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Stressed Out
Stressed Out
I decided today to quit a part me job because I wanted to concentrate on quitting drinking. I know the next few months are going to be hard from my first detox. You all know how it is. I really want to do this forever. The powers that be seemed to be upset with me. Now I'm really stressed. I didn't think I could take on two stressful situations at the same time."One day at a time one commitment at a time." I have to see the shrink in Feb and I'm sure she would agree with my decision. I have to do what's good for me ,my family and my health. I know she is going to tell me my anxiety has returned and needs to be treated. Now I'll have two medical conditions. My other job is from home and I think I can deal with my problems better from home. Thanks for listening.Tags: None
Stressed Out
You need to do whatever it takes not to drink alcohol. That's what's important so focus on that!Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan
Stressed Out
Once I quit drinking, my anxiety/depression/stress lifted. Not magically overnight, no...but it did lift eventually. Get the alcohol out of the picture then you can focus on the rest of it. Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.