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Army Thread 31st December 2012

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    Army Thread 31st December 2012

    startingover;1435101 wrote: So do we have any New Year intentions? Mine are to get back to living wholly, to embrace my spiritual life more and to make my world bigger. Addiction has the effect of closing everything in on us and that isnt healthy for our minds/mental health and happiness.

    Oh and the usuals of eating well and exercising of course

    How about you?
    That's a great post to begin the day with starty. I don't make New Year resolutions but, like you, I need to get back to living wholly and I would like to make my world a bit bigger. My world is actually already much bigger than it was a year ago. Remember that haircut I went for a couple of days ago? No way could that have happened a year ago. Nor would I have dared to commit myself to going to Dublin. I give my counsellor the credit for that.

    I would also like to learn to like myself a little more.

    Eating well is one of the few things that I get right in my life at the moment. Could definitely do with more exercise though.

    I wish you success with your own goals.

    Panno;1435108 wrote: You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterdays junk!!
    Love this quote panno!

    startingover;1435112 wrote: I think you both have very interesting takes on the New Year thing and probably much more healthy than putting another pressure on our already stressed out systems.
    Yep, that's why I don't make New Year resolutions.

    mollyka;1435130 wrote: We are at that stage too - and a LOT older than you, so even trickier - but the shop will be gone sometime this year - so - I truly sympathise.
    It's a real shame about the shop, molly. Do you have any thoughts on how you and joe will cope when it closes?

    pingu1997;1435146 wrote: Epic fail on sleep last night

    In my determination not to take meds I had the worst nights sleep ever and now I've woken up with a headache and feeling like I could sleep all day..
    I can empathise with the sleep problem ppp. My solution is booze, except that it's not really a solution, is it? I doubt the meds are either. (There....did you see how I included you in my multi-quote! )

    mollyka;1435164 wrote: Dentist done and dusted - it's an infection under my new crown - oh bollix!!! Anyway she's given me an antibiotic and sort of said 'say a few prayers like' that it won't come back!!! Got a repeat as well, so won't have to worry in Canadia (apologies - that's what Jilly calls it!!) --- ordered me dollars as well - so gettin dead excited!
    Glad you managed to get to the dentist molls. :goodjob:

    anon;1435181 wrote:

    Feel I am not contributing to this forum. Being a selfish poster?
    Whizzy, it's not often you talk a load of shite...:l

    Panno;1435182 wrote:
    Besides its great listening to Molly, shes contagious (said with much love) :H:H
    Isn't she just???

    pingu1997;1435187 wrote:
    I've made a lemon meringue pie and black.Forest gateaux. Anyone want some?? thanks! Like I said, eating well is one of the few things I'm getting right at the moment!

    JackieClaire;1435259 wrote:
    I promised I wouldn't look at that thread again. How stoopid am I .
    Oh no!!!!

    JackieClaire;1435272 wrote:
    Bugger off. I know, I know I was so angry but yes the NHS is shite in parts but to have a go at the ones trying to keep it together makes me want to scream.
    As with any profession there are a lot of good hard working people and a few folks who shouldn't be there, but most of the problems with the NHS are to do with the system and not with the doctors and nurses who are doing their best.


      Army Thread 31st December 2012

      Bloody hell Reccie what a great multiquote post.

      Who knows what your potential would be without the booze:goodjob:

      I wish you had been around when I was doing my essays


        Army Thread 31st December 2012

        Well my Boeuf a la Borguignonne is in the oven (posh beef stew to you and me) clean bedding on for the guests, hope they bog off early tomorrow, they are know to out stay their welcome :upset: tidy house and all that so it just leaves me to go and make myself respectable and get the collagen out :H

        I want to thank all of my Army buddies for being here :l

        A shout out to Zen and looking forward to her coming back in 2013 :h

        Happy New Year to everyone, may you find your riches in sobriety, health & happiness :h
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread 31st December 2012

          Ah Panno what a lovely post. No wine in the beef??

          Sitting here on the couch. Mr A asleep watching TV --snoring gently.

          Just read a running blog about me saying how great it must be to get to my age and be running such fast times. Punchline is " I bet she never spent christmas and new year bladdered"



            Army Thread 31st December 2012

            x post Molly XXX


              Army Thread 31st December 2012

              How is your toofache now Molly?
              Did you find out where Joey is going? Your room sounds lovely what with candles etc. Did not do online AA as I could not log on, so will have to do the real thing, the fear of meetings keeps me sober if you know what I mean? However,I need to sort out my guilt,shame issues caused by the" dry drunk"
              Jim Jams on as we speak


                Army Thread 31st December 2012

                anon;1435342 wrote: Ah Panno what a lovely post. No wine in the beef??

                Sitting here on the couch. Mr A asleep watching TV --snoring gently.

                Just read a running blog about me saying how great it must be to get to my age and be running such fast times. Punchline is " I bet she never spent christmas and new year bladdered"

                Love that! But at the same time, you've shown that there's still hope for all of us who are still struggling.

