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    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

    once again, you just gave me a great idea. i am going to buy a bottle of nonalcoholic white wine, not let my friend see that it is nonalcoolic and then drink that all night. she likes red wine so she will drink her red. i like white so i will buy a bottle of white nonalcoholic wine!!!! Maybe I'll buy a case of it so whenever she comes over, I'll drink that, and I'll have enough red wine waiting for her so she'll think I'm drinking w her!!! Thanks once again!
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

      I'm in, I'm with you RC, scard as hell, but I'm in, and I'm gonna make it!


        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

        Alcoholic;1433910 wrote: once again, you just gave me a great idea. i am going to buy a bottle of nonalcoholic white wine, not let my friend see that it is nonalcoolic and then drink that all night. she likes red wine so she will drink her red. i like white so i will buy a bottle of white nonalcoholic wine!!!! Maybe I'll buy a case of it so whenever she comes over, I'll drink that, and I'll have enough red wine waiting for her so she'll think I'm drinking w her!!! Thanks once again!
        I've done that in the past and it keeps 'em quiet unless they take a swig. Whatever it takes to get through a difficult situation.

        I am so pumped by reading all the posts. We're all chomping at the bit. For some reason, I keep taking that one sip each evening to see if I still am imagining it or really rejecting it. So far, I seem to have lost my taste for it. It's either self-disgust with my past failures or taste buds damaged by my flu.. I won't get cocky this time. Each time I do I fail. There will come a day soon that if I take a sip, I will like it and keep sipping it. I am no different than anyone else. It won't be easy; there will be lots of temptations. I will come here to this thread with each temptation.

        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
        ? Lao-Tzu


          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

          Just popping in to say Hi. - Tipps, you're right, we are chomping at the bit!

          We can't wait (even if we're scared.. but one moment at a time).


            2013-LET'S DO THIS!


            6 a.m. and up reading posts. I love this place and the support and great people here.
            Again. so psyched for the new year.

            I enlarged my calendar gadget on my desktop so I can see the date clearly. I'm going todevise a differnt one (might have to be manual) to mark off the days, preferably in red so I can track progress. If I allow myself to think of all 2013 occasions with no drinking it seems odd, but that thinking is where the trouble starts. One day at a time.

            One goal is to run a 5K this spring also. I used to do these a lot and there is no reason this can't be a reasonable goal.

            There is something else I realized lately. When alcohol is in the picture there is so much guilt, shame and all that-it makes it hard to give yourself credit for the good things. The drinking and its aftermath just overshadows everything. For example-my work trip to Florida earlier this month. I had to go check out one of our most complex systems. I realized that I know more tham I give myself credit for. I mentioned this to my boss and she said NO KIDDING. Drinking just colors everything with a negative shade that doesn't let the light come through.

            It is a cold rainy day. I am going out to get everything I need in one trip-Michaels for some beading stuff I need. I'm going to put on some music and make jewelry. I love doing it and I like giving it away. Selling some now and then is ok too.

            Have a great Saturday friends. I'll be around all day on this dreary weekend day


              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

              I was in before it was in to be in ! :H:H


                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                Looking forward to a sober 2013, working on my list of goals and fun stuff for the upcoming year and I know without alcohol I will accomplish all of it. Hey Ann, I'm a runner too and looking forward to running some good races this year as well. Sometimes when I'm out for an early morning run (nothing like it in my opinion) and I think about the years of laying in bed hungover I'm amazed at how I allowed myself to waste all of that time. No more!!!
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                  Hi Ann. I have several beading and jewelry projects that I could use some help with. Like pulling apart a pair of earrings and turning them into something I would actually wear but when I walk into a beading place or Michaels my head explodes with all the choices. I wonder if you could help me.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    2013-LET'S DO THIS!


                    I would like to join this thread. I am so tired of wasting my life away in a bottle of wine. I feel i'm finally sick enough to give sobriety a chance.

                    My plan is to taper down over the next couple of days and go AF on the first. I also want to go vegan for 2013. I was a vegetarian for most of my 20's and want to get back to it and also eliminate dairy.

                    I am a 56 yo women, soon to be 57 in January. I like the idea of being accountable to this thread and the people in it for 2013.


                      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                      Ann Carolina;1434067 wrote: 6 a.m. and up reading posts. I love this place and the support and great people here.
                      Again. so psyched for the new year.

