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The Shrink Saga

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    The Shrink Saga

    The shrink saga continues. After all the stressing I have been doing about going to the shrink and worrying what her "therapy plan" entails I got a call from her office telling me she went out on medical leave and they had to cancel my appointment. They gave me two choices March 8 or april 4th with another lady doc. I took the 8th but doesn't that defeat the purpose of after care? I haven't had a drink for 11 days and they want to start my after care in six more weeks. Doesn't make any sense to me. If I don't have a drink for six weeks do I really need after care? Only can happen to me.

    The Shrink Saga

    man that sux! it makes no sense,cant they get you in to see another doc?
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      The Shrink Saga

      I guess not. The only other Doc at my health Associates is a guy who I already had a problem with years ago. Said some real nasty stuff to me about my drinking when he subbed for my last doctor. He's one of those " your a drunk and only by surrendering to AA can you be saved. "AA works for some people and I'm not knocking it but it's not for me. It makes me uncomfortable. I told him off and left and I guess when my regular doc found out she hit the roof and told him he had ruined months of her gaining my trust. She called me and I relented and went back to her and was fine with my drinking or not drinking for years. She was so happy when I didn't drink it made we not want to. Plenty of not drinking time in those days because of her.She was a saint he was ass. She retired so I can't see her. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. It's not like I feel I'm going to go off on a bender or anything. I actually feel really good and positive about my decision. I was just disappointed because for once I was going to anything they asked me to do to stay not drinking.


        The Shrink Saga

        I guess not. The only other Doc at my health Associates is a guy who I already had a problem with years ago. Said some real nasty stuff to me about my drinking when he subbed for my last doctor. He's one of those " your a drunk and only by surrendering to AA can you be saved. "AA works for some people and I'm not knocking it but it's not for me. It makes me uncomfortable. I told him off and left and I guess when my regular doc found out she hit the roof and told him he had ruined months of her gaining my trust. She called me and I relented and went back to her and was fine with my drinking or not drinking for years. She was so happy when I didn't drink it made we not want to. Plenty of not drinking time in those days because of her.She was a saint he was ass. She retired so I can't see her. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. It's not like I feel I'm going to go off on a bender or anything. I actually feel really good and positive about my decision. I was just disappointed because for once I was going to anything they asked me to do to stay not drinking.


          The Shrink Saga

          iknowicandoit;1450668 wrote: The shrink saga continues. After all the stressing I have been doing about going to the shrink and worrying what her "therapy plan" entails I got a call from her office telling me she went out on medical leave and they had to cancel my appointment. They gave me two choices March 8 or april 4th with another lady doc. I took the 8th but doesn't that defeat the purpose of after care? I haven't had a drink for 11 days and they want to start my after care in six more weeks. Doesn't make any sense to me. If I don't have a drink for six weeks do I really need after care? Only can happen to me.
          Continuing sobriety makes soooo much sense. When you do go you will have worked out a lot of stuff and be left with only core issues.

          I note your last statement 'only can happen to me'.

          I am five months sober and in my first 6-8 weeks would have felt the same. Alcohol turns us into 'victims'.

          Today I had an appointment and had noticed my car was overheating. The radiator was low on water, I topped it up. Leaving the appointment only a twenty minute drive from home the car overheated again. I pulled into a gas station and the radiator was nearly empty again! Back when I was drinking this whole event would have had me in tears, panicking, feeling like the universe was against me, terrified it was a serious, expensive problem ( which it may yet be). Today I refilled, bought some radiator stop and got home.

          Before sobriety this event would have entailed a stop for vodka ( big bottle!) and the poor me, poor me, pour me a drink, thinking.

          Now it is just life........shit happens.

          Going for a swim now :h


            The Shrink Saga

            I didn't mean it as
            a victim. Drinking or not sometimes I have a really bad run of luck. Call it karma. Though I do know what you mean about alcohol turning people into victims. It just isn't he case here. Ever read the book" Why Bad Things Happen To Good People." That's me. Though I am good at rolling with the punches. Thanks.


              The Shrink Saga

              I dont know if there can be such a thing as too much counseling.

              It would seem to me, that even if its six weeks after your program, it would still be beneficial, it might even be a booster shot for you. Six weeks is indeed a long time, but not what I consider a rock solid foundation.

              IMO its like being too rich, or too skinny.........its not even possible........:H

              I think if I was in your shoes, which is how I try and contribute to every post I comment on, I would take every chance I could get with trained professionals. Knowledge is power, and you need to be as powerful as you can trying to win this battle.

              Wishing you all the strength needed to win!
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                The Shrink Saga

                Thanks. It is a battle I intend to win.


                  The Shrink Saga

                  when I went to counseling years ago (I should probably go again) I doc shopped...I went to 4 or 5 before I found someone I clicked with. Are there other psycgs in your area? Just a thought?
                  My beloved friend/goc retired too...that sucks doesn't it?
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The Shrink Saga

                    Health care today" you have to stay in network". So those are my choices. I feel good I can wait with out too much trouble I think.


                      The Shrink Saga

                      Therapy can be challenging. Like you I'm not a big fan of AA. I had a therapist 6 years ago when I quit the 1st time who suddenly vanished. After what was our last session she says, well I'm moving on (no follow up contact information) go to AA. I made it about a month, and after that had a little to drink on a camping trip then a full relapse a month after that. Fought the alcohol for 6 years after that until my 2nd DUI (when I quit again which was a year and a half ago).

                      I quit the 2nd time with the help of another therapist (49 weeks of DUI classes) and being on the outskirts of AA. My therapist again what was our last session she says, well I've moved out of state we can do skype if you want. (I'm of the opinion for $160 as session she should at least show up).

                      So I started with another therapist 2 weeks ago. Guess the short version of the story is this time I did something after my therapist left. The in network thing in the US is stupid.....if you have the money; maybe you could do a sessions sometimes with an out of network person (the new therapist for me is $75 per session).

                      Good luck....and hang in there.

                      Oh and being differentiated in your recovery helps, if a therapist isn't available finding a good recovery book can by equally helpful until the next therapy session.
                      Soberity Date - 7/11/11


                        The Shrink Saga

                        Sammy, I agree , for the dough their getting they should at least show up. I'll muddle through. Money is kind of tight so I have to stay in network for now. Each session will cost me $30.00 copay. Best part of being a musician is you never know what the next day will bring. More gigs, record deal, your music in a TV show or movie. Funny thing is this forum is kinda like AA but more "user friendly." My doc was impressed I joined and we read some posts and he told me if I felt comfortable, which I do, to stay with MWO. The whole goal is not to drink or drink less. I chose not to drink and feel comfortable with my decision. I also feel if someone wants to drink it's none of my business. My son has about four beers a year. He hasn't had one since I quit. I told him you want a beer don't let me stop you. He said I don't need it I'm with you until there is no chance you'll want a drink. Nice sentiment but I really don't care if people drink in front of me. My problem shouldn't impact them. Plus in my business if I want to work I can't let it bother me. Thanks for the post Sammy. Good luck to you.


                          The Shrink Saga

                          I have the same sentiments as you about AA, so I get you on that. I agree with Nelz though about 6 weeks not being a long time sober. Some of my hardest cravings hit between 2 and 4 months. I'm sure you could muddle on through if you needed to, but if it's available in 6 weeks I'd give it a try.


                            The Shrink Saga

                            FlyAway;1451427 wrote: I have the same sentiments as you about AA, so I get you on that. I agree with Nelz though about 6 weeks not being a long time sober. Some of my hardest cravings hit between 2 and 4 months. I'm sure you could muddle on through if you needed to, but if it's available in 6 weeks I'd give it a try.
                            The only thing that I can see AA has going for it is that you have a social group that doesn't drink as a support system. It can be difficult to find friends that want to do things that don't include drinking. I'm past my 4 months now and it feels Sooooo good. Just wait and see how joyful a sober life can be. With Baclofen I have zero cravings and that is such a relief after years of trying to white knuckle it!
                            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                   Newbies Nest
                   Tool Box
                   How to get a sobriety plan


                              The Shrink Saga

                              I'll have to check that medicine if I get any unconquerable cravings. Thanks for the tip.

