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What to do when you're not drinking?

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    What to do when you're not drinking?

    Hello All,

    I'm just a few weeks into MYO and I done a decent job on cutting back on my drinking. I can go up to five days a week AF (not always in a row). But now I have all this time on my hands, and unfortunately, I still have mostly zero energy. I can get up and go to work all day, but when I get home...I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. I can't of course--husband and kids would find that a bit strange, but I'm just so bored and really lack energy.There's lots I sould be doing--dishes, laundry, keep up with things, but I just don't have the motivation to get busy.

    I've read that some of you are very athletic. I'm not. I wish I was, but again it goes back to that complete lack of energy. I love the fact that I'm getting a handle on the drinking thing, but I'm wondering, how long until I feel like I did before I started drinking too much. Does that energy level and generally happiness of the days before drinking come back?

    Just looking for some advice. What are some of the things the you all do to fill your sober moments? Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks all,


    What to do when you're not drinking?

    Julie, sorry to hear's the opposite for me (not rubbing it in) but my energy levels are much better being AF. I did have one day where I was just chronically tired and that was the day after my first strenuous exercise in a while so it was understandable. I'd really suggest even a small walk once a day before or after dinner perhaps? the body's glandular functions do remarkably better with even a little exercise and one of the changed that occurs in the brain after going AF can be a reduction in the production of various dopamines including nor-epenepherine and seratonin. well....stay in touch on this at any rate, and glad you're moderating well.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      What to do when you're not drinking?

      Hi julie, you WILL get your energy back. When i stopped drinking i thought i would have boundless energy, not so. I was knackered pretty much all the time, but especially tired about 4pm onwards. It was wierd. I also broke out in spots which was awful because i did not expect that. I, like you posted and asked everyone what to do. they said keep going and do some exercise, even if it just a walk round the block. I had 2 weeks of feeling crap.. now i am back on top, lethargy went away. It just takes time, believe me. I could not be bothered to put the washing on, clean the house etc.. but now i'm back to my fairly active self.

      So, in short, hang in there and you will get there.


        What to do when you're not drinking?

        Thank you all for the words of wisdom. Sooner or later the weather will be warm enough... and I'll force myself to at least go for a walk around the block after work...maybe that will ignite the spark I need to get some energy back. Again thanks! You are all great inspiration.



          What to do when you're not drinking?

          hello julie001. Do you suffer from depression? or maybe anemia? Maybe you should just get some blood tests done at you physicians office to check for anemia. I suffer from that. There is a vitamin B form of anemia and an iron form. Also you may be depressed. you can discuss that with you physician also. Some people can get over with just balancing your diet and exercise and adequate sun. Some may need meds to help. I fall into the meds group. I hope you can get energy easily. Drinking in moderation can help quite a bit in these areas. If you feel tired after moderating for a while then I suggest you talk to you physician. You may need some additonal help. Good luck and :h .


            What to do when you're not drinking?

            Just H,

            Thanks for your response. I did go see my doctor and was presribed lexapro, and anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug. And I've been seeing a councelor for about five week. I'm bound and determined to get a handle on my drinking and really start enjoying my life. The drugs do seem to be helping with the anxious feelings I was getting due to stress and overload. I think that the drug has also contributed to less drinking on my behalf because I not getting my self all wound up and then using that as an excuse to drink. I see another doctor in two weeks--a new general practice doc. I'm going to ask to have my blood checked, thyroid, etc... to rule any other possibble concerns. Again thats for the info!



              What to do when you're not drinking?

              For the first few weeks I read books - the great escape.

              Now I have much more energy and am doing many other things with my family that I hated before - like going to expos (crowds - yuck) and visiting friends without drinking - alot easier but it takes time.

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

