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How do you deal with depression?

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    How do you deal with depression?

    I had depression, too. I was taking AD for it and was about to ask for something to boost that. I didn't care if I lived or died....until I quit off the AD and the fog lifted. AL is the problem. AL is the problem. AL is the problem. Try it, what have you got to lose? You've got to pull yourself hard as it've got to start crawling out of this hole. How long have you been in it? Has what you've tried worked? If not, a course correction has to be made. Is it easy? Hell it absolutely necessary? You long can this go on? THERE IS HOPE....Get AL out and see if that's not the best thing you've ever given to yourself. AND GIVE IT A CHANCE. I'm not talking about a couple days here and there, you must get it OUT. It is trying to kill us! You are just where I've got to put one foot in front of the other and climb out. It only takes a few days to see the difference. Will you give this a try??
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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      How do you deal with depression?

      It is winter here, no sun. So I am having to take vitamin D to feel human. Seeings how al is a depressive, most of are easily depressed, I think. Even though it is unpleasant, it is familiar. Like say for instance taking the same route to work everyday. After a while you do it automatically. It's unconscious, ingrained, internalized. It's where we go when we are on autopilot.


        How do you deal with depression?

        I agree with Byrdlady. AL causes a huge problem with depression. When I was drinking heavily, all I could think of was how worthless I am and how I don't belong in this world. And I've been taking anti-depressants for a while now. It was like the AL cancelled out the effect of the meds. I do feel much better when I'm not drinking... not perfect, and the depression is a struggle every day, but at least slowing down to stopping drinking is one step in the right direction to working through the healing process of low self esteem and depression. Hang in there and be strong!
        Would you like you, if you met you?


          How do you deal with depression?

          briseus;1441133 wrote: Thanks everyone...

          Of course drinking only makes the depression worse, how silly of me.
          I definitely know this...I was just in a bit of a mood last night...struggling with not drinking, being alone at home after a hard day at work...there are a lot of other things going on in my life that are stressing me out...but it is true that drinking doesn't help. Temporarily, but in the long run, no.

          Thank you for the suggestions Juja - those are all great...and NoraC, I actually just started going back to the gym so I am hoping that helps.

          Kradle, I wish I could move out...but honestly, there really is nowhere for me to go...I am also afraid that it is going to break my relationship with my boyfriend. I completely understand what you are saying and I completely 100% agree with you...I sorta am trapped I guess. Maybe if I am out of the house more it'll help...

          It's strange, things were going so well and than it sort of bottomed out...I am determined to make 2013 my year...I think more than anything I hate myself. I am trying to work through low self-esteem weight gain doesn't help at all. I hate looking in the mirror and I know that alcohol is the culprit as well. I know how great it is to wake up knowing that you didn't drink the night before. I *know* this.

          Maybe I will focus my books again...try this again. Instead of going around in circles.

          Thanks to all of you lovely friends.
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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            How do you deal with depression?

            Hi Bri!

            Just poppin' in to say Hi and let you know I'm thinking of you, and that I care A LOT about you too. Kradle made a good point...if moving out of your BF's house ends the relationship...well...was it that strong to begin with? Just something to think about :l

            I had very slight depression so I'm no expert. But I DO know that I drank when I felt depressed, then felt depressed because I drank. Getting the alcohol OUT completely is the first step in feeling better.

            Please stick close, you have lots of love and support here :h

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              How do you deal with depression?

              Check with your Doctor......I 'm on Zoloft, it helps. Booze just makes things worst ! Tony
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                How do you deal with depression?

                All above are great ideas . Spirituality helps.

                Also, look at things we have and being grateful of things we have is helpful.
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  How do you deal with depression?

                  Hi Bri, sorry you struggling, I've had depression ranging from mild to very bad over the years, but when I drink it is always, always worse, no doubt about it. When I stay sober I still have bad days but have the energy and clear sighted ness to know I can pull myself out of it with exercise, cuddling my kids, seeing friends and family, reading, watching good tv or a film. On the other hand when I'm drinking I think the only way out is more booze which ends in a massive binge where I end up unwell physically and mentally!
                  We all know it here but we all struggle so stay close and keep posting xx
                  AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                  Day by day


                    How do you deal with depression?

                    Nelz;1441158 wrote: Brisus, I wish I could offer some sort of help with your battle. I know that depression is something that most people that havent seen it first hand, dont understand it.

                    Its not something you can X-ray or see, but it is very REAL. I know how bad it can be, seemingly zapping all the strength and motivation you have. Its not something you can just "cowboy up" on and feel better.

                    Just want ya to know I feel for ya, and can empathize, Ive seen my wife battle it for years. There is never really any rhyme or reason, but it always seems to let go of its grip after some time and lets her get back to normal.

