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Army Thread Shunday 30th December

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    Army Thread Shunday 30th December

    I'll be surrounded by it, offered it, asked why I don't want it, last yr even suggested I took.a day off and started not drinking again the next day

    Personally would rather go to bed with my.iPod.but not.possible.

    I'm on a little day one of my own...again...trying to stop taking sleep meds. Gah can't sleep with or without them but take them out of fear...
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread Shunday 30th December

      Ahh P3, hun.:l

      The only New Year's Eves I've ever enjoyed were when I was a very little girl. Just me and my Granny, while my Ma and Pa went out.

      It was rather a nice surprise to discover that there actually a morning to New Year's day. I thought it started around noon when you could about open one sticky eye to get a cork out of a bottle of champagne.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Shunday 30th December

        aw pingu. Is it just about battling through a few days without to see if the sleep can improve? Tried herbal remedies? I don't know jack about sleeping meds other than earplugs.


          Army Thread Shunday 30th December

          I did nearly two Weeks then caved in on Christmas eve

          Its a stupid viscous circle. And I hate it.

          I've done some home baking, real pukka like, for tomorrow night. I am crap at cooking so its really unusual for me to try
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread Shunday 30th December

            I hope this day 1 sticks for you.

            Baking sounds good... I could get back into baking... used to bake home made bread but not for a year or so now... loved it.

            You could almost say I kneaded it :H

            Sorry... another bad joke...


              Army Thread Shunday 30th December

              oops been gone an nearly an hour. Just had a wee rant on the meds thread.

              I thought I'd nip back and sing Pingu a lullaby, but she prolly dropped off by now...........that is if she was too close to the edge of the bed.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                Anyone around. Feel like bursting into tears. Gawd why do I let some of the eejits get to me.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                  JackieClaire;1434919 wrote: Might want to try this one as well. Not sure they have it the US. Keep meaning to go to the one we have at work.

                  SMART Recovery - SMART Recovery UK

                  Our Whizzy, it's hard enough hiding our drinking but to hide recovery must be dreadful. Well no one has to hide it from us.

                  And if we see someone at an AA meeting we know they're there for the same reason as us. Gawd I met the girl I started infant school with. We blamed our year one teacher for our problems.
                  I had a look at the website, Jackie (if by any chance you're doing one of your midnight lurks). Smart actually began in the US in 1994 and now operates in many countries:

                  About - SMART Recovery UK

                  The reason I was interested was cos my alcohol counselling was initially at a place called SMART, but it seems it's a different organisation.

                  SMART CJS ~ SMART Drug and Alcohol Service

                  I'd guess that in both cases the name has the same origin:

                  SMART objectives
                  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timescaled objectives.


                    Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                    Hello Jackie :l Don't get yourself upset! Off to see if I can find the meds thread.


                      Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                      Recluse;1435007 wrote: Hello Jackie :l Don't get yourself upset! Off to see if I can find the meds thread.
                      It's when I get angry. I've just been told I've got a foul mouth.:H
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                        Oh blimey, what a complete pillock he/she is, Jackie. I knew there was a reason why I rarely post in other threads. My niece will be starting a degree in medicine in the autumn, so I know that what you posted is correct. Sometimes in this place you end up talking to people who are quite obviously not interested in the facts or the truth and the person you were conversing with is clearly one of them. Stay well away would be my advice, but I totally understand why you're upset. I would be too. :l


                          Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                          I don't think it would have bothered me but the lassie next door became a doctor and nurse because of the way her mum was treated when she had breast cancer. They were fantastic.

                          Unfortunately it came back and killed her mum.

                          Which Med School? Jenny wanted Glasgow but unfortunately failed her basket weaving A level and had to do Biological and Medicinal Chemistry at Nottingham.

                          Anyway I'm going to go (I was about to say try and go) to the SMART meeting at work on Friday. Might help with my nicotine addiction.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                            JackieClaire;1435016 wrote: I don't think it would have bothered me but the lassie next door became a doctor and nurse because of the way her mum was treated when she had breast cancer. They were fantastic.

                            Unfortunately it came back and killed her mum.

                            Which Med School? Jenny wanted Glasgow but unfortunately failed her basket weaving A level and had to do Biological and Medicinal Chemistry at Nottingham.

                            Anyway I'm going to go (I was about to say try and go) to the SMART meeting at work on Friday. Might help with my nicotine addiction.
                            She hasn't decided yet, Jackie. She's had a few offers and she's got an interview at Norwich next week, which my brother will be taking her to, but she will definitely be reading medicine. All of the courses she's considering are 5 years. She'll be 18 in Jan and she's a lovely girl.

                            Hope the SMART meeting helps you. I think you did ever so well to stay off the smokes for so long. Looking on the bright side, it won't be Christmas again for another 12 months, so maybe you can have another crack at building up some NF time in the New Year?

                            Going to disappear now, but for the sake of your own sanity, stay away from that thread.



                              Army Thread Shunday 30th December

                              Nighty night, hun.:l

                              We'll talk Universities tomorrow.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

