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    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

    Evening everyone !

    Been so overwhelmed with the munchkins latelyim not posting a lot but reading everyday and putting my stickers up. Had 6 slips since the new year and didn't drink a lot , just when my mental pain got so heavy I just couldn't cope. Still working on that...

    Flyaway it is so great you are almost at a year! :goodjob: how do you feel? Feb 18th is my moms birthday. She has passed but that has always been a special day for me. Now it gets to be extra special with you :l

    Ann, i agree with Nora your work situation is really weird to me. Why would any company orchestrate the workers social time? Especially encouraging or at least turning the blind eye to employees getting wasted. This makes no sense to me and I feel terrible for your co workers. Maybe they feel pressured to participate somthey don't feel ostracized and then of course their struggle with AL is on public display....this looks awful IMHO ...

    Nora, dear Nora I am just about done with your journey. It is so wonderful tonsharebyour journey like that. I feel like every nite I get to hang out in your kitchen and all about your day!

    One thing has become really clear to me and that is that no matter how difficult caring for your husband can get and overwhelming you might feel, you simply adore this man...the true love of your life... Your one and only. It is very clear and I feel like I am reading a real life love story. It is very moving to me and I really feel..privileged i get to share it. :yourespecial:

    Okay, I'm watching this very strange show with the kids and hubs about alligator wrestlers/guys with a death wish...oh, almost forgot. Madison and Sedona were dancing tonight to "What I like about you" when Sedona whacked poor Madison right in the eye. uch: she has a big black eye now my poor baby but I am so grateful she didn't damage the eye. Sedona felt horrible. :upset: I was so happy not to be drinking with this going on. Alert and oriented times ten for her.

    Man, you need nerves of steel to be a parent!

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

      Glad that you didn't have to go Ann. Sounds like a horrible time. Your jewelry sound beautiful.

      Kradle - love the new pic you put up. I've been meaning to tell you. I keep singing the 'sisters' song from White Christmas in my head and I think of you & your daughters. Sure sorry that Madison got wacked in the eye. Ouch!
      Thanks for mentioning my journey. Thanks for reading it. :l You are right - I do love that husband of mine. I just forget sometimes. :H Anyway, I just want to thank you for your sweet words. I know that I have repeated my mistakes time & again in my journey. But, I think I am making progress. Thank you.

      Fly - I've been watching your day. I know that it's so close and I'm so happy for you. This is just such a wonderful thing you have done and you sound GREAT. :h
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

        Kradle! There you are! I've been missing you posting. Was thinking about sending out a search party, but couldn't get the dogs together. I too love your new avatar! Don't worry about your slips; your head is in the right place. Getting AF is on your mind as is evidenced by your posting here. In my opinion there is a total mental adjustment that takes place prior to getting 100% sober. You are working on it. Just think how much less you are drinking now than you used to!

        Nora I am great! Feeling better than I can ever remember. Each time I think, damn I feel good, a couple months go by and I discover that I feel even better. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this good. Now that I've got this much time AF, the anniversary date has lost some of its significance. This is just my life now. I'm AF and always will be and want to be. The idea of drinking has become repugnant. You are definitely making progress, btw! I'm so happy for you! :h


          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

          Good Morning Thursday

          Day 49 for me-rolling along in 2013~

          About my company meeting-this is an annual thing, not a common occurence to go out like they did last night. But I do agree that the drinking encouragement is goofy.
          Someone posted on fb last night about how fun it was. And I'm sure it was for people who are "normal" drinkers who probably did not have more than one or two.

          I also heard last night from my new friend that she got drunk Tuesday night and didn;t make it in to work yesterday. She has antabuse but says it does not work for her anymore. Not sure how this could be possible but ??? I clearly understand the physiological workings of the drug and I cannot imagone that it would not work.

          All is well here and I hope everyone is doing great. Today is my last day of smoking so this weekend I might be a bit irritable. BUT at the moment I am feeling very strong and determined.

          We are starting the meeint at 8:30 this morning so it will be interesting to see who is on time and who feels like hammered shit. Such a waste

          Love to all


            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

            Just dropping into say I'm still staying strong in 2013 day 37 so all good. Had a bumpy week with some anxiety and headaches which we established on another thread may have been PAWS, post acute withdrawals symptoms. But whatever it was I'm not over analysing it, it's gone and I didnt reach for the bottle yey.
            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
            Day by day


              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

              Mootsbill;1458657 wrote: Just dropping into say I'm still staying strong in 2013 day 37 so all good. Had a bumpy week with some anxiety and headaches which we established on another thread may have been PAWS, post acute withdrawals symptoms. But whatever it was I'm not over analysing it, it's gone and I didnt reach for the bottle yey.
              Moots that's great! I was wondering how many are still hanging in there from the new year! Congrats!


                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                FlyAway;1458665 wrote: Moots that's great! I was wondering how many are still hanging in there from the new year! Congrats!
                Moot that is so great! :clapclap: it is so bloody hard (at least for me to barrel through those awful times. I don't make it sometimes.

                Fly :l thanks for thinking about me. Even though I have all of you for support, I still feel cut off sometimes, alone in the struggle. Stupid I it means a lot when people notice me

                I had a very intense talk with my husnd yesterday. I really broke down. I find it almost impossible to stay with him after all the awful things I've done...he's done...we've done to each... He is so better equipped to leave the past in the past. I simply haven't developed that set of skills yet. It's the raging thoughts about this, the profound, palpable shame I can't shake and i will have a drink - not anywhere near what I was doing- but a drink, 2... To suspend those voices. He was very kind to me...which makes it worse...but it's a start I think to repairing us.