                      I enlarged my calendar gadget on my desktop so I can see the date clearly. I'm going todevise a differnt one (might have to be manual) to mark off the days, preferably in red so I can track progress. If I allow myself to think of all 2013 occasions with no drinking it seems odd, but that thinking is where the trouble starts. One day at a time.

                      One goal is to run a 5K this spring also. I used to do these a lot and there is no reason this can't be a reasonable goal.

                      There is something else I realized lately. When alcohol is in the picture there is so much guilt, shame and all that-it makes it hard to give yourself credit for the good things. The drinking and its aftermath just overshadows everything. For example-my work trip to Florida earlier this month. I had to go check out one of our most complex systems. I realized that I know more tham I give myself credit for. I mentioned this to my boss and she said NO KIDDING. Drinking just colors everything with a negative shade that doesn't let the light come through.

                      It is a cold rainy day. I am going out to get everything I need in one trip-Michaels for some beading stuff I need. I'm going to put on some music and make jewelry. I love doing it and I like giving it away. Selling some now and then is ok too.

                      Have a great Saturday friends. I'll be around all day on this dreary weekend day
                      Hi Ann and everyone else.

                      Ann when I read about you using a calendar it reminded me of a short article I read in the past year and I was wondering if you had heard of it before. It's about a productivity tip given to an aspiring comic by Jerry Seinfeld. Essentially what he said was that to establish any habit you should get a big wall calendar; one that shows the whole year. Then each day that you do whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, take a red marker and cross that day out. The psychological impact of seeing a chain of red Xs will spur you on to continue and you won't want to break the chain. I've never done it, but it sounds like what you're doing. Here's a link to the article:
                      Jerry Seinfeld's Productivity Secret


                        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                        Tavistock;1434177 wrote: :new:

                        I would like to join this thread. I am so tired of wasting my life away in a bottle of wine. I feel i'm finally sick enough to give sobriety a chance.

                        My plan is to taper down over the next couple of days and go AF on the first. I also want to go vegan for 2013. I was a vegetarian for most of my 20's and want to get back to it and also eliminate dairy.

                        I am a 56 yo women, soon to be 57 in January. I like the idea of being accountable to this thread and the people in it for 2013.
                        Hi Tavistock! :welcome:

                        How much are you drinking and for how long? When is the last time you've had any alcohol free days? I've got to tell you, when I quit drinking my eating went right out the window! Food and sugar cravings galore. My advice would be to try dropping the alcohol first and then try to add in going vegan. Keep posting and reading. Best wishes to you!


                          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                          Overit44;1433897 wrote: I'm in!

                          K9-how long were you on AB?

                          You can't be fan #1 because I am. LOLOLOLOLOL! God Bless my little white angel.

                          I have a follow up with my DR on 1/4 to discuss how her original prescription is going. I can't wait to tell her. When she prescribed it, she was just as excited for me as I was for myself and gave me a great big hug. She'll be so proud of me.
                          Hey Overit44. I don't think K9 is usually online during the weekend, but I wanted to say that I believe she still takes Antabuse.

                          K9 is right, Antabuse is just a tool and no one should feel like they are cheating to use it. We recommend using Kudzu and L-Glut too and no one bats an eye at that.


                            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                            I cant see how any sort of supplement, whatever it is, should be considered cheating. This isnt a highschool mid term, its about being AF..............if that means taking pills, or wearing a pink tutu then whatever it takes, by all means DO IT!!!!!
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                              Hi Fly!

                              I've been drinking 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of wine with small periods (2 days to a week) alcohol free for the last 20 years!!

                              Gawd just writing 20 YEARS sounds insane. I am going to my daughters for New Years Eve which is also my husbands birthday. He is going to give up AL on the first with me. I truly dont have any faith in him remaining AF, but regardless, It is my goal and I wont let him bring me down. He drinks beer and I dont like it nor am I tempted by it.

                              The time is now and I cannot wait to start.


                                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                                Tavistock;1434189 wrote: Hi Fly!

                                I've been drinking 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of wine with small periods (2 days to a week) alcohol free for the last 20 years!!

                                Gawd just writing 20 YEARS sounds insane. I am going to my daughters for New Years Eve which is also my husbands birthday. He is going to give up AL on the first with me. I truly dont have any faith in him remaining AF, but regardless, It is my goal and I wont let him bring me down. He drinks beer and I dont like it nor am I tempted by it.

                                The time is now and I cannot wait to start.
                                yay.. another wine abuser about to cork that bottle for good. Welcome! Getting or making myself a huge callendar with 365 days on it.

                                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                                ? Lao-Tzu

