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Army Thread 4th Jan

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    Army Thread 4th Jan

    Evening all
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread 4th Jan

      hello Quest
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        Army Thread 4th Jan

        Ah bless, I bet she cheered everyone up in the shop. They are gorgeous at that age, great entertainment!


          Army Thread 4th Jan

          She is a darling, Zeps. Don't you just love it when they're at that age when they wake up every morning without a care in the world.

          Yo Questy.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 4th Jan

            Having major trouble getting on here tonight !!!

            Hey Jacs and the rest of the troopsters

            Could do with some advice - day 1 again - major fall last night and ended up ringing in work sick - I can't keep doing this !!! I don't know what to do
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread 4th Jan

              Quest for the key;1438104 wrote: Having major trouble getting on here tonight !!!

              Hey Jacs and the rest of the troopsters

              Could do with some advice - day 1 again - major fall last night and ended up ringing in work sick - I can't keep doing this !!! I don't know what to do
              Oh heck:upset:

              All been there try tool thread.

              We love you:l


                Army Thread 4th Jan

                Hi quest, pleased to meet you. I have come limping back to the barracks today too. I don't know the answer to why we do it, but we do know what to do to stop. If it's any consolation I know exactly how you are feeling tonight.

                How long had you managed before you slipped? It's not too late, just put it behind you and move forward. Don't let it turn into a major blowout.




                  Army Thread 4th Jan

                  anon;1438107 wrote: Oh heck:upset:

                  All been there try tool thread.

                  We love you:l
                  Thanks mrs a - love you guys too :l
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Army Thread 4th Jan

                    sooty;1438110 wrote: Hi quest, pleased to meet you. I have come limping back to the barracks today too. I don't know the answer to why we do it, but we do know what to do to stop. If it's any consolation I know exactly how you are feeling tonight.

                    How long had you managed before you slipped? It's not too late, just put it behind you and move forward. Don't let it turn into a major blowout.


                    Hiya sooty - I'm struggling getting 3/4 days AF - I drank last night cos I hadn't slept in a few nights - but as usual I turned into a right glutton - I'm gonna lose me job at this rate :upset:
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread 4th Jan

                      Hi quest, something KTAB said earlier really struck a chord with me, it was about being prepared to work at getting sober, I think he's spot on. We gotta work at it.

                      There aren't any magic answers, no tricks, just slog and keeping on doing it. I know from longer sober episodes I've had that it does get better.

                      Were your work ok about you phoning in sick today?


                        Army Thread 4th Jan

                        Cor it took about ten minutes for that to send!!


                          Army Thread 4th Jan

                          hiya again - Wouldn't let me back into MWO - will see if this works -
                          Quest - I think we all feel for you as we have all been there or are still there now - I was lucky as I was mostly self employed but did get sent home from my bar job because I was drunk - looking back it was when I first found this place (so august 2008). You have to be more determined than the alcohol - but it does get easier as the sleepless nights and horrid feelings go away and then it just becomes a mental battle (I shouldn't say 'just' - that isn't the right word) but it is so worth it.

                          That night in 2008 I as I lay sulking in my bed - cursing the bosses for sending me home - I thought I have two choices - to carry on and wind up lonely and dead in my bed OR sober up and get on with life - luckily I chose the latter and now I have my wee girl and have spent four lovely years with all the army.
                          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                            Army Thread 4th Jan

                            hello all, had a nice day and looking forward to tomorrow, sons birthday and were going to see ' parental guidance and then pizza hut. SHould be a nice day, HOpe all is well with everyone, Molly, I miss your santy hat!


                              Army Thread 4th Jan

                              hey - that worked - right I'll keep going and then I will bid you all good day.

                              You have to not look at alcohol as your friend - as it certainly is not! Perhaps it is because I am a stubborn SOB but I saw giving up al as a battle that I was determined to win and when I felt cravings I would tell my self that I was not going to let alcohol push me around. I know it's a cliche but it truely is one day at a time. Celebrate getting through the day with a treat - something to look forward to that isn't alcohol - mine was icecream spiders (or sodas?) and big FAT icecream soda's at that.

                              good luck - we are all here for you
                              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                                Army Thread 4th Jan

                                Awhh thanks sooty and zeppie - and your wee girl is gorgeous !!

                                I know I need to work at it harder - I've faffed and procrastinated long enough !! I cannot keep doing this though - and I don't want to either. It's a new year - I want to change. And I'm prepared to do anything to do it
                                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

