Sounds like a lovely ride Techie! Glad you are staying clear of Nancy - none of us need those sort of dramas in our lives!
TF - can I join others in my complete awe of your oven!!!!
I've had a bit of a week. I had a week away from Wellington scheduled for work, and with Mum being so unwell, I really wasn't sure whether to come away or not. Anyway, my sister came down fro up NOrth to be with Mum (I have a brother here as well, but he fusses and "takes charge" and is rude to medical staff, so I hate leaving her in his care) so I've been away working really long days.
Mum isn't good at all. We've just about lost her three times this week, but she rallies. She is currently back at the Rest Home, but is going to be admitted today as now needing full-time hospital care. She is going to really hate that. This last bout has apparently really taken it out of her, and my sister says that she has lost a lot of the cognitive functioning that she had before she got sick (which was gradually leaving her anyway).
I'l see her tonight when I get home - I feel sad but not really distressed. She has increasingly been speaking over the last year about having had enough of life .... our task now is to make sure that her remaining time with us is as peaceful and comfortable as they can be.
And after that I will go home to my very full house - Mr B reports that there are bodies all over the floor, and the constant sound of DVDs, music and computer games. His 15 year old and my foster daughter's 7 year old have apparently taken a real shine to each other
