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Army Thread Friday 11th January

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    Army Thread Friday 11th January

    FUCK! first time for losing a long post!
    Try again... Satzy, :l in repsonse..

    satz123;1442281 wrote: Need advice Army. I was AF for 6 months with 2 small breaks and bounced back.
    I did not miss it AT ALL ! Seriously not a bit.
    I KNOW if it was a normal Christmas I would have gotten through - but holidays are too intense for me and out of my comfort zone.
    But when I go on hols I love cold beer or 2 at lunchtime, evening time and wine with dinner. Then I'm done. While the rest of them drank late into the night - shots and all ! Not once was I drunk or falling down.
    My DD decided to confront me and said it was problem drinking to want a drink at lunchtime.
    WHAT is normal drinking ? Go all day then at a certain time in the evening it's ok to get blathered ?
    Now she is a cow sometimes when SHE has a few wines too many - picks on us all about various things - our weak spots sort of thing but ...... is she right ?
    Now I KNOW I had a problem when I was drinking every day - small amounts too but EVERY DAY. I knocked that on the head & then kept going and did not drink at all.
    Mr Satz said I was in a boring routine 'cos I wouldn't go to pub. It's ok to drink and get pissed but only when he is drinking and in the pub.
    What do you think Army ? Is my sitting with my family late one night after playing cards in Oz gettting told I have a problem 'cos I have a different drinking pattern to them - my rock bottom ??
    Mr Satz joining in - the traitor - telling about 'bottlegate' last May! And saying in next breath he didn't realise I had a problem
    HIS idea of the problem was that I drank at home and wouldn't go to the pub to get pissed with him.
    I'd love your advice. Do I need to draw a line now and stop completely ? 'Cos if I do I know it will be a huge change in our marriage - 'cos I won't be going to the same places any more where drink is the focal point - and he is already complaining I am in a 'rut' 'cos I don't mix in boozy pub circle any more - but I needed that to stay sober last 6 months
    Am I an alcoholic ? There I've said it ? :upset:
    Answers on a postcard please
    3 things:

    1) It does sound like hypocrisy if one person says to another they have a drinking problem PURELY because they drink at a different time of day. That is ludicrous. I know french and spanish people who have a drink with their lunch, then a drink with their dinner. And that's it. 2 drinks. No more. It's just their custom. Are they alcoholics/got a drinking problem? Hardly.

    2) Satzy, why did you join MWO in the first place? I remind myself of this when I am struggling... or when a voice says, "FFS Arsey, stop being so fecking pious and virtous, have a god damn drink" ... and remind myself that i came to MWO because I couldn't - or found it very hard to - have just one drink. Remembering where I was BEFORE i came and WHY i came here helps me understand what I was doing to myself and why I needed to stop.

    It doesn;t matter if your husband or family and friends continue to drink as they did before, it doesn;t matter whether they are alkies or heavy drinkers or otherwise... it doesn't matter. It's about you... don't try to be others. Wear your Satzy hat, not your daughter's or your husband's or anyones. Wear your own. I'll ping up an e.e.cummings quote after sums this up succinctly.

    3) "Am I an alcoholic?" Up to you what you describe yourself as. The problem with the term alcoholic is it is a highly contaminated word that brings with it unpalatable connotations and associations (even if theoretically that is what we all are). I wouldn't worry about calling yourself an alcoholic or otherwise. I don't think that's important. I think what is more important is being honest with yourself about your relationship with AL. How you describe it is up to you. I think today the term "alcoholic" covers alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency. I did the former 100% and in terms of the latter was certainly showing very clear signs of dependency. So, according to some diagnostic info out there I'd be classes as an alcoholic, even though that word and term sound foreign to describe me.

    There is no such thing as "normal drinking" I don't think. There is drinking that is accepted in certain social spheres, but depending on who, what and where that can all be different. Listen to this link from a recent Radio 4 programme - it even questions whether government guidelines are healthy - indeed, whether AL is healthy AT ALL.

