Hi Everyone!
Mama - I will keep everything crossed for that job...you DO deserve something good. You're an awesome lady so I know things will work out for you...love you! :h
Ok, so my daughter is going through some teenage girl angst. About 2 years ago she was really good friend with this boy, Josiah, who ended up moving to Oregon. Well, his family is back in town visiting and she was able to spend some time with him at our friends house, and I guess they have serious crushes on each other, BUT his mom and dad have made it very clear that her and him are not to text or have any contact with each other after he leaves. They say that he gets too serious about her. I personally don't agree and dont see anything wrong with them talking on Facebook or texting. Well now she is upset of course, she's at home crying and I am sitting here at work feeling helpless. I told her I'd take her out to lunch and we can talk...but I don't know what to say

I need some of your motherly advice =)
p.s. He is 16 and she is 15