Adding garlic I said to myself, "make sure it's a crapload!"
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I think of you when...
I think of you when...
Bak310, I think of you and chuckle to myself everytime I see the "Bebe" store at the outdoor mall. And shiny red heels.... I havent laughed that hard since I was in about eighth grade!
And I'm sure now that I will laugh to myself everytime I organize my supplements in my pill box (suitcase). Yes, they really should come with built-in laptops and and a wine storage underneath just in case the kudzu doesnt work! (I know that's terrible everybody, but it did make for a pee-in-your-pants laugh while in Walgreens...)What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....
I think of you when...
Fan, I think of your generous and empathetic spirit whenever I'm down
Lush, Allie and Jenneh..and others, I think of you when I want to have do it so brilliantly and poetically
MKR..I think of your solidity as a human being and how thoughtful you and so many others are to be able to address so many personals
Judie-your 'right arm' attitude
Macks and Mrs. Macks..for your inspires my marriage
And everyone else..I cannot personally..especially those who have supported me, pm'd me..LoriSunshine, Beaches...
Rachele, Irishlady
I think of you when...
I am bumping this thread up because I think it is such a great idea. Come on someone......
OKay I will go again.
Jenneh, I think of you whenever I am looking for a new avatar because I have laughed more over the day we changed our avatars to, umm, raunchy ones.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
I think of you when...
Lusch I think of you whenever I am feeling quiet and need to insert some bitchiness in my day (like I need to be more assertive) - this is a good thing FYI. I also think of you when I am LMAO at most of the things on these boards!
Fan I think of you when I think of compassion and emphathy.
MKR Mary I think of you when I am thinking of moderating and telling myself "I dont need to go overboard"
D I think of you when I see a beautiful piece of artwork or I see something really creative.
PP and Beaches I think of you when i think of supporting one another through thick and thin
Betty boop I think of you when I see a pic of betty boop!And also when i think of sweetness
And all the rest of you - I think of you when I think of strength and courage.
JenOver 4 months AF :h
I think of you when...
I think of Gabby whenever I need a good laugh - her avatar still makes me crack up every time I see it!
I also think of the Macks whenever I need inspiration - no matter what they approach it and work on it together as a team...Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
I think of you when...
I think of Kate7173 everytime I read a newbies post - she was the first one to reply to me,
I think of DooDoo everytme I pickup the book or need a drink - she was the one that kept on saying get the book,
I think of Popeye everytime I need a hug - he is full of them,
and I always think of Louise when I see a swimming pool or make a cup of tea.
I have only been her 6 days and I think of all of you everyday as with out you for the last 6 days I might not have been here.Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending
I think of you when...
I think of :
Lucky everytime I see a duck.
Of Judie when I see something on the west coast.
Of Kathy when I see a flag.
Of Beaches and Fan and all the others when I see a "special" child.
Of Jen when I see a cheerleader.
Of Lush when I need to be assertive.
Of Elizibiy when I see a "Baptist" dog!
Of Tea when I read the Word and have tea.
Of Mr & Mrs Macks when I see a family out having fun.
Of Allie when I see someone with their mom.
Of AA when bike riders go by.
Of Sime when I see a "lady" all put together..
Of Di when it gets tought to say.."no thank you".
Of Boo every time I go to Auburn.
Of Shas when I say "just keep swimming".
Of Louise when I think "Be still"..
Of Bak when I see special Jewish people or RED shoes!
Of Mighty Mouse when I see someone doing the work of taking care of others.
Of Grateful Em when I see ice cream!
Of Tawny when I see a frog.
Of the ones who have come and gone.
Of RJ when I read something someone shares about themselves without fear .
Of all.....yes everyone of you when I lay my head on my pillow at night and say:
Thank you God...please be with them.
:h"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
I think of you when...
OK I love this!
Fan: when I need support or see Steve Martin
Beaches: when I am stressed and think of her always "calm" approach
Lush: when I want to slap my hubby (other times too lol)
Jen: whenever I see a cheerleader
Southernbelle: when I had a God Stop moment or read something inspirational
MKR: when thinking "one more glass" and visualizing her drink tracker
AA: when I see cyclists zoom by (we have tons here)
Judie: whenever I see kayaks in the canal behind my houseSometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.