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    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

    Where are you Ann? How are you doing? Been thinking about you.

    FT, how are you? Still smoke-free and AF, right? You are doing a fabulous job!


      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

      Hey Fly

      I'm here. Just quiet lately


        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

        I'm going through one of my quiet periods too. Everything is good with me, just not a lot to say.


          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

          MARCH 24 SUNDAY

          Good morning--

          2013 is rolling along, and I am starting to believe that later this year I am going to be able to say something I have NEVER been able to say-one year sober. I am not thinking ahead, going one day at a time, but still got my eyes on the prize so to speak.

          Every day when I wake up I look around and feel so grateful that I feel normal, not sick and dreading finding out what transpired the night before. No injuries of unknown origin, no shame, no broken glasses, no need to check phone etc for nonsense drunken stupid stuff. This to me is freedom. Priceless.

          Weekends have a different meaning-no going out in search of something outside of myself that MIGHT make me happy. It means staying in and being creative in a number of ways and spending time in worthwhile pursuits. Though I do spend a lot of time alone it's not unhealthy isolating. It's thinking, DOING, and learning. And coming to new realization every day about another aspect of behavior that is different. Different meaning better.

          It is not always easy. BUt I think we all can agree it's SO worth it.

          I hope everyone has had a good weekend.


            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

            It is true freedom

            Every day when I wake up I look around and feel so grateful that I feel normal, not sick and dreading finding out what transpired the night before. No injuries of unknown origin, no shame, no broken glasses, no need to check phone etc for nonsense drunken stupid stuff. This to me is freedom. Priceless.

            And realizing what I ate the night before, with no memory of having done so! "Why am I not hungry this morning?" "Oh, I see...." I love knowing and remembering everything that happens!
            Friedabee is "free to be!"


              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

              Hey all - sorry that I haven't been around. I got back home and just lost it for a week. But, time to get back to it. The drinking was certainly not helping my grieving. Just covering it up. So - back on the AB today and taking it a step at a time.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                Sorry Nora

                Sorry to hear about your situation. BUT you are back and getting back on track-YAY!


                  2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                  Weekends have a different meaning-no going out in search of something outside of myself that MIGHT make me happy.
                  So simple and so profound! The answer is in us and has been all along. Happiness is our birthright.


                    2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                    I just read this thread cover to cover. It is good to see so many doing well. and the support for everyone (without the guilt trips) is wonderful!

                    For me, not drinking is no longer a choice. I cannot have just one, because I never stopped at just one. So there you have it, BHOG's plan for success. just don't have the first drink.

                    I can so relate to the issues with the company sponsored drinking bus...OMG, what was management thinking? How stupid can you get? If that happened here (Utah), and someone got in auto accident after leaving the bus, the COMPANY would be liable (as well as the individual).

                    Utah is a low-alcohol state (Yeah, right), or so they say. But drive out to Wendover NV (about 90 minutes) and count the Utah license plates in the casino parking lots. Not to mention the DUI stops on the highwy back to Utah. But, surprisingly enough, the Highway patrol has to put a notice in the paper where and when they plan on roadblocks!

                    Anyway, everybody stay strong, and keep putting those stickers on the calendars!

                    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                      2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                      It has occurred to me....

                      Hi guys

                      This week I am on a late shift, meaning 11:30 am to 8 pm. This happend every 4th week and it allows for working from home. SO here I am at home.

                      Back in the bad old days I used to look forward to this shift, so I could drink and not have to get up early. I would start drinking at 8 if not before and then have no concern for getting to bed at a decent hour.
                      Of course the next day I felt and looked like hell but I could stay here and sleep on the couch between calls.

                      Now I look forward to it because I can be home and do constructive things between calls, and log off at 8 and go to bed shortly after. What a difference it makes to stop killing myself. LOVE it!

                      AND the next morning I can get up early and exercise, shop, or do whatever I need to do before work at 11:30. Life is good


                        2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                        Keeping on

                        Well, I guess I'll continue to post here whether anyone reads or responds or not. LOL

                        All is well, wonderful actually. Hoping spring gets going soon and I fully intend to have a wonderful summer!

                        When I get up one of the first things I do is come here for inspiration. I am still taking antabuse, but I think when I run out I'll be OK. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Won't be any time soon.

                        I read about the sponsor idea. Sounds good to me. Maybe some new people do stop in and then leave feeling dissatisfied. Could be a good thing to have someone shepherd them through it all.

                        I am considering bringing up that I have quit drinking with my sister who drinks every night. Not sure yet; she can be very hateful and toxic. I wish she would stop but I know I know-it's her choice.

                        2013 is rolling along and I still feel like I can make it-

                        Thanks all you great people!


                          2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                          Hey, Ann! Now that I have met you, I looked around and found you here!

                          Sounds like you are having a great day with huge optimism for the Whole Year!! What can be better than that?? NS

                          Ann Carolina;1483707 wrote: Well, I guess I'll continue to post here whether anyone reads or responds or not. LOL

                          All is well, wonderful actually. Hoping spring gets going soon and I fully intend to have a wonderful summer!

                          When I get up one of the first things I do is come here for inspiration. I am still taking antabuse, but I think when I run out I'll be OK. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Won't be any time soon.

                          I read about the sponsor idea. Sounds good to me. Maybe some new people do stop in and then leave feeling dissatisfied. Could be a good thing to have someone shepherd them through it all.

                          I am considering bringing up that I have quit drinking with my sister who drinks every night. Not sure yet; she can be very hateful and toxic. I wish she would stop but I know I know-it's her choice.

                          2013 is rolling along and I still feel like I can make it-

                          Thanks all you great people!


                            2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                            Ann Carolina;1483707 wrote: When I get up one of the first things I do is come here for inspiration. I am still taking antabuse, but I think when I run out I'll be OK. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Won't be any time soon.
                            Hi Ann!

                            Maybe you could take your AB every other day like I do? That way it will last twice as long but still be in your system. I only take it every day if I feel the perfect storm this coming up week when my daughter is going to her dad's for Spring Break. I'm taking it every day this week just to be safe!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                              Hey K9

                              Yeah I do that. I only take it a couple of times a week and it is enough. I have plenty but I think that as time goes on the thoughts of drinking are less, and the thought of being drunk makes me gag.

                              I will do whatever it takes, and maybe I won't need it. I did just read that studies in the UK have shown great results with AB long term, so either way it can't hurt.


                                2013-LET'S DO THIS!

                                I like the title of this thread. I need to do this. Almost at 7 days AF. Easter is going to be huge trigger.

