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New Year Underoos.....

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    New Year Underoos.....

    byebyebridgetjones;1439700 wrote: Cakes you really have been through the mill there love haven't you?
    You can be my fitness buddy if you like?
    I am deadly easy to keep up with:H
    Would love to, I'll be at the gym tmrw morning 10.30am. See you there
    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


      New Year Underoos.....

      thanks for the kind words Happy Tawn Bridge Mr G much appreciated :l

      Techie hope your eyesight continues to get better...

      good to meet you too Bird...

      waving to eveyone else....

      signing off for tonight, so will say nite nite to all, and sweet dreams :l


        New Year Underoos.....

        Noight Grinder, noight Lilly, noight all.

        Saw James today meself, just took it easy, but loved it. Ya can't beat just moving and a shaking the body. It gets the blood flowing, the lungs and heart pumping and expels the toxins. Plenty of water.

        Work tomorrow. I am henceforth and forethwith taking a totally Zen approach when at work this year. Economy of movement. Less is more. Do the best i can, relax, be in the moment, and whatever will be, will be. No stress.

        Bonne stuffen.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          New Year Underoos.....

          Thinking of all undies in the heat today, but particularly Rags and anyone else in NSW. Doing a rain dance for yis. :l
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            New Year Underoos.....

            Morning Missy and iDoodyheads and iDangleberries everywhere,

            Hope you're all safe and sound there today Rags and Grinder, and any other Roo's caught in the heat.
            I see Sydney area is cooling down tomorrow.

            We're moving premises at work, just up the road, and new joint opens tomorrow last i heard, so most of the moving would've been done whilst i was on a 2 week break (insert big cheesy grin). I expect to be constantly amused (i will not get frustrated!) this week, as i know i'll find phone systems and internet cutting in and out, printers/scanners not working, and no designated parking for work cars. Last i heard there was a suggestion that we may have to park work cars in safeway and move cars every 4 hours so as not to get a ticket until org works out parking permits! WTF?! :H Ya gotta laugh. Just have this sorted by the time we move in. Ah, the joys of working in a Non govt. organisation. Social workers! Bloody hopeless. But i love it.

            Have a beeewdy out there Roo's, and a safe one.

            I'm rooting for you.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              New Year Underoos.....

              Heelllooooo little lovelies!!!

              Can you believe I left my iPaddy at work yesty arvo??? I felt robbed last night, I couldn't jump into bed with iPaddy in hand and Lady Dharma and Princess Lilly dozing while I checked to ensure everyone was tucked, fed, happy.... Robbed I tell ya!

              So, here were are at the dreaded, level catastrophic, fire danger day. FH was up early and walked Oscar the cadaver dog and has taken a leave day so he can monitor our pet's comfort during the day. I've put an ice brick in Oscar's water bucket and I know Lilly will just hide in the wardrobe and Dharma will sleep all day under the bed. I should be inspecting the deep end around 4pm.

              I did make the effort and rose from my slumber extra early today. I didn't like it one bit, but I felt more relaxed and less annoyed about the whole waking up early gig. I admire you Tawny (on many levels) but speshly 'cos you get up so early all.the.time. I'd like to instate my early morning rising gig as a permanent pattern and see how I manage, but......

              FH has a saying which he is using more and bloody more. Here's an example - I'll say "gee, that Jacaranda tree really has taken off in the spot hasn't it?" He'll then say "yeah, that's what I'm saying"... What he should say is "yeah, I agree" OR "yeah, it certainly has"... WTF does he have to say "that's what I'm saying". It doesn't make sense and HE wasn't saying it, I was...... He says it ALL the freakin' time. Even if I say "NO, you weren't saying, I was" he doesn't get that I'm trying nicely to correct his STUPID use of language..... You know???? Like! For serious??!!! I'll say "man, it's going to be hot tomorrow" and he'll say "yeah, that's what I'm saying...." FFS??!!!! Like, really......

              Yeah, Mr G - that's what I'm gotta laugh and go with the flow of the mojo I reckon. I think you'll be laughing hysterically today!

              Love and hugs to Lilly and Grinder and any other undies who are feeling a bit blue.

              Miss little Leon and beautiful Sunny!

              Where's Reggie?

              Be safe Rags - love ya!!

              Bridge - good luck with the cat wee. Poor you!!!

              I think I'm onto something - FH is a mummy's boy...... I thought so, but I'm now almost certain. Not a huge concern, but!

              BTW - I made a lentil and tofu salad recently which is yummo even though it doesn't sound so good. Get yourself some flavoured tofu, can of lentils, tiny tom, leb cuc, bag of lettuce mix, red onion. Cube the tofu, rinse the lentils, chop the rest and through together and add a bit of balsamic. Really nice - imho!!

              Be safe, be happy and do the best you can.

              Tawny, I've been thinking about your apricot dilemma. Tell the old codger you're allergic and can't accept any more - ever!! The reaction is life threatening, and he really wouldn't want your d.e.a.t.h on his hands.... It could work, but.

              Love you all.

              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                New Year Underoos.....

                Aircon in office has decided to take a leave day as well.....

                See you at little lunch!
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  New Year Underoos.....

                  Morning all....whew, I think Nicey said it all :H off and into it...


                    New Year Underoos.....

                    Morning Nicey, G, Bridgey, Mme Le Frog, Missy, HP et al,
                    Nicey that salad sounds yum....I've got some lentils in the cupboard there will be no cooking today - salads all the way, starting with fruit salad for brekkie.
                    So today, as I'm blessed enuff to be spending the day with my little guys, will be as follows:
                    Deliver some signed documents
                    Do the food shopping
                    Go see Jim
                    Visit Mum & Dad for lunch & to make good use of the pool
                    Lentil salad for dins
                    Maybe pop round to the neighbours pool if its still scorching after dinner
                    No booze will be had today

                    You all rock.
                    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                      New Year Underoos.....

                      34 degrees and rapidly rising on the little lunch thermo thingy.....
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        New Year Underoos.....

                        A Better Me;1439719 wrote: Would love to, I'll be at the gym tmrw morning 10.30am. See you there
                        I'm running a bit late...well...walking a bit late.
                        You go on without me:H
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          New Year Underoos.....

                          Hiya all,
                          Not much to report here. Leon is keeping me busy when I'm not working with all his play dates. He is a water baby for sure. Took him to the creek this weekend for a float in his floaty. 4 months til vacation with the grandparents. Work is still clocking in about 50 hours of my week.

                          Looking forward to seeing the ovens when they're finished.

                          Gster, so glad you are well. Good health is a fantastic gift.

                          Nicey, sounds like you have your hands full.

                          Nice to have you around cakes and bird.

                          Thinking of all the Undies, MB, TF, Haps, Bridge, Reg, Rags, Asp, Lily, and the rest.
                          Leon sends hugs and kisses!

                          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                            New Year Underoos.....

                            And a big hug to Techie!

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              New Year Underoos.....

                              Morning Mr G Missy Bridge Angel Happy Sunny Nicey and all yet to drop in....

                              hope all that are in the fire danger areas are okay and safe..

                              Mr G so glad your test results were fine, and hope the meds are helping the chest infection..

                              Love the pic of Leon Sunny, he sure is a cutie...

                              Looks like we may get some rain later, still catching up on the washing from our holiday..

                              May have to go on a mission today and have a look arround the yard to see if I can find materials for building pizza oven, not too promising dont think, hubbie has a clean up every few months, and does a tip run..

                              Have a great day all


                                New Year Underoos.....

                                Hi underNeath people from Sydney. Just posted on Army thread re the guy on Blue Mountain. Still in shock.

