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    Just thought it might be fun to start our own army of AF fighters The idea is to share your experiance as a soldier in this battle we share for everything that matters to us! A way for us to realize and remeber our strenght, share tips, realizations, awearness, and even give a heads up etc...

    I'm going to make another thread called "mind field". Where you can share your daily trigers and how you survive(d) the battles!

    I'm hoping that this can bring another positive and even fun way of living and sharing the experiance as its kind of like a game

    Here's my warrior profile please share yours as well!

    28 F
    held captive: for 14 years, poisoned for 8-10. 2X40oz a night.

    Hardest part so far: getting motivated to handle the things I've been niglecting due to drinking ( like cleaning up my apt)and the dissapointment I feel in my lack of productivity. Also as the cloud lifts...realizing all the the realities I've been drowning out.

    What is keeping me going: the anger over how much time I've wasted and not even realized while on auto pilot in a drunken fog, embarassment I feel for myself as I remember all the stupid things I've done without even realizing it, the reminder that AL is a POISON and that
    I'm not missing out on anything, the excitment of all the possibilities and oppertunities to reach my true potencial.

    My weapons: exersise( swimming), sauna's, epson salt baths, 4l water a day, munching on fruits and veggies and greek yogourt, vitamin c D E manesium, low carb, low cafeine, posting here, positive and creative visualization, daydreaming or better days and great things to come.

    Weakness: men and relationships ( abandonment), social and generalized anxiety, low self esteme (a perfectionistic mentality that leads to unwarrented depression) childhood events.

    My plan of attack: put on my battle armour and wait patiently at the gate to take out my triggers one by one. Like a NINJA! That sneaky bottle hijacking my life? is about to be ambushed.

    My Fear: they say that people detoxing can stink terribly and uncontrolably for weeks. If its true ill just have add that to my list of reasons to take out the AL industry!!!


    33 M

    Held captive: for 15 years, ball and chained for 13. Nightly poisoning of vino collapso. Often barbiturated by beer.

    Freedom glimpsed: Sep 17 - Nov 4. Hauled back into captivity.
    Freedom gained: Dec 2. Still running and the enemies still chasing

    Hardest part so far: 1) Having glimpsed the concept of freedom, fell on my face and got pretty bloodied. Rather embarrassing. 2) Presently. Thoughts and consternations being worked through.

    What is keeping me going: The believe that it gets better and the growing belief that "drinking is/as a good thing" is a mirage. The knowledge that I do not need to be a drinker and the sense that i truly do not want to be known as a drunk.

    And training to one day soon, take the leap of faith.

    My weapons: Humour. Supps (Esp MultiVitB and Vit C); hiking and marching with like minded folks in search of panoramic views; running; a black cat; the army; my strength of willpower; more good food; the developing plan for better living circumstances (a new steading), and more social interaction outwith work. More humour.

    : Women. Intimate relationships. Women and intimate relationships; mild anxiety; a committee of very loud and persuasive voices sitting round a circular table in my mind arguing amongst themselves about how utterly useless I am; the same committee counter-arguing every argument I make for, or about any action or thought; low self esteem (especially with re intimate relationships); vanity and body shape anxiety; the far and distant past still being a presence in my mind today.

    My plan of attack
    : Listen to self, establish my true voice. Obey. Avoid old drinking haunts. Amass new weaponry through new social interfaces (real and on-line). Ask for assistance when the going gets tough, cos I plan to be tougher when the tough gets going. Listen... hear the distant battle cry of the enemy. Sharpen my poisoned arrow, ready, aim and...

    Tell funny jokes.

    My Fear
    : That I lose friends, become less socially interactive, deny myself something I have always enjoyed. That I hurt people close to me.

    But my bigger fear is that I don't listen to my true self, and free fall into drunken oblivion. Or simply lead half the life I have the potential of living. Oh, and that i stop laughing. Not funny.



      Can i paint my face too?



        My avatar and name are testimony to my battle. In my first 30 days AF, I used an Elecktra type figure to fight against my enemy. It helps me to visualize or put persona/reality type figures to my battles. I wage a good vs. evil battle with a sword to defeat the enemy that works to harm me. I have resurrected her in a personal battle that has caused me harm, continues to work toward harming me and has been a trigger for an invitation to AL. Today, she fights to win and will not give up until she has victory.

        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          SHOW US YOUR WAR FACE!!!!

          couldn't find my favourite shot but I believe this is from the scene where he curls his lip up, shakes his head slightly and says I'M NOT FINISHED YET!
          That would be my war face.
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            SHOW US YOUR WAR FACE!!!!

            Run, paint your face!
            Slay, locate the trigger!
            Ring, when your done put on your armour!

            Join me in battle?


