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Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

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    Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

    Night Molly x

    Reccie, im an awful one for buying lottery quick picks, then finding them several months later at bottom of my bag!
    Questie, sorry you have such a sleazy boss to deal with, if he were mine ida been sacked ages ago and there'd be an aul git hobblin round wit sore you know wots.

    Any hows, its nice to 'meet' ye, im gonna head to my sack too as have early start in morn. Hope ye dont mind if i nip in here now and then?


      Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

      Cinders;1441364 wrote: Hi there Army.

      Zenners has gone to rehab. Does anyone know which one?

      Has anyone talked to her and can let me know how she is doing?

      Hi Cinders, can't tell you which one, but it's about a mile from her home. She's fine, but not really able to communicate at any length. She'll be back in less than 2 weeks.

      limers;1441366 wrote: hello all, went back to my choir tonight, twas nice to be singing again. Mollers, only 1 day a way!! Im excited for you ! Going to watch corrie, chat later x

      sweetpea29;1441367 wrote:
      Night Molly x

      Reccie, im an awful one for buying lottery quick picks, then finding them several months later at bottom of my bag!
      Questie, sorry you have such a sleazy boss to deal with, if he were mine ida been sacked ages ago and there'd be an aul git hobblin round wit sore you know wots.

      Any hows, its nice to 'meet' ye, im gonna head to my sack too as have early start in morn. Hope ye dont mind if i nip in here now and then?
      Course we don't mind! Night.


        Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

        Awhh innit lovely we've got visitors ?

        Welcome one and all xxx
        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


          Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

          sweetpea29;1441367 wrote:
          Any hows, its nice to 'meet' ye, im gonna head to my sack too as have early start in morn. Hope ye dont mind if i nip in here now and then?
          Ooh lovely a new cadet. Don't be a stranger.

          Go on Molls, give us a wave.I'll bet you're still lurking.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

            JackieClaire;1441393 wrote: Ooh lovely a new cadet. Don't be a stranger.

            Go on Molls, give us a wave.I'll bet you're still lurking.


              Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

              Um... hello.

              Just Arsey checking in. Catch you all on the flipside troops.


                Army Thread Wednesday 9th January

                niters Army
                mama is pooped!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem

