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New Year Underoos.....

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    New Year Underoos.....

    Hello **wave** I really need to check in more often...

    G I'm very glad your test results were good. I had to have a CT scan to make sure that the cancer hadn't gone into my lungs....oh my goodness the wait for those results was awful - I was a mess. And after the scan was done, I'm dressed & waiting at the counter to pay for the pleasure, the nurse comes out & calls my name "we need to do another one" she says...seriously? I think I'm a goner & she sees the look on my face & says 'oh we just forgot to do your abdomen" Really? Now you'll have to treat me for the fucking heart attack you just caused :upset:
    Anyway, on this serious note people I really have to pull my socks up in the health & fitness department. I need a plan, so I'm thinking about The Plan including Goals...the first part needs no thought: See my mate Jim a minimum of 4 times a week.
    Tawny, I'm thinking of a frock to compliment yer Sherlock Holmes meets Freddy Kruger affair of the head...for some reason lilac taffeta comes to mind (creative huh?) it'll work with yer Blundstones, trust me
    Missy, your full house sounds lovely.

    Ok, now I'm off to see Jim...Booby pump here I come.
    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


      New Year Underoos.....

      Hello Everybody,
      Boy have I been so long out of the loop!
      I won?t be home tomorrow. Our place could be a fire trap if a wildfire broke out and there?s really only one way in and out and fir always goes up hill so Mr Rags and I are going to pack a few valuables in the car tonight and while he goes to work, I?ll make sure I?m nowhere where a fire can trap me. Hmmm, maybe laze on the beach in 43 degree heat?? I think not!
      OK so here is catch up time for me.
      Tawn, love the mind reader? scary isn?t it.

      Bridge, when you learn how to make the pizza oven, would you tell me too please?

      Ooohh lots of new people joining us in the Undie drawer.

      Oops, just got up to the pizza oven comp. Yep, count me in. . Bugger, the refractory brick pit at Thirroul closed eons ago. Wonder if I could go over there and do a bit of an archeological dig for some.
      I could use the Austral brick pavers that I use to squash the gravlax, and make some mud to throw over it then tomorrow?s heat should be enough to fire it

      KTAB. I LOVE YOU. Or rather, I LOVE the Building Blog. Gotta save it to favourites. And please post a photo of your willow hedge.

      I?m doing another drystone wall thingy in Feb. I?m thinking drystone pizza oven?. Or should I start small and work my way up?

      OK got to read the next couple of pages.


        New Year Underoos.....

        byebyebridgetjones;1439613 wrote:
        You know up to a point I just think some people are lonely etc....but when it gets to the stage that they never shut TF up despite the fact that your eyes have rolled back in and you're starting to sway on your feet....well it's just selfish
        I KNOW that person & it is selfish. I'm related to that person actually...
        Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


          New Year Underoos.....

          Raggsy! Suggestions - the cinema, the pool, ice skating....
          Gotta go. Jim. Bye now
          Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


            New Year Underoos.....

            ... the bank. The bank has the bestest eggnishner ... crappy reading matter but ...


              New Year Underoos.....

              tawnyfrog;1436600 wrote: I've got a door for mine ... already ... and there's not going to be any wood in my formwork ....

              I reckon I can cadge a fancy door too...... let me think about it.

              tawnyfrog;1437088 wrote: First recce has produced:

              Chicken wire

              Now to scout for a suitable location ...
              Geez, I'm not gonna win this comp. Only started reading about it ten minutes ago.

              byebyebridgetjones;1437225 wrote:
              Peeky boo Missy.

              I now have a flu for the cob oven. Clay based soil will not be a problem
              I have the site picked out on top of an old outdoor BBQ, but now I'm worried about fire restrictions
              Just need the formwork sorted out.
              Bugger, I never thought about a flue... I chucked out the flue from my old heater about 12 months ago.


                New Year Underoos.....

                byebyebridgetjones;1439613 wrote: You told us you were 78 four years ago.....

                You know up to a point I just think some people are lonely etc....but when it gets to the stage that they never shut TF up despite the fact that your eyes have rolled back in and you're starting to sway on your feet....well it's just selfish I'm afraid.

                Jeez I'm on a roll this arvo.
                I reckon those sort of people always WERE those sort of people...they didnt age into them. They just are. Like shitty people. They just are...

                Now I'm on a roll :H

                I did a calc once Froglette and I reckon I know the truth re the a.g.e. thing. But as I have the memory of a - you know - I cant think what it was....


                  New Year Underoos.....

                  myhappyplace;1439643 wrote: But as I have the memory of a - you know - I cant think what it was....
                  ... the thing that the water runs through?


                    New Year Underoos.....

                    myhappyplace;1437205 wrote: Aha...well, I have taken Wally's advice and used my powers of procurement to increase my adiposity by purchasing some rather scrumptious pies from the local pie shop...yum...sticking to a theme they are vego...

                    I am working btw...
                    Mr Rags and I discovered these brilliant pies from Gilberts (dumb name) at Mittagong. They are even better than Bryants Pies from Goulburn! Long way to go for a pie but.

                    Miss Behaving;1437247 wrote: You get me for 4 days in JAnuary, 6 days in February, 27 days in March, all of April, 5 days of May, and none of June :H

                    I'm not going to be doing much work in the first half of the year
                    Missy, did you get my little gift? Sent it to where I stayed with you when I was over there.

                    tawnyfrog;1437791 wrote:
                    3.20pm. I just snapped at Wilson who wanted a cuddle. I.don' when it's 42C. Doesn't she get that?

                    Now ... because I'm hot and bothered and seriously bored ... let me regale you with a story. After seeing Raggsy's pics and watching Luke New-win's cooking adventures I decided I really wanted one of those conical Vietnamese/Cambodian/Chinese style hats. The ones with a simple strap under the chin to stop them blowing off. Made from natural materials they act as eye protection, face and shoulder protection and when wet they act along the Coolgardie safe principle and keep your scone cool. Poifect! So I went to my local milk bar lady, a lovely young woman and said "you're from Cambodia - where can I get a ***make pointy shape with hands*** conical hat with a simple ***make chin strap shape with hands***. Oh yes, she says. Put flower on side. I get for you. Two weeks. Maybe $8-10 ok? Yep. Great, I say.


                    When it cools down a tad, I'll go and take a selfie and show you my purchase. Y'all'll be so jealous. Even MrG will want one to complement his already formidable sartorial cache.
                    Bugger, I had the chance to buy some top quality ones when I was in Vietnam. Couldn't have got 'em on the plane but.

                    Why am I ending sentences with "but"?
                    Guitarista;1437826 wrote:
                    I'm keeping cool with an old Massai technique related to me by Chris's brother. The Shuka bag is around the waist front and centre (ok, slightly to the right). Bag filled with ice. Wedding tackle immersed in bag hence lowering/stabilising core body temperature. I've already been down the street in it to get some more ice. No one batted an eyelid.

                    Absolutely marvellous in the water today. Quite cold if you stay in awhile, but boiling on the streets. Supposed to be a cool change here later tonight. Lets bloody hope so. You were right Bridge. The evaporative cooler isn't much chop. Under the shower and in front of the fan works well. I'm more concerned about my instruments, but i think they'll be ok.

                    Watch out pool hogs! Here comes a banana bomb. Ooroo.
                    Which particular instruments are you concerned about? Thought they were tucked up in a shuka bag.
                    Gawd, haven't laughed so much for ages.


                      New Year Underoos.....

                      The Cob Oven Gallery | Facebook
                      AF since 10/26/2009

                      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                        New Year Underoos.....

                        Rags;1439645 wrote:
                        Why am I ending sentences with "but"?
                        Because today we talk like Queenslanders but ...


                          New Year Underoos.....

                          Aspy! Don't just post a link ... you gonna build one? Say yes!!!!! The little tackers will throb it.


                            New Year Underoos.....

                            tawnyfrog;1439647 wrote: Because today we talk like Queenslanders but ...
                            Aspy didnt end his sentence with a but...but...:bum:


                              New Year Underoos.....

                              Actually that looks like some boosies...


                                New Year Underoos.....

                                myhappyplace;1437809 wrote: Shit shit shit...

                                Mr Happs just came home, and I was on the lappie laughing at the thread. He say wotcha up to...and I said, nothing, just chatting to the girls about PALM COVE....ARRRRGHHHH.....

                                Up side is I think he'll spring for the balloon trip...
                                Palm ove is where I got my lovely colourful purse. I think I put a piccie of it up a while ago.


                                And Tawny put me on to the Tigger Moth flights at Cairns. Except they closed down in October. So Mr Happs can't take you for an aeroplane ride.