                The good news fthough is everyday I wake up without having caved, I lay in bed and say over and over and over " I didn't drink, I didn't drink, I feel okay, I feel okay, I didn't drink..." then I'm good to go pretty much. Every morning I do this. It's helping

                Well, the girls will be home soon and no snacks!

                Love to everyone.
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                  Kradle, I'm with you, just to be able to say ' I did not drink' each morning is amazing. I know in AA hey say no matter what happens, I.e I fought with my husband, I created a fuss, I got in debt, I upset someone, someone upset me. It's only important to stay sober. I'm trying to work on my belief that if I put hard work into my sobriety then good things will come, of course bad stuff will happen but at least they won't have been caused by my latest drunk ;0)
                  Hope snacks were good, my kids are into Oreos which are a relatively new thing here in the U.K ;0)
                  Big hugs
                  AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                  Day by day


                    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                    Kradle123;1458795 wrote:
                    I had a very intense talk with my husnd yesterday. I really broke down. I find it almost impossible to stay with him after all the awful things I've done...he's done...we've done to each... He is so better equipped to leave the past in the past. I simply haven't developed that set of skills yet. It's the raging thoughts about this, the profound, palpable shame I can't shake and i will have a drink - not anywhere near what I was doing- but a drink, 2... To suspend those voices. He was very kind to me...which makes it worse...but it's a start I think to repairing us.

                    The good news fthough is everyday I wake up without having caved, I lay in bed and say over and over and over " I didn't drink, I didn't drink, I feel okay, I feel okay, I didn't drink..." then I'm good to go pretty much. Every morning I do this. It's helping

                    Well, the girls will be home soon and no snacks!

                    Love to everyone.
                    Kradle I'm so happy that you talked to your husband. You've mentioned trouble in your marriage several times. It makes me happy to think of the two of you taking the first step and communicating. You've both got a family that's depending on the two of you to lead the way. I hope your talk is the start of a new beginning. :l


                      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                      Mootsbill;1458798 wrote: Kradle, I'm with you, just to be able to say ' I did not drink' each morning is amazing. I know in AA hey say no matter what happens, I.e I fought with my husband, I created a fuss, I got in debt, I upset someone, someone upset me. It's only important to stay sober. I'm trying to work on my belief that if I put hard work into my sobriety then good things will come, of course bad stuff will happen but at least they won't have been caused by my latest drunk ;0)
                      Hope snacks were good, my kids are into Oreos which are a relatively new thing here in the U.K ;0)
                      Big hugs
                      Oreos are new to you? Funny how different things are. Oreos are pretty much a staple of childhood in the States.


                        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                        Moots that so true that even when the per verbal s**t hits the fan I'm relieved that it wasn't because. Was drinking. Oreos are big with my kids but I ' d much rather have my digestive biscuits! I love those. :h

                        Fly, I'm glad we talked to. I actually was breathing easier today. We'll see. :l
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                          Ann Carolina;1458503 wrote: Day 49 for me-rolling along in 2013~

                          About my company meeting-this is an annual thing, not a common occurence to go out like they did last night. But I do agree that the drinking encouragement is goofy.
                          Someone posted on fb last night about how fun it was. And I'm sure it was for people who are "normal" drinkers who probably did not have more than one or two.

                          I also heard last night from my new friend that she got drunk Tuesday night and didn;t make it in to work yesterday. She has antabuse but says it does not work for her anymore. Not sure how this could be possible but ??? I clearly understand the physiological workings of the drug and I cannot imagone that it would not work.

                          All is well here and I hope everyone is doing great. Today is my last day of smoking so this weekend I might be a bit irritable. BUT at the moment I am feeling very strong and determined.

                          We are starting the meeint at 8:30 this morning so it will be interesting to see who is on time and who feels like hammered shit. Such a waste

                          Love to all
                          Ann day 49 is so fricken AWESOME! :wd: that's almost two whole months- HUGE accomplishment.

                          I'm glad those 'outings' are yearly. Maybe they have been put in your path as a kind of mid term exam.... Seems you are passing with flying colors!

                          Stay strong with the's a tough nut to crack. Maybe even harder than AL in some ways.
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                            Smoking was definitely harder for me to quit than drinking. Fortunately it's been nearly 25 years since I quit. I can't imagine dealing with both at once.

                            Ann today is 50 days for you! A nice round number and halfway to 100! Congratulations.


                              2013-LET'S DO THIS!


                              Yep day 50! And loving it!

                              People who went on the pub crawl kept saying yesterday that they missed me there. HAHA-I would have been the stupid one. Apparently noone got out of control but they were out late by my clock. Dinner at 10 pm? No thanks. I'm usually asleep by then.
                              Clearly my wild days are over-thank goodness.

                              I'm trying to think of a new art proect for the weekend that I can do in the house. Considering papier mache, since I saw some of this stuff (hand painter bowls) selling on Etsy for $$$$$. It takes time like several days and since I am an instant gratification type I'm not sure I'll do that yet. I'll probably go browse around the art store and see what catches my eye.
                              Also back on my detox/cleanse diet thing after eating junk this week. SO>>>the meeting is over for another year. AND GOOD NEWS-I might be going out to Vancouver BC in June to a big show to represent the company. I would love that.

                              I hope everyone has a terrific sober weekend!


                                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                                Vancouver is on my "to see" list! I've always wanted to go. Looks so pretty.

                                I'm with you. Dinner at 10pm is not an option! I was turning out my bedside light last night at 10.

                                Looks like we're going to get hit with snow so my weekend may involve lots of shoveling. Oh well, it'll be good exercise.

