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    Ok so I'm desperate.

    In the old drinking days I used to go to bed pissed most nights, and sleep on a concoction of wine, vodka, syndol and sominex...not great but....

    Since then I've had issues with sleep, tried various things to help, and reached a point where I was taking tablets every night in order to sleep....not wanting to be tied down with another addiction, I'm trying to stop....

    The last few nights have been just shocking. I feel tired, calm, relaxed when I go to bed, them as soon as I hit the pillow I kind of just zing and I'm awake..... Sometimes for hours. Then I'm crabby, shit and unreasonable the next dAy, have headaches and just no energy...

    I really have tried everything, hot drinks, vitamins, hot bath, CDs, breathing exercises.. And none of it seems to work....

    I went to my gp about six months ago and she prescribed me... Temazepam... Well they made it worse so I gave up on those....

    So far the best thin I have found is a combination of timed release melatonin and half a sleep aid tablet..... But I'm trying to stop constant pill popping....

    I really would appreciate any advice !!!!

    Sent from a tired pingu x
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....