some of you'll know that I'm up at my mum's for a while in the hope that a change of scenery might help me in my battle with the bottle. I replied to a post from molly a day or two back, saying that the relationship between me and my mum was quite relaxed. Seems I spoke too soon. The atmosphere now is decidedly frosty.
My mum can talk the hind legs off a donkey. She talks virtually non-stop when I'm in the same room as her. That, I can live with. Very occasionally, she briefly pauses for breath and when she does I sometimes take the opportunity to try say a few words. I NEVER get to finish what I want to say. I rarely get to the end of my first sentence, even if I speak very quickly. I'm not a man of many words, but when I do speak, I quite like to be heard. Instead, my mum interrupts me or talks over the top of me, more or less without fail. Last night I finally snapped after being interrupted for about the hundredth time and raised my voice..."LET ME FINISH!!! I CAN'T GET A BLOODY WORD IN EDGEWAYS!" Depending upon your point of view, you could say I shouted. I'm now being given the silent treatment. She went to bed a while ago without saying good night, even after I apologised for shouting. She's hurt, and I'm fed up.
I don't need this. And my drinking is clearly upsetting her. Yesterday she came downstairs at 6am to find me passed out on the carpet. She was in tears later because of it. This morning was no better. I'm not sure my stay is helping either of us. If the atmosphere's no better tomorrow morning (well, this morning, actually), I might decide to go home.
I just looked at the clock. It's four in the morning at the end of December. Time for a song...[/video]]Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat (Songs From The Road DVD) - YouTube