Personally, i believe I'm not the negative person that sometimes takes over my thought patterns. However I do think that i've repressed a lot of stuff through AL and perhaps don't know how to deal with all my feelings or interactions with some people or situations. My hope is that if i can carry on with being AF that in due course these things will be dealt with, ironed out, worked through and eventually, gradually the me I think I should be (the content me that is comfortable being me) will emerge... It's just one moment at a time, with half an eye on the long term.
I am extremely bitchy these days, pressured and I pretty much know it's because i Self medicated (like Ann spoke of) all that anger I had against you know who pretty much all the way around....trite but true.
I hope that the further I get from AL the less angry I will get. It is very hard and little stuff sends me thru the roof. Just have to be hyper aware...:l
Hugs and heart to everyone tonight! :h