                There's a lovely smell wafting into the dining room from the kitchen. My mum's got started on the meat loaf.


                  Army Thread 31st December 2012

                  I never mentioned this earlier, but on my way up to my mum's on the evening of Christmas Eve I became suspicous about a car that was following me for the last 4 miles. I can't put my finger on it, but somehow or other I sensed that it might be a police car. Even though I was sober, I've never driven so carefully in my life. And as I turned off the main road towards my mum's house, I caught a glimse of the car in the mirror and it was indeed a police car.

                  Well, yesterday evening I returned home briefly to pick up some belongings. On the way down, I stopped at a petrol station on the Evesham bypass. As I got back into my car, I caught sight of a stationary car in the distance with its headlights on. Again, some sixth sense told me it was a police car and that they were watching me. I set off again and after 30 seconds or so a car appeared behind me, so I drove with extreme care. Again, I was completely sober. As I reached the roundabout a couple of miles down the road, the car behind pulled alongside and sure enough it was a police car and they were having a gander at me.

                  I've attracted the attention of the police 5 times now in the past year. Do they know I'm an alkie or something? Or could it be the fact that I drive an old banger? I'm beginning to develop a persecution complex.


                    Army Thread 31st December 2012

                    mollyka;1435364 wrote: My bitchsista used to make a mean meatloaf - never made one myself, but hers was gorgeous - Is Mum a good cook?
                    Yes she is molls. She doesn't often bother tho, only when she has company.

                    Hi hippy


                      Army Thread 31st December 2012

                      Recluse;1435374 wrote: I never mentioned this earlier, but on my way up to my mum's on the evening of Christmas Eve I became suspicous about a car that was following me for the last 4 miles. I can't put my finger on it, but somehow or other I sensed that it might be a police car. Even though I was sober, I've never driven so carefully in my life. And as I turned off the main road towards my mum's house, I caught a glimse of the car in the mirror and it was indeed a police car.

                      Well, yesterday evening I returned home briefly to pick up some belongings. On the way down, I stopped at a petrol station on the Evesham bypass. As I got back into my car, I caught sight of a stationary car in the distance with its headlights on. Again, some sixth sense told me it was a police car and that they were watching me. I set off again and after 30 seconds or so a car appeared behind me, so I drove with extreme care. Again, I was completely sober. As I reached the roundabout a couple of miles down the road, the car behind pulled alongside and sure enough it was a police car and they were having a gander at me.

                      I've attracted the attention of the police 5 times now in the past year. Do they know I'm an alkie or something? Or could it be the fact that I drive an old banger? I'm beginning to develop a persecution complex.
                      Bloody hell Lucky escape or what. I got breathalysed last year and was dead scared even though I was very sober.


                        Army Thread 31st December 2012

                        Wanted to wish the Fabulous Army Peeps a Wonderful New Years!

                        I made a delicious ham, bean, veggie soup in my Nana's old, very large, kettle pot with some rolls. Teased our kiddies & sent piccies. First born will be coming to Mama's kitchen for to go luv ~ healing soup. Enticing our second born to come home. I miss her!!!... :upset:

                        Were doing the same here relaxing with a cozy fire, candles. Tree is still up, but rest of decos are put away. Were planning a long over do date night, if we old folks don't fall asleep again. I'm hitting a noon meeting.

                        Years back when drinking was still fun on New Years Eve, I some how managed to get hubs in my Betty Boop one piece jammies ( x-mas pressie from Sil). He's 6ft tall, I'm 5'4. I took a piccie, it's hillarious. I still tease him once in awhile.

                        I hated them. Try peeing in the middle of the night with them on plastered or not. LMAO. :H

                        Tell Mick to pick me up in his jet plane.

                        Oh Plzz Oney come back.... Your mizzed :h


                          Army Thread 31st December 2012

                          mollyka;1435378 wrote: At least you didn't give the two fingers to a lady guard on a bike - she was knocking on my window when I was stopped at a traffic lights and I just thought she was a nutter!! She was achully very nice about it



                            Army Thread 31st December 2012

                            Quick fly by - got the in laws coming round - first time in two years !!

                            Hope you all have great New Years - here's to a happy and healthy 2013
                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Army Thread 31st December 2012

                              anon;1435382 wrote: Bloody hell Lucky escape or what. I got breathalysed last year and was dead scared even though I was very sober.
                              I'm the same, whizzy. I got breathalysed on New Year's day this year and I was shaking like a leaf even though I was sober. Perhaps us alkies all have guilty consciences?


                                Army Thread 31st December 2012

                                mollyka;1435391 wrote: Ah I don't think it's that - think it's the fear instilled in us by our parents of 'the law' --- I still check I'm kosher when I see a guard walking towards me:H
                                Or a convent education:upset:

                                Hi Wildflowers

                                Questy how are you??

                                Reccie what are you doing tonight?

