on your game to do it right. I can do this.

                            My daughter is at her father's for a service for his mom who died last week. Obviously I am not going. His family does not want me there I am sure since they love his current wife, and that is OK. His mother was cremated and they are having a "celebration of her life" at a country club of all places. The man I used to know would have never done this way back then but he has changed and that's OK too.

                            I hope everyone has a great weekend!

                            Peace and love


                              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                              Two months today and feeling great! I found myself thinking about drinking Saturday night, some wine in my garage. So I took my antabuse and dismissed such madness.

                              I hope everyone is doing well!


                                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                                Wow, 60 whole days!! That is fantastic, Ann. :yay:

                                Thank you for starting this thread. Though I'm not exactly there with you yet, I know this is pushing me in the right direction. :thanks:


                                PS Added another sticker last night!
                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                       tool box
                       newbie nest

