Far from amazing hon. Just what I was taught - I really hope Zen is getting the same sort of hot-housing!
Just a question - tell me to mind my own business if you like. What's the story with over the counter meds and getting addicted. Like I 'get' what they say bout the codeine ones, tho they never made a blind bit of difference to me - and anything else? I just don't understand what affect they would have - I s'pose it's like when I went into rehab there was a bloke there for gambling and I couldn't understand why he was there at the beginning - by the end I really did. As I say - I just don't understand the attraction - I would fully understand valium etc.
It harps back to my heroin days Im afraid.
It gives me a feeling of calm wellbeing, motivation, peace if you like. Well it does until it doesnt anymore or you realise that you will probably die trying to take enough to obtain the feelings that one is chasing