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Anxiety and Alcoholism

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    Anxiety and Alcoholism

    I definetely notice a connection between anxiety and alcoholism. I drink to ease my anxiety and then get horrible anxiety/panic attacks the next day. It's a vicious circle. Does anyone have experience with curing their anxiety and losing alcohol cravings? I would love to hear your stories. Thanks!

    Anxiety and Alcoholism

    Omg! I'm finding out that its a huuuge connection! That's my story, been self. Medicating since I was a teen! For me the meds they gave didn't help because they would numb me or I'd abuse them. But I can say that when I started putting my nervous energy into focus on learning about nutrition and exersise it helped build the foundation I needed to stop drinking. In my experience you have to stop the drinking first. That alone will likely cure 3/4 of the anxiety . I woke up friday morning with that "feeling". Stayed in bed and watched a movie, and decided that was it for me. I haven't drank since and strange enough haven't felt even a bit of axiety! There are maney suppliments and diet changes you can make to sooth the anxiety. And Exersise is deffinatly a biiiiiiiig help. Keep us posted. *hugz


      Anxiety and Alcoholism

      Me too

      Hi Cleo, for me there is definitely a link between anxiety and alcohol - it's a vicious cycle, especially at work. I love coffee and that also contributes to my cycle as I'm sensitive to it and that in turn creates more anxiety and faster heart beat, with release from alcohol such an easy thing to resort to. I agree, exercise is very good, as is slower, yogic breathing. Anxiety is something I need to manage on a daily basis, sometimes more successful than other times. Take care and good luck with your journey.


        Anxiety and Alcoholism

        decided;1438915 wrote: In my experience you have to stop the drinking first.
        Yep, i would agree with that.
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          Anxiety and Alcoholism

          Thanks for all of your advice. I was af for 2 months, ate healthy and worked out 4 days a week and still had a lot of anxiety. Now I only drink on Fridays. I try to deal with the anxiety during the week but by Friday I give in and drink to feel better. I usually spend Saturday sick with a hangover and anxiety. It's not fun but I try to be grateful for what I have hopefully I can find something to ease the anxiety.


            Anxiety and Alcoholism

            Cleo63;1438880 wrote: I definetely notice a connection between anxiety and alcoholism. I drink to ease my anxiety and then get horrible anxiety/panic attacks the next day. It's a vicious circle. Does anyone have experience with curing their anxiety and losing alcohol cravings? I would love to hear your stories. Thanks!
            I used to suffer terrible anxiety during my drinking years Cleo. I would blame the anxiety on everything else apart from alcohol itself - life experiences, grief, stress at work, relationship problems, harrassment from an ex etc etc and I used to make the excuse, and actually believed, that the alcohol was helping my anxiety by taking it away, as if it was medicine!!

            Of course, the anxiety would ease off at the time as intoxication took over and, as you say, the next day would bring even more horrible anxiety, "the fear" would kick in and the vicious circle would continue.

            When I finally admitted that I had a major problem with alcohol 7 weeks ago and stopped drinking, slowly but surely it became clear that the alcohol was what was causing the anxiety in the first place for me. Apart from the first few days coming off alcohol when things felt undeniably a bit hellish, I have never felt so generally stress-free, even when dealing with what would have normally been stressful situations and I've not found myself riddled with anxiety like the way it was before. So clear headed and calm most of the time!

            Over and above cutting out alcohol completely, I've definitely found exercising has also helped loads with keeping my moods on an even keel.



              Anxiety and Alcoholism

              Cleo63;1438880 wrote: Does anyone have experience with curing their anxiety and losing alcohol craving !
              Yes Baclofen...cured my underlying Anxiety problem pretty much from day one low dose. Higher dose of 210 mg craving whatsoever. It's saved my life. I suggest you read the med section. I will bump up the consolidated Baclofen thread for you.

              Some reached indifference to alcohol at doses as low as 50 mg.

              Best to you.


                Anxiety and Alcoholism

                Usually anxiety is connected to thoughts, much like alcoholism. Stop & listen to what is in your head. Are you having thoughts & visions of the future? A dissapointed boss, car problems, a demanding family scedule?

                To me, anxiety is just another program running on auto pilot that one loses awareness of. Bringing it into awareness is the key.


                  Anxiety and Alcoholism

                  Baclofen takes care of my anxiety. Yes, there was a definite connection between AL and the anxiety. Baclofen saved my life as well.


                    Anxiety and Alcoholism

                    I too have anxiety that preceded my problem drinking - the desire to self medicate is very strong. But not giving in to it really is worth it. I noticed easing of my anxiety even past 2 months AF. Though the early effects were more dramatic, there was a continuing decline over time. So it IS worth it! My anxiety is not gone at 7 months AF, but it is more manageable. And I had to convince myself that using AL for the anxiety was just giving myself another excuse to drink.
                    AF since 6JUN2012


                      Anxiety and Alcoholism

                      Agree here, my anxiety has been caused by every time I was due to go on the road again and of course when first day at strange hotel it was an excuse to drink. The old have one to just feel better, yea right that never worked.
                      AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                      As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                        Anxiety and Alcoholism

                        My experience is when I drink I have anxiety. My wife has noticed the connection. When I don't drink I get anxious and then drink to self medicate. When I quit drinking for 2 years I never had anxiety. as soon as I started drinking anxiety came back.


                          Anxiety and Alcoholism

                          i agree with everybody here,i NEVER had anxiety problems untill i started drinking,now im having anxiety probs trying to quit! but i refuse to give in
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Anxiety and Alcoholism

                            I have had anxiety since I was a child. I used to eat lots of sugar to help manage it unti i became a teenager and started drinking. I have tried biofeedback, EMDR, hypnotherapy, talk therapy, naturopathy, SSRIs, benzos, tai chi , yoga and just bought some l theanine and powdered l glutamine . My doctor is out of ideas. I have been thinking about trying Baclofin but am concerned about some of the SEs or changing one addiction for another. I feel like I am running out of options. I definitely don't want to self medicate with sugar or alcohol! Thanks for your replies

