Thanks Nora and Juja, I have never been a good sleeper, and its not a huge problem, I just read, and every few days I seem to catch up.
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Good morning everyone.
I think it was K9 who once posted (and I read) "You will never be sorry that you didn't drink yesterday" and that is exactly how I felt this morning. I don't know where the cravings came from yesterday, but they really hit. Anyway, of course today I am so HAPPY that I did not give in to them.
Nora - I'm traveling out of town for business which I have to do about every other week. That is a big trigger for me as often colleagues want to "meet for a drink" and the other excuse (because they're all excuses) is that it helps me to sleep in a Hotel room.
So, last night I got a call from a colleague to "meet for a drink" about 8:30 and I went down and ordered a perrier. He didn't even blink and ordered an orange juice! So, I just need to get over this thing of feeling like I have to drink in these situations. We had a great conversation and I came up to my room at 10:30 and went to sleep. In the past I would have come back to my room after a couple glasses of wine and called room service to order another bottle. I would have woken up miserable and dehydrated at 4:00 a.m. full of guilt/shame. I slept a little fitfully, but I did sleep until this morning and my eyes are not red or puffy. This can be my new life. I just want it so much, I know it will happen this time.
K9 - I have no teenagers - just a nephew I'm very close to, but he's only 8. whew! I don't even want to think about when he's a teenager! But I can say that I'm still good friends with MY first boyfriend from when I was 14. We have really nothing in common anymore and have married other people etc., but we're still friends ALL these years later. (LOL) We're both 49 now.
Mama - good luck with your job interviews! Sounds really promising!
Juja - we can do this!!
Sunbeam - I have no excuse for not bike riding and I don't do it. Again, I need to make that committment and get started!
Have a great day all.Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Frequent Traveler;1441154 wrote: Change is good...
FTSober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Hi Everyone!
Well I spent $90 on CRAP at Walmart last night. I told Sierra we have GOT to quit "bored shopping"...all I got was some nail polish and laundry detergent...she, however, got a cute penguin beanie, a silver piggy bank, lipstick, and yarn and crochet books. She's decided she's going to pick up crocheting but she wants to be able to do more than scarves and blankets (like me). I can't read a pattern though. lol
I've been sleeping kinda bad lately too...can't get comfortable and the sinuses are flaring up. Melatonin and meditation CD's work great, but I still wake up around 3am. But at least there's no anxiety like there used to be in the drinking days.
Mama - Keep us posted on that job! I decided I wanted to be a parole/probation officer...until I realized you need a BS or a Masters Degree AND they don't hire anyone over 37...dang. And I thought I'd be so good at that too. LOL I guess I'm stuck here with the Mayor.
Well it's Wednesday....weekend will be here soon (but not soon enough)
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
K9- your post reminds me of the credit card commercial:
Crap at Walmart - $90
Time spent with your daughter - PRICELESS!!!
You turned her sad day into one spent bonding with mom! I'd say you came out ahead!
Good Job!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Thanks Star! But maybe next time we could get a movie from Redbox and a $5 pizza instead! HA!
Later in the evening she found out the boy she likes is leaving town today so she had yet another teary breakdown and I said "Oh Boo I just don't even know what to do" and she goes "Mom you don't have to buy me things to make me feel better" and I said "I know, but I guess it makes me feel better to give you things" but she's SO right, you can't buy love or happiness...even though we tried to at Walmart. LOL I told her to snuggle her chihuahua, Lucy...that little crazy dog loves her so much (Lucy can't stand me, but whatever). hehe:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
I WISH my 16yo daughter would tell me not to buy her things (LOL)!!! She's the baby of the family and the cost of her "upkeep" doesn't seem to phase her! Now that she has a steady bf, I have spent close to 800 bucks over the past couple months on formals for dances! Sheesh!!! Give me a break!!!
But she does look beautiful in them though
Gotta Love 'em!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
K9 likes melatonin I think
eating greasy chicken while i type
I just went and shopped one of the propeties i may supervise...cute, but work to be done
I am excited
Everyone sounds so good, and that makes me happy
ok back to work and my now greasy keyboardI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Quick fly by to say hello :wavin:
Ok here but busy - have to leave soon to take Scott to the nuerologist.
Excited for you Mama. K9 - Poor Sierra and poor wallet. Star - you made me laugh with the credit card commercial line. :H
Catch you all later. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Hi, all: been kind of out of touch lately.
Mama: why are you getting a job? Is it all the chasing of the crazy people and finding murder victims getting to you?
K9: I didn't know they could ask your age on job interviews any more! That's age discrimination!
To those who can't sleep, I share the same problem. I find the most helpful thing is to dim the light and read an extremely boring book or article. If you have a certification exam coming up, study it then. Even if it's at 3 am, it'll put you to sleep. And if it doesn't, you are not wasting time because you are using that time to learn something...,,Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Greasy chicken, gotta love it!
I also want to say:
I'm am so happy I chose to get a degree in library science and history, and I am so grateful for my present situation in our local library. The people I work with are fantastic, and the public is so very appreciative of our service. Wow.
K-9, I like buying things for people I care about, too. I get a kick out of it--more for me, perhaps, than them. I have a co-worker who has a 70's decor in a room in his house.I found him this god-awful, orange appetizer tray with a dip bowl from that period. My husband saw it, and asked what in the hell I was going to do with that.:H My co-worker was escatatic.
Everyone stay good, okay?"Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
One Step at a Time - January 2013
I am being good
home and pooped!!
fish casserole in the oven
how did the neuro go Nora?
Clay has his heart surgery Feb 14th...nothing serious but it will take 5 or 6 hoursI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Mama - what are they going to do? Did you say that the cut that one vein or nerve? I can't remember.
Neuro appointment went ok. Don't know why he passed out. They've upped his seizure meds. He had backed off on them because he hadn't been having any symptoms. He gets the 'Holter monitor' tomorrow and wears that for 24 hours. So, basically they don't know what is going on.
Juja - that's great that you love your job. I love books and working in a library sounds like a great job.
Ally - how's the reading going? I just started another book so I'm about to curl up with my Kindle.
Hello to everyone! Nurdl, Sun, Paula, Dottie and everyone else. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15