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Feeling tempted

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    Feeling tempted

    hello there, I have the whole evening to myself tonight. My son is staying at his grannys house and off to disney -land tomorrow so wont see him til wed. Hes only 4 and i'm lost without him. My husband is staying out tonight too. I really want a drink.

    I was in M & S today and they were handing out a free bottle of Chardoney if you spent enough money. The bloke gave it to me and I paused... Then I gave it to the man behind me in the queue and said he could have it cos I didn't drink wine. I phoned my husband and told him to be proud of me. But how I so wish now I had taken it! If I had it now I would gulp it down. I'm so stupid and I've done so well so far but because I'm on my own I feel like no one will know and i so want to get drunk. I know I'll get a hangover but tomorrow is another day.

    Can anyone talk some sense into me and make me think this is a stupid idea? Or maybe its not such a bad idea, maybe i could just have 2 glasses.
    I'm so tempted just to pop down the road quickly and get something.
    I'm sorry to be a whinging person.

    Feeling tempted

    Bella, Your not a whiner. It's hard being alone. I knowthe temptation my husband travels for business on occassion. he is away right now. Just focus on what you have done so far,giving that man your bottle of wine was a big step. That shows your strong. Keep posting and listen to the others they have better advice than I have. Do you work out? That seems to take the edge off a little


      Feeling tempted

      If your questioning the 2 glasses; I don't think I would try until I knew I could just do 2 glasses, I don't want you to have a set back they make you miserable. I know this from experience


        Feeling tempted

        Sounds like you will be happier in the long run Bella if you do not give in. I am so impressed you gave that bottle of wine away. (where on earth do they give away free bottles of wine? That is crazy!!!). I know the temptation as my husband works evenings and I am alone a lot, but when morning comes and I feel like crap I am reminded why it is not a good idea. Think of how ruined your day would be tomorrow. You can do it.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Feeling tempted

          Ok Bella, You say you are on your own and no one would know if you had a drink....WRONG... The most important person in all this would know YOU...And that thought Don't even go there, believe me, I'm speaking from experience....When you hear that voice, it isn't you, the sober Bella talking, this is the drinking Bella.. Ignore her and she will just wilt away, listen to her and she will grow stronger and stronger...

          Two glasses tonight, how many on Monday night, then perhaps Friday night, how many nights before you are back where you started, just think of all the effort you have put in, wasted, for what, JUST TWO GLASSES...

          What you did today in giving away that bottle of wine showed real strenght, call on that strength now, its there, remember you are in control, no little voice in your head can make you do anything you DON'T want to do...

          Stay logged on all night if you have to, post rubbish, start a thread and type out the whole of the telephone directory, anything to distract you...

          YOU CAN DO THIS...

          We are all proud of you and your progress so far, will be thinking of you, and you know where I am...

          Love, Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Feeling tempted

            Hey bella you are posting just when you should and thats when you need someone to vent to and get some feed back.

            Take care


              Feeling tempted

              Oh thankyou so much. It helps me so much to hear what you have all said. Especially hearing someone say I am strong. I don't feel strong, i'm scatching my head and biting my nails and i can't stop thinking about it. I need to stop and listen to the sober Bella. She is so much nicer to me! Thankyou again. I'm going to read everyones posts now . B


                Feeling tempted

                You can do it Bella,

                get yourself a girlie night on your own... pluck your eyebrows, take a bubble batha nd shave /wax your hour done.

                Get and clean out old undies and faded clothes...declutter your wardrobe.

                get a book to read in hubby tonight so you can read all night if you want.

                cook something healthy

                get a DVD lined up

                ring a few friends

                get posting on this site.

                say a few prayers or do a 10 minute spiritual reading...if it helps...I have a strong faith and believe God is in this situation with me!!

                May be just a few chocs and a hot chocolate.

                thats the evening sorted.

                Its hard when you are on your own as you feel you are not accountable but we know we are rally accountable for our behaviours to ourselves and God.

                Have a great dont need the wine...Weel done for giving it away.

                Regards Cassy


                  Feeling tempted

                  thankyou Cassy, I will think on that x


                    Feeling tempted

                    Bella, how many days AF are you celebrating today?
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Feeling tempted

                      Hi Determinator, I'm not celebrating but its 32 days now. i just feel really miserable today. And i should be feeling great i supose.


                        Feeling tempted

                        Bella 32 is magnifico! sometimes we just feel down. such is life. Taking L-glutamine or GABA? they help me be more even-keeled, but even still not always. be well.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Feeling tempted

                          Bella-hang in there. It's tough. But in the long run you will be happier making the decision to not have those glasses of wine. Tomorrow you'll laugh and see how silly it all was and be proud how strong you really are. Keeping busy & not harping on the craving is the main thing. Hang tough-you can do it!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

