The aspect of forever seems to be one of the biggest hurdles when we start recovery. It doesn't seem possible. It sure didn't to me. Keeping the idea of one day,one hour, one min is much easier to deal with.
What we have to realize is that we are looking at this through the eyes of someone new to recovery. We are still that person that drank just we don' drink any more. We haven't been in a sober lifestyle long enough for the changes to take place. I can't tell you when it will happen for you but just as the cravings go away with time so does the aspect of even thinking about " Forever".
New Year coming up if you stay AF the whole year I will guarantee you some of the things that seem impossible for you now will be viewed much different. Recovery from years of addiction takes time. The changes we have to make in ourselves take time.
Forever isn't even a thought for me. I am just a non drinker.
Happy and Healthy New Year to All.
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08