Wish I could multiquote, but hey, gonna try and remember some of yestees thread anyway..
Firstly many many congrats to Limeyhole and JC for their new jobs. A life change like that is so great for motivation. Well done both of you :l
RC its so great to see you back with all your wise intelligent and thoughtful posts. I am so glad you seem to be feeling better. I agree with the pink cloud theory. Sometimes it does give us a wicked boot up the arse.
Satzy, its lovely to see you back but so sorry you are feeling fragile. I totally understand that "drinking to fit in' mentality. I did it for years and wasnt able to follow my own needs for a myriad of reasons. I too felt I wanted to change, but was very afraid of changing for the effect it had on my marriage. What I have found is that yes, it has affected my marriage. But not necessarily in a negative way. Every life situation creates change and thats what makes us individual. Like the others said, do what you need to do for YOU. Not what your family wants or expects. Easy to say I know, but I think you know deep down what you want and need for yourself :l
Feck knows why i am awake at this godforsaken hour though....bah :upset: