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Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

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    Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

    Holy shit, I'm scared of the ass doctor! I turned 50 this year and they've got their eye on my colon, just to 'check it out' and make sure there's nothing bad growing in there.

    My question and fear are that I will be awake during the twilight sleep they administer.

    I have always needed more 'juice' than the average bear. Like at the dentist, I need a ton of novocaine. My friend who went AF stopped needing that much so I figure I'm right that the alcohol consumption impacts my body's reaction to numbers. Numb-ers. As in things to make you numb, novocaine, twilight sleep, etc.

    Does anyone have any experience with this? Apparently my mom sleeps through the colonoscopy and my dad is sort of awake the whole time but experiences no pain, he's just awake. So he needs more juice and he's not a drinker, only a glass or two of wine a night. His father was an alkie as was my mom's dad so that's not the connection. They just have different biologies.

    Does anyone know if heavy drinking diminishes the twilight sleep effect? Did you find when you went AF that the twilight sleep for colonoscopies worked better for you?

    Going to the ass doctor and being awake is frightening enough to scare me AF!

    Thanks for any advice or shared experiences. Please a funny story or two would be great help! And no, this is not a joke, I'm deadly serious.

    Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

    No you will not be awake.
    Love and Peace,

    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


      Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

      "the ass doctor", lol!


        Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

        I have a genetic predisposition so have had a few. No idea about the al effect. I've had both experiences though. Not enough anesthetic where I literally yelled at them to stop or too much where they are whacking my forehead and yelling at me to wake up.:H
        The doc has all this on my file now and has worked it out. Hope they get it right for you the first time. Was actually fascinating to watch before I went out the last time. Lovely pink flesh..all healthy like. Didn't feel a thing though.
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

          Unfortunately, I am an expert on this end....I have had 15 Colonoscopies. I have only had 2 sober, so the rest have been while I was actively drinking. They will get you knocked out, don't worry. For my last one in October, my dr used Propofol, or that Michael Jackson worked really well with less 'coming out' of it. If you have any questions at all, PM me...B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

            I have had one colonoscopy, with no anaesthetic and it HURT :upset::upset::upset:
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

              Oh good LORD, Starting, I'm so sorry. You need better healthcare for sure!

              Thank you all so much. I will warn them my dad has a hard time getting to sleep. Byrd, your words are comfort, thanks. Thanks to you RC and CPN. This is something I've been dreading and now I don't feel so worried.

              Thank you!. Only HERE could I ask this! :l How grateful am I!

              And Betty,


                Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                OMG Starty, I don't know how you could complete the procedure with nothing! My first was only with main lined valium. I begged them to stop or give me more. Bastards kept saying almost done, almost done. Like I said finally I yelled STOP. So they put more stuff in which ended up inflaming my vein afterwards. The forgot to tell me to ice it after. Interesting response from the doc when I called, "What? Didn't they tell you to ice it for 24 hours? I'll kill them!" Really now. Afraid of a law suit I guess. It was very painful too.
                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                  Bruun - I have had it both ways too. The second time, I made it very clear to the Doctor that I had woke up during the last one and that they weren't getting near me unless I was sound asleep. The day of the colonoscopy, I told the nurse, I told the anesthesiologist, I told strangers that walked by. :H And, it was fine, I was sound asleep and when they woke me up, they told me that I had sleep apnea.
                  You need to be very up front with them and tell them that you have a high tolerance and that you will probably need more anesthesia. :l
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                    OK, RC, tell me that valium procedure was a long time ago? There's no way on earth I would drop trow for only valium.


                      Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                      Yes, it was Bruun. 1980 I think. You'll be fine! Just make sure you discuss your concerns.
                      Psalms 119:45

                      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                      St. Francis of Assisi

                      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                        Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                        you dont get knocked out over this neck of the woods, just something to relax you a bit but your very much awake!


                          Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                          Hey Bruun,

                          It's been a long time since we spoke.:l I have had two colonoscopies....the first one was 10 years ago. You can only have clear liquids the day before the procedure. Well, my clear liquids included some Rumpleminze and Chardonnay.:H I also woke up in the middle of the procedure, in severe pain. Fortunately, I went right back to sleep. Everything was fine. No problems. They make you sign a form that says you will not drink, drive, or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after the procedure. Yeah, right. When I woke up from the colonoscopy, I was famished, so my mom took me out to lunch and I had two glasses of wine with my meal. I took a 2-hour nap and drove back to my house. As far as operating heavy machinery, I promised my mom I wouldn't get on a forklift until the next day.:H

                          The second one was in November, 2012, and like you, I need extra "juice" to ensure that I am truly asleep. So, I told the nurses when they were injecting me with the anesthesia...."I have an anxiety disorder (it's the truth) and I woke up during my last colonoscopy, and I was in severe pain. Is there something EXTRA you can give me to make ABSOLUTELY sure I won't wake up?" They said, sure, and they gave me Benadryl along with the other stuff. I woke up from the colonoscopy and they said, "you're all done" and I don't even remember falling asleep. It was no big deal. Believe me, I was worried. I had been having SCARY symptoms for MONTHS....bleeding, bloating, pain, and I was doubly worried because we have a huge history of colon cancer in my family: both my mom's parents had it, my mom had it, and so did her sister. I figured that with being overweight and drinking like a fish between November 2006 and mid 2010 that I would be doomed. Thank God it was not colon cancer, but just diverticulosis, which can be controlled with diet. For the prep this time, though, you can't have any alcohol the day before the exam and I am AF anyway so it was no big deal. I don't know why no AL the day before but those are the rules, I guess.

                          BTW, I am going to PM you this post so it gets to you faster. I'll put my cellphone number in there, too and I'll be home the rest of the day and all night if you want to call.:l


                            Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                            I didnt even get valium!! I wonder if its because they knew about my history.
                            It was horrible anyhow.....very painful and I kept crying and they just carried on !!
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Colonoscopy???!! Will my AL tolerance make me stay awake during it?

                              startingover;1439327 wrote: I didnt even get valium!! I wonder if its because they knew about my history.
                              It was horrible anyhow.....very painful and I kept crying and they just carried on !!
                              feck!!!! Im never going for one now!!!

