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How do you deal with depression?

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    How do you deal with depression?

    advice on depression

    I love Juja's advice on this. Very good tips, please follow!

    I also agree that part of feeling better is about taking active steps to get out of bad situations. But I know also that you usually say moving out isn't an option.

    As for your weight and low self-esteem generally, you need to pay special attention to what you are telling yourself. Don't look in the mirror and ridicule yourself. Can you join a weight management program? Let's say even something like Weight Watchers where you count all the points for a day and then you realize the alcohol impact.

    Try to be constructive with your criticism. Instead of telling yourself you are fat, tell yourself that while you have put on some pounds, you have many good qualities and that you have lost weight before and can do it again. And you'll be healthier booze-wise too.

    I think antidepressants like Celexa can work with periodic binge drinking by the way, as opposed to chronic drinking. I wouldn't rule out medication.

    And finally, make sure you get regular therapy!


      How do you deal with depression?

      Since we are on the topic of depression, I could really use some advice today. This is my 4th day AF and my depression hit me head on this morning. I watched the movie "Rain in my Heart" yesterday evening and was crying the entire time I tried to prepare supper. I am not in the exact same boat with regards to health so I am lucky, but I could relate to many of the sad/lonely feelings displayed in the movie. Then this morning I woke up crying. Now that the alcohol is gone, I have to learn to feel and deal with the depression... which I have not done since I was diagnosed. And, I am all alone in this battle. I am an American that lives in a small town in Germany (which I hate) and I have no friends here, only my husband. And he wants to get rid of me... instead of being supportive and helping me through this tough time, he would rather that I move back home so he does not have to deal with my alcoholism/depression. What are wedding vows for??? Sickness and health I thought? So I'm trying to work today but I keep crying. I would go for a walk but it's freezing and snowing. My dog is afraid of me (he hates it when I cry). I am all alone, so sad, and I don't even have my friend AL to talk to. Has anyone had one of these days, and what did you do???
      Would you like you, if you met you?


        How do you deal with depression?

        Mein S..... So sorry your hubby is so unkind.
        You have to do this for you though and even when the spouse is supportive it is hard. Don't worry about the crying, it is normal and actually good for you. Unless it becomes daily and does not resolve treat it as healing. BTW most dogs are wierded out by tears....don't take it personally.

        Briseus ..... Something really struck me about your post. Lack of daylight. I am English and suffered SEVERE seasonal adjustment disorder when living there. From October to Mar I was chronically depressed. I emigrated to NZ ten years ago and have never had another problem.
        You said you work with no windows and live in a basement, this is catastrophic for anyone, let alone someone who is depressed. You need to move and change up your routine to be up with the light and out in it. Quite apart from the depression it will get your metabolism going.
        Make this a priority. No one should live underground, and no lightbulb cannot replace sunlight, no matter what it says on the box!


          How do you deal with depression?

          When I stay clean I still have bad days but have the energy and obvious spotted lines to know I can take myself out of it with exercise, hugging my children, seeing buddies and family, studying, viewing good tv or a movie.