                    Wishing you some really good things coming your way in very short order, and the strength it takes to fight that bastard...........I hate it(depression) about as much as I hate AL
                    Bless you, Nelz, for being so understanding with your wife's battle. I have struggled with depression for years after being poisoned by pesticides. It is, indeed, a battle. I have great respect for you in giving her understanding and love through it. I had depression before I drank, so it is not the cause, but it makes it worse. I have found now that I went AF, when I've slipped the depression comes back with a vengeance.

                    Juja, GREAT suggestions. Now it is you sounding strong today.

                    Bri, between the AL use and the trapped situation, it's no wonder you feel depressed. You are stuck in a vicious circle. Try to find small solutions to start moving yourself toward having more control over your life, so you don't feel so trapped and hopeless.:l


                    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                      How do you deal with depression?

                      I must reply to each individual this may be a tad long. I will try and keep it short and sweet.

                      @Nelz - thanks very much for your kind words...I know it always gets worse for me in the Winter time...and yes, I hate it about as much as AL too. Thank you for being there and understanding.

                      @Hippyman - I am glad that you are able to do something that you love and that it helps you get out of that funk.

                      @Paulywogg - definitely there are days where I don't want to do anything at all.

                      @Byrdlady - you are 110% right, I completely agree with you...I guess I am trying to say that I always knew from the get-go that alcohol never helps depression. Geeze, I used to drink while on pointless and dumb was that? I was taking an antidepressant and drowning it with a depressant...and I know I have to climb out...I feel like I am in a black hole right now and am trying to find my footing...I work on this though every single day.

                      @NewOne - I understand what you're saying. I find I am worse in the Winter time...maybe Seasonal Affective Disorder? My boyfriend recently bought me a light to help me out with that. Doesn't help that I work somewhere with no windows and live in a basement. :/

                      @Mein Sonnenschein - I know what you are saying as well, when I got off the AL for nearly 40 days it definitely was a roller coaster but it was better than drinking...there were crap days, but there were good days as well. I just hate having to think about AL all the time when not drinking!

                      @Kradle & @K9 - you guys have been there for me since day 1 and I am so grateful to have you as friends and for you to always support me.
                      Why can't I move out? I guess at the same time (again) I am afraid. I don't want to be alone and I don't want to see if this relationship won't work out in the end. Because I do love my boyfriend very much...I guess I really have to think things through because for whatever reason, really when I think about it, I don't think I will be getting sober any time soon if I stay in this house - so you guys raise valid points...things I HAVE to think about and through even though I am too scared to do it.
                      I luv you guys. XO

                      @IAD - thanks, I used to be on AD...but than got off because I just drank and it counteracted it...I want to get off the booze and than see a doc and go from there. Never tried Zoloft though, that might be an option.

                      @Alcoholic - there is something that I want to work on. Any suggestions?

                      @Mootsbill - yes those binges...I know what you are talking about. I had a particularly bad one a few weeks ago...but there is that one thing that makes it all okay when sober, you do have the clear sightedness to deal with things in healthier ways. You are very right in that.

                      I know that more drinking just makes it worse...I used to be such a happy girl...bubbly and bright, I hate how alcohol has robbed me of that. I hate how I think about it all the time. I think about it all the time when actively drinking and I think about it all the time when I am not. I just want to be rid of this demon.
                      I know it can't magically go away - I need to put the work in.

                      You guys have said many things to me that I really need to think about it.
                      Thanks everyone. I really am grateful that I can vent here and you will always be there for me. I really take everyones advice into you know though, AL is a beast in is hard...but I know I can do it. I have done it before...several times. I just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel once again.
                      I came here in April...I don't want it to be another year of struggles...
                      Been drinking for 4 years...will be 5 if I don't stop...and than it will be 6, 10, 14, needs to stop now.

                      Thanks. :h:l:thanks:



                        How do you deal with depression?

                        You must have wrote the same time as me Slay.
                        You are right...maybe I should start of doing little things...any suggestions?
                        It definitely is a vicious cycle. Ugh.


                        Ps. I love your quote.



                          How do you deal with depression?

                          briseus;1441404 wrote: You must have wrote the same time as me Slay.
                          You are right...maybe I should start of doing little things...any suggestions?
                          It definitely is a vicious cycle. Ugh.


                          Ps. I love your quote.

                          There may be something on the special call out or daily inspiration threads I post on in the Just Starting Out section. You mention fear, well that is what keeps us locked in a place that we are miserable being in. The fear of change, of the unknown, of being alone and the change is uncomfortable, but without it, you will continue to stay right where you are and YOU know that isn't working for you. I am walking right through fear right now and you know what? I'm starting to feel hope and empowerment. You can't stay in the comfortable zone when it's not working. YOU must start stepping outside of it. Start to journal to get your true thoughts out. Even if you rip it up afterwards so no one finds it. You have to figure out what is making you unhappy, then start taking steps to change it. As long as you feel hopeless, trapped and without a choice, you will keep drinking. Start reading positive thoughts and quotes daily. Journal out your feelings. Then begin to get the AL out of your system so you have clearer thoughts. Also, get out of that basement! That has to be probably need more light. It's a vicious circle. You get depressed and then you do less when you need to get out and do something that YOU enjoy. Start thinking about what that is and start SLAYING THAT FEAR! It's your enemy toward getting your happiness. :l


                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            How do you deal with depression?

                            I have to say my depression lifted when I quit drinking. I had been taking Wellbutrin for years which I finally quit because it didn't help. Along with the MWO supplements, I added SAM-E and 5-htp and I feel so much better. I often hear about the chicken and the egg thing with alcohol. For me, I definitely think the alcohol caused the depression.


                              How do you deal with depression?

                              briseus;1441399 wrote: I must reply to each individual this may be a tad long. I will try and keep it short and sweet.

                              @Nelz - thanks very much for your kind words...I know it always gets worse for me in the Winter time...and yes, I hate it about as much as AL too. Thank you for being there and understanding.

                              @Hippyman - I am glad that you are able to do something that you love and that it helps you get out of that funk.

                              @Paulywogg - definitely there are days where I don't want to do anything at all.

                              @Byrdlady - you are 110% right, I completely agree with you...I guess I am trying to say that I always knew from the get-go that alcohol never helps depression. Geeze, I used to drink while on pointless and dumb was that? I was taking an antidepressant and drowning it with a depressant...and I know I have to climb out...I feel like I am in a black hole right now and am trying to find my footing...I work on this though every single day.

                              @NewOne - I understand what you're saying. I find I am worse in the Winter time...maybe Seasonal Affective Disorder? My boyfriend recently bought me a light to help me out with that. Doesn't help that I work somewhere with no windows and live in a basement. :/

                              @Mein Sonnenschein - I know what you are saying as well, when I got off the AL for nearly 40 days it definitely was a roller coaster but it was better than drinking...there were crap days, but there were good days as well. I just hate having to think about AL all the time when not drinking!

                              @Kradle & @K9 - you guys have been there for me since day 1 and I am so grateful to have you as friends and for you to always support me.
                              Why can't I move out? I guess at the same time (again) I am afraid. I don't want to be alone and I don't want to see if this relationship won't work out in the end. Because I do love my boyfriend very much...I guess I really have to think things through because for whatever reason, really when I think about it, I don't think I will be getting sober any time soon if I stay in this house - so you guys raise valid points...things I HAVE to think about and through even though I am too scared to do it.
                              I luv you guys. XO

                              @IAD - thanks, I used to be on AD...but than got off because I just drank and it counteracted it...I want to get off the booze and than see a doc and go from there. Never tried Zoloft though, that might be an option.

                              @Alcoholic - there is something that I want to work on. Any suggestions?

                              @Mootsbill - yes those binges...I know what you are talking about. I had a particularly bad one a few weeks ago...but there is that one thing that makes it all okay when sober, you do have the clear sightedness to deal with things in healthier ways. You are very right in that.

                              I know that more drinking just makes it worse...I used to be such a happy girl...bubbly and bright, I hate how alcohol has robbed me of that. I hate how I think about it all the time. I think about it all the time when actively drinking and I think about it all the time when I am not. I just want to be rid of this demon.
                              I know it can't magically go away - I need to put the work in.

                              You guys have said many things to me that I really need to think about it.
                              Thanks everyone. I really am grateful that I can vent here and you will always be there for me. I really take everyones advice into you know though, AL is a beast in is hard...but I know I can do it. I have done it before...several times. I just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel once again.
                              I came here in April...I don't want it to be another year of struggles...
                              Been drinking for 4 years...will be 5 if I don't stop...and than it will be 6, 10, 14, needs to stop now.

                              Thanks. :h:l:thanks:

                              Bri, I can tell you from experience that thinking about drinking has nearly subsided for me. This is after about 9 months of coming here every single day. Maybe it was 8 months. Finally, I have other interests, other thoughts that dominate my day and even though I am modding, I don't even plan "drinking days" like I did in the past. Sometimes even when I know I could have a few drinks, I don't. I know I could easily fall back under the spell of AL, but I am soooo grateful that it is not a major part of my life anymore. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it takes TIME. It seems like it will always be a priority and that you will never get it out of your head, but you will. That is, if you quit. I cannot advocate moderation and will not. You need to quit completely until it is no longer an issue. Most people can never go back to drinking occasionally and that shouldn't be a goal to even consider, so my advice is just to quit, day by day, like you did before. It will *not* continue to take over your life if you leave it alone.:l

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                How do you deal with depression?

                                LG THAT IS SUCH AWESOME NEWS!!

                                I am really happy you are finding that peace. I'm about 7 months now and have my bad days but have lost alot of interest like you. Glad the holidays are over though... :nutso:


                                Sorry to intrude on your thread Bri:l
                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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