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New Year Underoos.....

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    New Year Underoos.....

    tawnyfrog;1437795 wrote: .

    I really like the train trip to Kuranda but that might be a bit lame for you. I also believe the Tiger Moth flight no longer operates up there - that was my fave.
    Never done the train trip.
    Does this mean I have to go up to Qld again?


      New Year Underoos.....

      tawnyfrog;1437797 wrote: To be ph (I just made that up ... it means perfectly honest), I've had better food in Melbourne but it's the ombeeohnse that's special up there.
      And here I was thinking it was a soil test.

      I alweays thought it was spelt (hee hee) Ohm (as in Tibetan monks) bay ons


        New Year Underoos.....

        Ha ha ha what's it like getting responses that are from ancient history posts?

        Just nipped down to my local RFS and said I was pissing orf for the day tomoz ... They said good idea.
        ( They prolly thought "Thank heavens someone looked at the ads....)
[/video]]Planning To Make A Plan Is Not A Plan - Car - YouTube
[/video]]Planning To Make A Plan Is Not A Plan - Computer - YouTube

[/video]]Planning To Make A Plan Is Not A Plan - Couch - YouTube

        And here's David, who several times suggested that Mr Rags and I join the RFS. He's an RFS head honcho in the Sthn. Highlands.[/video]]Bushfire Survival Plan - Wollondilly Shire - YouTube

        Have just had a chat to my next door neighbour who has 2 tiny tots and asked her if she had a plan. No she didn't. I suggested maybe she might think about packing photos and bank books in a bag and chucking it in the car. And have lots and lots of cool drinks for herself and the kiddies.


          New Year Underoos.....

          myhappyplace;1437842 wrote: Me too...we wanna picha..we wanna that how you spell it??
          No, it is spelled pikcha


            New Year Underoos.....

            OK Mr Rags has just got home. We're about to put the Teddies in the car. Singed fur is not a good look for Teddies.

            Oh, and the pics and backup hard drive and the passports. Hmm will I pack the insurance policies?
            Gee Zuzz, aren't our lives complicated.

            Ha ha... Prolly a torm in a steacup.
            catch you later on the 5th of January... I think that's where I'm up to.


              New Year Underoos.....

              Well I just found a pile of clothes soaked through with cat piss in the corner of my bedroom, one of the few pieces of carpet left in the house.
              I think I better get out of the house before I neck someone.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                New Year Underoos.....

                Prayers going out to Mad Moselle...that's your cats name isn't it Bridge?

                Safe travels Rags...


                  New Year Underoos.....

                  Boy cat piss or girl cat piss?

                  Then again who cares. Both are bloody smelly.

                  By the way Jones, I watched your movie on TV the other night.
                  Still enjoy it after all these years.


                    New Year Underoos.....

                    Thanks Happs.


                      New Year Underoos.....

                      Like your purse btw


                        New Year Underoos.....

                        Ahhh fuckypoops Can't find my backup disc. Got backups of pics (which is an epic in itself... I'll tell you all tomorrow what a schmuck I am). So got to back up docs.
                        So see ewes tomorrow.


                          New Year Underoos.....

                          Yep it's mademoiselle.
                          Girl piss Rags, not quite as bad as the squirt but still.....
                          Stay safe Rags. Good idea to get out of there if you're worried.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            New Year Underoos.....

                            Arvo all,

                            Great to see you Lilly. Wishing you a peaceful heart from today onwards. :l

                            Grinder, sheesh on the tests! What's the situation now if you don't mind me asking? Or tell me to mind me own business. I think women may go through such experiences i.e. waiting for test results and the unknown, more regularly than men somehow? For me it was a first.

                            Hope you'll be safe and sound up there with the heat and fire danger Rags! Looks like you're onto it.

                            G'day Noicy! Yep, had a grand relaxing arvo at the beach and a cool swim.

                            Frog, can you tell apricot man.......'oh, is that the time? Better get cracking on me live online French language course. It's a live classroom you see, back in 2 hours......' Of course, he'll come back with.....'French eh? i speak it fluently. Did you know i spent 2 years with the french resistance in WW2? Here, show me what they're teaching ya. I'll tell ya if it's provincial or the real Parisian Mc'coy. Wonder what accent yer teacher's got? Gonna be fun picking it, hehe'.......'I could come round wensdee and give you a hand'....

                            Have a maaarvellous evening everyone.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              New Year Underoos.....

                              Cakes you really have been through the mill there love haven't you?
                              You can be my fitness buddy if you like?
                              I am deadly easy to keep up with:H
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                New Year Underoos.....

                                Guitarista;1439697 wrote:
                                Grinder, sheesh on the tests! What's the situation now if you don't mind me asking? Or tell me to mind me own business. I think women may go through such experiences i.e. waiting for test results and the unknown, more regularly than men somehow? For me it was
                                Yes it was a scare but I got the all clear. Of course now I have to go for the CT scan every 6mths which is extremely stressful. The next one is in 3mths.
                                So, I went & smashed it at the gym & I'll be back there tomorrow morning - exercise much lowers the chance of recurrence.
                                And now I'm off for a cuppa green tea, a Tim Tam & some cheesy tv.
                                Nighters beautiful people.
                                Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.

