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Feeling down

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    Feeling down

    Nattie - thinking of you babe!, I'm so proud , tonight was hard for me also. Went to supermarket and got fizzy water, pineapple juice and lime, put it in a fancy glass and toasted to a no hangover tommorrow.

    Currently have not told hubby what I am doing - he won't really care as long as he can continue to drink!!!

    We really can do this - the only person who can sabotage this is ourselves!!!

    Gabby - I admire you and see you as a role model - you are so much further across the bridge than I am but I can feel the warm glow and the laughter and know that it is a better place that I am headed for.... (5AF days) first sober Friday in a god knows how long!!
    Melon - wise words again you reach me!!



      Feeling down

      Must also add - Fan your amazing wise, philisophical words and quotes etc dumbfound me.
      What a guy!! You are so much further in you journey than I am that it inspires and frustrates me that I can't make time go faster so I can be 3mths AF then 6 , then 12- although impatience is one of my least favourite virtues - leading to irritablity and frustration!?!

      Do you give lessons? - could teach my hubby a thing or too (although love him dearly).



        Feeling down

        Hi Nattie,

        I have been feeling the same as you lately, it is hard to be around people that are drinking.
        I love coming to mwo and reading the posts, they are always so possitive and reassuring.
        I find one thing that has been helping me is drinking decaf tea at night, it is soothing for me. All the best for the weekend, I know you can do it.
        Take care.:l :h :l
        "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
        Catherine Pulsifer


          Feeling down

          thanks for all the encouragement last night. I done as I planned, had bath, made tea ( I will take on board the de-caff thing in future) and waited for BF to slip into alcoholic coma. STILL didn't drink his bacardi, was catching up on triple bill of Ugly Betty which I am usually too pissed to watch. Great so far, then he went to bed. So I thought I would just finish off his drink he had left, make me realise how disgusting the stuff can taste. Not so, I then had another & then another (smaller than the last 2 admitedly). Then felt crap - I had 4 days under my belt, had done things at work I hated & began to feel a whole lot better health wise. Why does this happen?!??
          This morning I noticed Amazon had delivered my book - I had been so ready for failure I hadn't even checked the teetering pile of post when I got in. I suppose I know in myself I lack self confidence & last night really proved that to me. I felt a failure at lunchtime & I let it take a hold as I felt I wasn't strong enough to get the better of it. Had I noticed the book last night I could have started on it & felt a whole lot better & more positive. I do feel bad today but not half as bad as I felt last Monday when I found this place - I know it is a blip and maybe after the week I had had this wek has been easy as my body really did need a rest. Week previous was 3 vodkas and coke on Monday, bottle of red on Tuesday, can't remember Wednesday but there was something, half a litre of voda on Thursday (oh & a bottle of wine before 11am....I had a days holiday), Friday bottle of wine before lunch (off again) and 2 glasses in the evening, Saturday box of wine between us, Sunday wine before breakfast, Pimms in bed in the afternoon & then 2 bottles of red between us in the evening. Hence this week has been easy in the fact I don't think my liver would have coped with much more.
          I have loved the feeling of waking up this week feeling ok - haven't slept too well but no headache.
          This morning doing the housework I took a quick shot of left over bacardi from last night, then panicked he would notice & watered it down. Hairdressers at 1pm & spent the time trying to read the book (discretly) and panicking he would notice the lack of kisk to his bacardi. All ok now & I hope tonight can go a bit more smoother.
          Love to you all as you are my life line at the moment.



            Feeling down

            Nattie, just go back to your thoughts of yesterday and start again.
            Gabby :flower:


              Feeling down

              thank Gabs, your post of yesterday really inspired me & i keep going back & reading it. I think after last week I felt so sick I needed to test it one more time, last night. Still the same old shite & nothing I am missing out on, just need to get my head round that one.



                Feeling down

                I know.....did that too. Seems like sometimes ya have to for a little reminder. You can do it Nattie. Just pick up and give it a fresh go. : )
                Gabby :flower:


                  Feeling down

                  Thanks for the update - have done that before - and felt s!!!t the next day!! but it is a learning experience - it is a trick that our addiction plays on us - it will tell us anything just to have a drink.

                  Heres to tommorrow and another day!!!

                  Love S


                    Feeling down

                    Lord. I don?t know of all the problems my friend has, but you know everything. I hear her silence, you hear her pleads. I see her laughing, u see her tears. I see when she gives, you see what has been taken from her. I see her beautiful appearance, you see the scars in her soul. I experience her faith, you Know her doubts. I bring her to your throne and ask - Lord give her everything that she wants. Thank you Lord - I love her very much Amen

                    We are here for you - I know that having someone there to hold and touch and talk to to hear a voice is better - but you do have someone near you just hold out your hands and he will hold it for you.
                    Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending

