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after I quit drinking...

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    after I quit drinking...

    Hi everyone,

    Congrats to all no matter where your at in your process and keep your eye on the prize!

    I was just qurious as to peoples experiances with substitution after quitting AL. Personaly I find. My self acting really desperate and clingy with my lover. I haven't been like that since I was a teen...surprizingly I've been drunk ever since! Lmao!

    I know some people go crazy with food and what not. So I was hoping to get some insight as to what peoples addiction refocused on (if anything), positive addictions and or negative addictions that may have aroused after quitting, and how you dealt with it.

    I know that quiting drinking and rehabilitation aren't the same so I was also wondering how long it took for you addapt to life and feel whole or fufilled. I gess I'm looking for some "the journey after quitting" war stories, past and present

    Thanks! Much luv and positive energy.

    after I quit drinking...

    Hi, I quit twice last year for about 6 weeks each time, I find a love of icecream seems to replace the alcohol cravings
    Apart from that I find it surprisingly easy once I have started.
    My biggest downfall is I don't seem to be able to find the courage at social functions to say NO and then I am back on my daily intake again. If I could get over that hurdle I think not drinking is alot easier than you would imagine it is for me anyway
    Its easier not to start than stop


      after I quit drinking...

      :I Gm, I had that carb / sugar craving too, but it seems to be dwindeling. You right about not drinking being easier once you start, as for the social aspectn I was concerned about that before I stoped so I willfully confronted it right away, I figured if I purposfully put myself in the situation instead of waiting for it to happen to me I would have more control and it worked for me, an option to consider if nothing else is doing it for you


        after I quit drinking...

        LIFE... I AM NOW ADDICTED TO LIFE! And... Cadbury's Marvellous creation... Seriously, true friends in a social situation, will support you. Alcoholic friends in denial, will try to undermine you. You are in charge of the outcome. The chocolate... Delicious.


          after I quit drinking...

          Shezzie;1447616 wrote: LIFE... I AM NOW ADDICTED TO LIFE! And... Cadbury's Marvellous creation... Seriously, true friends in a social situation, will support you. Alcoholic friends in denial, will try to undermine you. You are in charge of the outcome. The chocolate... Delicious.
          So very true I go to a bar not to far away from here and they support my quit. They have paid for af drinks for me and the best part is that if I were to drink again, I know at least a couple of people who would smack me.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


            after I quit drinking...

            I've become obsessed with shelters & rescues. I feel like there is a dog out there that is sending me messages telepathically to come get him.


              after I quit drinking...

              i too have the ice cream addiction,i wish it was an exercise one instead
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                after I quit drinking...

                I have become addicted to happiness, living in the moment, self improvement and working out. I also do my best to steer clear of toxic people and things that bring me down.

                Early on I had a sweet tooth, but I have learned to change that behavior as well. It's funny how once you realized that you have power to change your behavior and improve your life daily, how it snowballs into all aspects of your life if you allow it.


                  after I quit drinking...

                  Chocolate! never used to eat the stuff before and ginger beer in the food drink line but have taken to treating myself to things like make-up, scented candles and clothes on a weekly basis and I am still saving money. The amount I've spent on wine in the last few years is truly scary.
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    after I quit drinking...

                    Wow! I'm glad to see that so many people had positive fillers! Makes me feel like this clingy needy desperatly obsessive vibe is going to pass sooner or later. Looking forward to it . 2 things ill thow in for fun. Anyone reading this who's having trouble with sugar cravings should look into chromium picolate works great for me! Also there's a documentary called "happy" that I found to be not only educational but rather inspiering


                      after I quit drinking...

                      I don't want to give up chocolate, but I'm now beginning to exercise & eat better... I think more positive then negative....... I also went thru a bit of a shopping addiction, but it has ceased...... Mr. Wilde approved of my ceasing.

                      Now when late spring & summer rolls thru like last year, I couldn't stop buying flowers, herbs to plant outside........ You should have seen the time it took at harvest to dry & separate all my herbs. One or two wasn't enough to satisfy my desires. :upset:

                      Oh my........hand lotions.........My hands need them........ Shampoos to... I stay away from casinos........... Animal shelters, two kitties is already too much... Why did I get a kitten at my age......... My boy cat doesn't like her..... This is very time consuming...... I read everything on-line & did it all slowly..... I'm still in the process.....

                      I was told not to make big decisions until I had at least a year of sobriety.... I should have listened. She's precious & so's my boy......... I'd like a puppy too.....

                      Sometimes the PC & researching is addictive for myself.


                        after I quit drinking...

                        Thats good advice about facing up to the social aspect I will try that approach next time I am off the booze and I am in the same situation.
                        The thing I hate most about alcohol abuse is it makes you look so unhealthy. Everyday I am shocked at my blotchy skin and bags when I look in my car mirror after spending all day looking at people that have clear skin and no bags at work.
                        Strange thing is if you looked like that after eating a meal you would decide you was allergic to it and never touch that food again. What a strange species we are
                        Its easier not to start than stop


                          after I quit drinking...

                          I have taken up smoking (rolly cigarettes). I only have about 2-3 per day (yes, it started at one), but i realise it's a far better habit than the other. I also realised tonight that part of my drinking problem was due to anxiety, as i am now reaching for a cigarette to alleviate the anxiety. I will deal with the smoking later.

                          The other thing i have done is to buy better food. I cook at home a lot now and can't remember the last time i had takeaway. This is nice. I have also started exercising and taking care with my appearance, which is a change.

                          The journey overall is a majorly positive one. I have short term and longer term goals and my excitement has returned.
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            after I quit drinking...

                            Supercrew;1447818 wrote: I also do my best to steer clear of toxic people and things that bring me down.
                            Yes! It's weird, i have been evaluating some of the so called friendships i have and am slowly deciding that i don't need them as much as i thought. I don't know if i will let them go completely, but i have decided that i deserve BETTER than some of the things i have been settling for and am beginning to think that i am now starting to like or love myself. Which is also weird, because i have never loved myself.

                            Having a clear mind has allowed me to see things as i believe they really are. I'm hoping for great changes this year and have even started praying.
                            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                              after I quit drinking...

                              spiderwoman;1447826 wrote: have taken to treating myself to things like make-up, scented candles and clothes on a weekly basis
                              Well, you look great spiderwoman
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

