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    Does anyone have any experience with the hypnotherapy products sold on this website?


    Hello there, I just got your message and wrote back, and yes I have a set that I love, not from this website, they are from




      Yes.....and I sold mine on this site. I would not buy them, they never helped me. Some people like them....they just cost me alot of $$$ with no results. I think if you want to will.....there is no magic potion to make it easier.



        :I Alf, as a general rule not everyone is susseptable to hypnosys to begin with even in person. ( It has nothing to do with brain function either). I imagine that they may still be great for relaxation, postitive and creative visualization, meditation and just taking the time to refocus on your goals?

        Like sun said: there is no magical potion. ( I looked into that too lol) hard work, pacients and time is the only thing that has worked so far, and only when I was really ready to work towards freedom and true happiness and not a second sooner.

        You can check out I tues and the app store to see if they have some cheaper versions of hypnotherapy that are well reviewed you might want to try and see how you feel. The guided meditations might be enjoyable too. Good luck and let us know what you've concluded.



          I know some people say that they were helpful, but I felt they did nothing for me. When I finally did stop I wasn't using the tapes.



            Thanks for your feedback everyone. I was actually seeing a hypnotherapist last fall. I found the therapy helpful, but she would not bill my insurance company. She even dropped her session fee to $80US to try and help me, but several hundred dollars a month cash is just out of the question with our tight finances for the moment.



              I went to a hypnotherapist for about a year and a half. The hypno part was very helpful for me at first. I tried to quit many times, but couldn't sleep, so I'd get back on the booze. The recordings helped me calm down and fall asleep. After the first month or two the visits helped, but we didn't do much hypnotherapy anymore. And like you found out insurance doesn't cover it, so I was paying out of pocket.

              Most of the time I was just visiting her once a month; but at first it helped to go once a week.
              Soberity Date - 7/11/11



                First off, hypnosis shouldn't be a long time therapy type of process. It should take no more that 3-6 visits, and sometimes in can be done in as little as 1 or 2 visits. Anyone who is asking you to come more than that is stealing from you.

                Everyone is susceptable to being hypnotised...if you want to be hypnotised and believe it will work for you. If you don't want to listen to the suggestions, and you want to prove it doesn't work then it won't work. If you don't have faith that it will work it won't, just like if you don't have faith that AA works, or meds or whatever. Basically you control your mind.

                But if you listen to the suggestions, and you imagaine that you can be and are hypnotised and you "play along" with the hypnotist or the recording you will find that it works very well for anyone who is open to using it.

                Hypnosis and hypnotherapy should be more of a process where the hypnotist teaches you how to use the tools on your own. You can hypnotise yourself and get the same results with a little bit of practice.

                For the record, I am a certified hypnotist and a certified sports hypnotist. And my advice to anyone who is interested, it's not magic, don't make it harder than it is. Just follow the instructions and play along and pretend and imagaine that you are the best and most suggestable subject any hypnotist has ever seen. Then close your eyes and follow the instructions like you were a 5 year old with the best imagination ever. It will work, it is scientifically proven, but the first thing that has to happen is you have to want it to work then you have to follow all of the instructions.

