Las Vegas is a fun place to visit, no admission. Plenty of sights and people watching. Buffets are common, I can usually find good things to eat. I would go back there before Disney. But nature is my true love, national parks and other places of exceptional beauty.
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Las Vegas is a fun place to visit, no admission. Plenty of sights and people watching. Buffets are common, I can usually find good things to eat. I would go back there before Disney. But nature is my true love, national parks and other places of exceptional beauty.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Welcome, Playland, to our warm, supportive family. Good people here.
Vacations....I always want to visit something historical. We were about to enter Montpelier, James Madison's home, and my friend said, "Well, Juja can have her history orgasm now.":H
Dream deferred...I wish I had gone to school to be an achivist in a library or museum. The thought didn't occur to me when I was 18.
Not much to tell here, so, time to get ready for work."Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Hi perps
Started off with a bad morning - must be going to get better.Sitting at breakfast and hubby asked me if I was taking my pill. I looked at him and said trying not to. It makes me feel bad. He said "I want you to take the pill". I said - it makes me feel bad. I am taking it once or twice a week. I took it yesterday. So, then he got all mad because he said I got mad. I didn't get mad until he told me that "I want you to take the pill" and "I'm trying to stop you from killing yourself". I don't need to deal with what he wants - I need to do this for ME. I am trying so hard - I am working my plan. Using tools, doing things to improve. Why can't he see any of that? Oh well - I guess it's from years of watching me drink. :upset: Anyway - we're talking now but it was a lousy way to start the day.
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - January 2013
:l Nora - Hope your day gets better.
I was home with a head cold yesterday. I had no idea that the electric department was cutting off the electricity ALL DAY to work on some power lines (they did put a notice on my front door...but I come in the garage so I never saw it!). So there I was in the semi-dark, with the temperature in the house slowly dropping, no hot water and feeling miserable. I read a book (strained my eyes) and finally took some Ativan to knock me out. Woke up at 3pm when I heard the heater finally kicking on. Anyway, I feel better today, and very glad it's Friday!
When I worked at my old company and money was no problem (the good old I'd take my daughter on a good vacation once a year. I would LOVE to take her to the Grand Canyon and ride the mules down (7 hour ride!) and then camp down there for 2 days. I looked into it but it's around $1,200/person...uh...maybe we'll just go to Universal Studios instead. LOL I told her I'd take her and 2 of her friends on a little 2 day adventure soon.
Hope you all have a great day:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Again love all the feedback, you guys are great
Today was a great day, tonight stinks... My son went back to spend time with his mom and NO I will not feel sorry for myself and will be ok, I do not want to wake up with a headache tomorrow.
FTAF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Hi FT - big,big hugs to you. :l How long is he staying at his Mom's? Glad that you are taking care of yourself tonight. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - January 2013
hi, play! i love to see you around! i think we have similar interests and actually in similar fields.... more about that later....
Disney is too crowded but downtown disney is fun when there is music and nice food and just hang out around the stores. on Christmas Day Disney's lines are actually not too long. (at least the CA one). Universal studios is cool. legoland a blast for the boys. (father and son that is). San Diego safari zoo is great but must be willing to walk. Catalina.... beautiful. I want to retire to Santa Barrbara if I ever have enough money to retire there....
my dad is coming to United States to visit in February and I have to show him around. there is so much to see except that I work 6 days a week and my work is too busy. I'm just going to drink excessive caffeine to get me thru the 3 weeks I guess....Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Ally - I think we must live very close to each other.You just mentioned all the places in my neck of the woods. :H
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Mama - I've missed you around here today. Giving you big hugs and positive thoughts for you interview tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. Love you..........:h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Where is winter?????? We're to have temps in the 60's today, and maybe 70 tomorrow. I want cold and snow so I can snuggle in. Pretty, warm days make me feel like I'm supposed to get to work, accomplish something, produce, work, work, work. Driven, childhood hangover......
We have a birthday party tonight, but I'll be okay. It's for an older gentleman, with people who will know my parents, so that will help me keep from drinking.
Achy and tired all night, and this a.m. too, from work yesterday. Moved tons of oversized books, and crawled on the library floor putting children's books in order. I guess I'm not as decrepit as I think I am.
I hope everyone has a spendid weekend."Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Good morning,
All is good, woke up clear headed and feeling good.
NoraC - thanks for that hug, it went a long way last night. I was close but resisted and am so glad that I did.
Thanks all as reading this website last night sure helped.
FTAF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Juja, I did some dog duty clean up in the back yard, and filled the bird feeders. Work is done! We are taking the dog this afternoon to a park with paved paths. Then hubby will grill a steak when we return home. It is pretty mucky out, but it is predicted to get up to 60 today, rainy tomorrow.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
One Step at a Time - January 2013
Morning. Guess it's afternoon already. :H I stayed up until midnight and then slept in until 10:00. Talk about lazy.
FT - So happy to hear that you made it thru last night. Great job on you coming here & posting when you're having a craving. I plan on doing that too!
Juja - I bet you're sore. I just can't do the things I used to anymore. I seriously have got to start exercising though. We've been having cooler temps here lately. Gets down into th 30's at night. Unusual. Our high today is in the 50's.
Sun - we were just looking for a dog park yesterday. We have found one about 25 minutes away and we think we're going to give it a try. We are going to go look at it first though.
Ally - I have never been to Catalina! I can't believe that. I've lived here almost my whole life and I've never done that. So, that is a plan for this next year. My cousin has a boat that she takes over there so I'm thinking I will go over one weekend when she is over there.
Mama - anxiously waiting to hear how the interview went. I almost called you but am scared it will be bad timing. So, let us know.
:wavin: to Dottie, Paula, Belles, Swannie, Nurdl and Play. I hope that you come back to join us Play.
Well - back to my kindle. I'll catch up with everyone later. Hugs to everyone."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15