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Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

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    Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

    Good morning, Army

    Apologies for my little tirade yesterday morning. :new:

    I'll try and approach today with a bit more positivity.

    Have a lekker Tuesday, and remember: tomorrow is already Hump Day (except for Pingu).
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

    Morning tipps and all to come, have some of my positivity im brimming with the stuff, lol
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

      Morning tips, pinky and all to come

      Been reading back over yesterday's thread, so I've got a mega-post coming up.


        Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

        mollyka;1447462 wrote: Andrews Mum died this afternoon - the call was about that - she's so much better off and I'm so friggin pleased he didn't wait till next Friday when he was s'posed to come home!
        Sorry to hear that molls, but good that he made it in time.

        anon;1447580 wrote: Hiya Reccie Call the midwife seems to be a very accurate representation of how it was working as a Communty Midwife back in the day. I am not sure whether you watched it?
        No, didn't see it mrs a. Practically the only thing I watch these days is BBC News 24.

        tiptronic_ct;1447600 wrote: Minibus taxis cause the majority of accidents on our roads - we have one of the highest road accident death tolls in the world. mum's best friend lost her daughter in an accident in SA

        mollyka;1447701 wrote: Just heard that the shop is gonna be sold toot-sweet!! Knew it was coming and it's nearly a relief that it's 'out there' now - next adventure in our lives!! After 25 yrs there I reckon it's time to move on.
        That's a shame molly, but I know you've been expecting it. Didn't you say something about going on a road trip in the US sfter the business was sold?

        littlepinkcat;1447719 wrote: well yous will never guess, u know i went for 2 research assistant interviews well i only fecking got one, she phoned today, i was like r u joking? lol, i am over the fecking moon, me a little psychological research assistant, come the feck on !!! this sober life is fecking mint xxx
        Absolutely brilliant pinky! Congratulations. :goodjob:

        anon;1447740 wrote: Not bad at the moment. Health issues now resolved or resolving. Family behaving after me laying the law down.:H

        RunningCourage;1447765 wrote:
        Me again. Molly - you were having a convo with Kuya about Vit B12. And you mentioned 25mcg vs 1000mcg, right? 25mcg being the RDA and 1000mcg being more the like the amounts you recommend? Am I right?

        From what i've read the minimum suggested amount to take is 2mcg - 3mcg. My multivits have the equivalent of 80mcg, or 3,200% of the RDA. But is this enough?
        The RDA for B12 is actually 1.5mcg and a balanced diet will provide 5 to 7 mcg.

        NHS Direct Wales - Encyclopaedia : Diet

        (Down at the bottom.)

        RunningCourage;1447801 wrote:
        Ta Jacs! Well, I'll try and see the doc and see what he/she says. Have to admit I would be surprised if it was depression only cos I saw myself as not being a cadidate for it. But suppose you could say the same about booze.

        Of course it could just be early stage sobriety or just being in the habit of not going out. Though TBH, right now my head's feeling heavy and lethargic and the thought of being sociable (and I do believe I am sociable) just feels like work. Have had me dinner too.
        Paying your GP a visit would seem like a sensible thing to do, RC.

        JackieClaire;1447843 wrote:
        Mine have something that looks like yg written on them. Googled the life out of what that means.
        It's the Greek letter mu or μ Jackie. It's used to represent a millionth. So 1μg is a millionth of a gram, or a microgram or mcg.

        JackieClaire;1447860 wrote:
        So a 1000 micrograms = 100 gms.
        Errm no! 1000 micrograms is a milligram or 1mg, which is a thousandth of a gram. A gram is written as 1g. Hope that didn't sound too pedantic, I'm just trying to clear up the confusion.

        JackieClaire;1447873 wrote:
        Just had a phone call my eldest cousin died this morning. Alcoholism finally got him.
        Very sorry to hear that, Jackie. :l

        mollyka;1447914 wrote:
        Gonna go get into me polka dot dressing gown (DOWN Reccie - DOWN:H)...
        Oooooh!!! :H


          Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

          morning reccie, hows tricks?
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

            littlepinkcat;1448160 wrote: morning reccie, hows tricks?
            Not bad, thanks, pinky. Good to see that things are going well for you.


              Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

              Cheers Reccie, a fortune teller told me 2013 is my year and that i would have life changing opportunities and that people would be suprised just how successful I was going to be, I took what he said with a pinch of salt, but maybe he was right. This opportunity is so good for my future application for clinical psychology, as we write a massive report and my name goes on as co author and research assistant, so i will have at least one psychological publication as an undergraduate, which is very rare, I am so fecking lucky and so grateful to the universe for bringing me this opportunity and to my friends like all on MWO who support me
              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
              Audrey Hepburn


                Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                That's great pinky. Have to go off out now for my consititutional. Bacinabit.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013


                  Pinkie that really is awesome. Go you!

                  Reccy - aha!, thanks for clearing up my wee error re micorgramms and milogrammes and grammes. Hope I didn't cause any confusion.

                  Off for a morning stroll (metaphorically, around here). Back soon.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                    Morning all

                    Pinkypoo I am delighted for you. That is a huge boost to your self confidence I bet!

                    Reccie, that is some post

                    Tiggs you are always positive !
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                      morning courage and starters, cheers im still pinching myself that its real, lol, i will probs talk about it 4 ages, so thanks for being patient with my bragging, i am still in shock, i found me self saying, i can't believe it, it has not sunk in yet
                      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                      Audrey Hepburn


                        Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                        Morning everyone

                        Thanks for the synopsis Reccie.

                        Feeling good and positive this morning.


                          Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                          littlepinkcat;1448163 wrote: Cheers Reccie, a fortune teller told me 2013 is my year and that i would have life changing opportunities and that people would be suprised just how successful I was going to be, I took what he said with a pinch of salt, but maybe he was right. This opportunity is so good for my future application for clinical psychology, as we write a massive report and my name goes on as co author and research assistant, so i will have at least one psychological publication as an undergraduate, which is very rare, I am so fecking lucky and so grateful to the universe for bringing me this opportunity and to my friends like all on MWO who support me
                          Wow!!! Well bloody done, thats amazing !


                            Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013

                            just read back last night that Jcs mum died through alcohol abuse, Id no idea, how sad for her.


                              Army Thread Tuesday 22nd January 2013


                              Don't feel to well today.

                              Sorry about your cousin Jc.

                              Well done LPC.

                              Hi again to everyone else.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