    Here's the thread and link - go to about 20mins in. Radio 4



      Army Thread Friday 11th January

      Wow RC !! Very well put
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread Friday 11th January

        for Satzy (and anyone else, like me, who needs to hear this)- e.e. cummings quote


          Army Thread Friday 11th January

          Quest for the key;1442304 wrote: Me too satzerooney :H

          Aside from that did yer have a good hollier ? Or is 3 weeks too long ?
          Long enough Questypoo .
          I wanted to see my son but would have preferred him to come home. Was ovreruled on that by DD. She wanted a holiday and the guilt trip was in full flight. " We haven't seen him for 2 years - do you not care or wnt to see him ?". Daddy was prepared to fork out 15k to keep her happy

          Anyway - I am home and ready to do my own thing again. F**k the lot of them.
          Did I enjoy ? - I did but being on DD's schedule all the time pissed me off !

          Sorry folks for being a moan - but when I write it down it really is a bullying job isn't it ?
          God I'm sorry to be so me me me - I'll stop now :l


            Army Thread Friday 11th January

            JackieClaire;1442293 wrote: I'm still thinking Satz, but I had to give Limers a few :yay::yay::yay:
            thanks Jc :l


              Army Thread Friday 11th January

              Satz Can you feel the lurve!!


                Army Thread Friday 11th January

                Satz, your prob over tired and jet lagged and emotional, its all just starting to hit you and the perspective you have of the hols went now might be a very diff one after a few days.Relax over the weekend and get your mo jo back and take it easy on yourself xx


                  Army Thread Friday 11th January

                  Glad you liked thr radio 4 link RC
                  Fab post to Satz btw


                    Army Thread Friday 11th January

                    satz123;1442309 wrote: Long enough Questypoo .
                    I wanted to see my son but would have preferred him to come home. Was ovreruled on that by DD. She wanted a holiday and the guilt trip was in full flight. " We haven't seen him for 2 years - do you not care or wnt to see him ?". Daddy was prepared to fork out 15k to keep her happy

                    Anyway - I am home and ready to do my own thing again. F**k the lot of them.
                    Did I enjoy ? - I did but being on DD's schedule all the time pissed me off !

                    Sorry folks for being a moan - but when I write it down it really is a bullying job isn't it ?
                    God I'm sorry to be so me me me - I'll stop now :l
                    Ermmmm don't be sorry !!! Dya know what - there's a very simple saying - you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family " - and I for one know that's true !!!

                    And if it involves yer kids - well, I'm a mum as well as a daughter - so it's a toughie to call
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread Friday 11th January

                      anon;1442314 wrote: Satz Can you feel the lurve!!
                      Mrs a I can feel the lurve for her :l:l
                      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                        Army Thread Friday 11th January

                        Runners, don't know if it's just me but I can see your blahness lifting, that was a fabulous post. Written with great passion.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Friday 11th January

                          anon;1442316 wrote: Glad you liked thr radio 4 link RC
                          Fab post to Satz btw
                          thanks for bringing our attention to it mrsa. I really think it needs paying attention to both for the general public - just in terms of education of where the current thoughts around AL and AL consumption are, but also for those struggling with AL... I do remind myself of it, for understanding that, really, there is no benefit (not even medical really) to having a drink, helps beat the voice in the head that says "hey one is good for you, just one."


                            Army Thread Friday 11th January

                            satz123;1442309 wrote: Long enough Questypoo .
                            I wanted to see my son but would have preferred him to come home. Was ovreruled on that by DD. She wanted a holiday and the guilt trip was in full flight. " We haven't seen him for 2 years - do you not care or wnt to see him ?". Daddy was prepared to fork out 15k to keep her happy

                            Anyway - I am home and ready to do my own thing again. F**k the lot of them.
                            Did I enjoy ? - I did but being on DD's schedule all the time pissed me off !

                            Sorry folks for being a moan - but when I write it down it really is a bullying job isn't it ?
                            God I'm sorry to be so me me me - I'll stop now :l
                            Arrrghhhhhhhhhh don't apologise, yer daftie. :lIf you don't ask the questions you won't get an answer.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Friday 11th January

                              JackieClaire;1442320 wrote: Runners, don't know if it's just me but I can see your blahness lifting, that was a fabulous post. Written with great passion.
                              Yeah... not as blah as the last couple of days JC.

                              Maybe's just posting more...helps...


                                Army Thread Friday 11th January

                                limers;1442282 wrote: hello all, still feeling like a limp of friggin shyte!!!!! So im going to chillax in front of the box and hopefully tomorrow I will be over the worst of it. Good neews is that I got the gig , the interview I went for on mon , they rang today offering me the position. So im happy about that , happy friday evening everyone x
                                I knew you would get it. You'll be great!
                                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                       Newbies Nest
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