Hello **wave** I really need to check in more often...
G I'm very glad your test results were good. I had to have a CT scan to make sure that the cancer hadn't gone into my lungs....oh my goodness the wait for those results was awful - I was a mess. And after the scan was done, I'm dressed & waiting at the counter to pay for the pleasure, the nurse comes out & calls my name "we need to do another one" she says...seriously? I think I'm a goner & she sees the look on my face & says 'oh we just forgot to do your abdomen" Really? Now you'll have to treat me for the fucking heart attack you just caused :upset:
Anyway, on this serious note people I really have to pull my socks up in the health & fitness department. I need a plan, so I'm thinking about The Plan including Goals...the first part needs no thought: See my mate Jim a minimum of 4 times a week.
Tawny, I'm thinking of a frock to compliment yer Sherlock Holmes meets Freddy Kruger affair of the head...for some reason lilac taffeta comes to mind (creative huh?) it'll work with yer Blundstones, trust me

Missy, your full house sounds lovely.
Ok, now I'm off to see Jim...Booby pump here I come.