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Army Thread Saturday 26th January

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    Army Thread Saturday 26th January

    mollyka;1450819 wrote: Just mulling over life really
    Ach, this whole shop thing is a biggie tbh. Joe doesn't want to tell ANYONE --- and I mean ANYONE. The kids don't know, wasn't allowed talk about it in Aftercare etc. I understand his reasons, he's terrified of the staff catching wind of it before it's properly on the market - but...... it sort of feels like lying, and I'm really uncomfortable with it tbh. Multiply uncomfortable by a million when I think of the poverty levels we may be facing. My salary will barely put bread and butter on the table
    How are you? Sounds like there ARE some changes in the Satz house??
    Morning molls, whizzy and satzy

    Will the staff lose their jobs if the sale goes through, molly? How many staff are there?

    Does Joe have any thoughts on what he'll do if/when the sale goes through?

    Enjoy the zoo, whizzy


      Army Thread Saturday 26th January

      mollyka;1450819 wrote: Just mulling over life really
      Ach, this whole shop thing is a biggie tbh. Joe doesn't want to tell ANYONE --- and I mean ANYONE. The kids don't know, wasn't allowed talk about it in Aftercare etc. I understand his reasons, he's terrified of the staff catching wind of it before it's properly on the market - but...... it sort of feels like lying, and I'm really uncomfortable with it tbh. Multiply uncomfortable by a million when I think of the poverty levels we may be facing. My salary will barely put bread and butter on the table
      How are you? Sounds like there ARE some changes in the Satz house??
      So sorry Molls on the shop & Joe front:h
      Probably he is right to sit on it for a while then when you have it sorted in your heads - involve others?
      I think you two will be fine on the money front - Joe can get the unemployment assistance - Mr S did ! And something will come up - all that retail experience ???
      I'm great Molly. Thanks. Still very tired - sleeping like a baby but can't wake up
      Anyhoo yes very subtle changes have been happening.

      No more grumpy arse from him every time I open my mouth. If I don't want to go somewhere - it's "ok" !
      I reckon when I went to bed 'that night' the kids turned to him & gave him a right talking to.
      Who knows - he doesn't talk a bout 'feelings' very much.
      I will just go with the flow !!!:goodjob:


        Army Thread Saturday 26th January

        Morning Reccerooney :l
        How you feeling today ?

        Going to dig out the name of the Magnesium+ that I take to help you sleep - that will help when you are struggling.
        Not sleeping is a curse - I know from years of experience of it.


          Army Thread Saturday 26th January

          Need to go now :wavin: ( will get that website for you Mr Bear when I get back)
          TRUST me they will help greatly - knowing when i go to bed i can sleep was a major catalyst for me to go AF.
          Later gaters


            Army Thread Saturday 26th January

            Mornin all..yep light dustin of snow here too!! Mornig Satzy..glad you are gettin on wi the 5k

            Hiya are you? hows Joe doin? hope all is doin ok..dont need to tell ya tho pm if you want

            Big hiya to everyone else
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Army Thread Saturday 26th January

              Good morning Tippperoooooo, Starters, Mushypea, KTabbers, Runners, Our Whizzy, Satzuma, Mollymoo, Mickle the Pickle.

              :h that .You should see Bess trying to fetch snowballs

              And there ay are Molls you know I'm just a PM away. Got a wee bit jealous of your roomie there for a minute a weekend of Molls and Joe's horsepitality is better than a posh spa weekend any time.

              I'm not going to talk about pensions but the one thing I will say is we'd have been better off putting the cash under the bed.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                :hallo: again, folksies.

                Feeling a bit knackered today. I'm off to the airport shortly. My nephew and his girlfriend are starting uni again on Monday. He turned 21 the day before the cub's b'day. He's getting a very boring but practical gift -- a full tank of petrol in his car. Costs about the same as his monthly food bill

                Have to go to a 40th b' day tonight. Wojld rather go another round with a bunch of teenagers tbh. Really, really reluctant to go. Mrs. T has offered to be the designated driver for friends of ours, so at least I can fuck off early-ish.

                So off I go... droopy shoulders, with a little grey cloud hovering above me. Eeyore comes to mind.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                  God... I'm shit-scared of both old age and losing my job. Despite paying 40% of my income in tax, there's no safery net - no medical services, no unemployment benefits and no state pension. We'll only be able to draw income from what we've saved and invested. Companies cottoned on to the cost of retired employees many years ago and we're not allowed to stay on the medical aid scheme after retirement and the pension fund was closed to new members over 15 years ago.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                    Fuck. I'm a real ray of sunshine today, eh?

                    Lemme get off my arse and try and get rid of this feeling.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                      satz123;1450823 wrote: Morning Reccerooney :l
                      How you feeling today ?

                      Going to dig out the name of the Magnesium+ that I take to help you sleep - that will help when you are struggling.
                      Not sleeping is a curse - I know from years of experience of it.
                      Not bad thanks satzy. Was it uber mag? I must admit that I'm a bit sceptical about supplements. Can't help thinking it's the pharmaceutical industry trying to separate us from our dosh.

                      mollyka;1450824 wrote: Well - there's one 'lad' with them for the last 21 years - joined them straight from school - now nearly 40 Lovely fella - absolutely NO ambition tho - so wouldn't be a potential new partner for Joe - he'll get hefty redundancy I presume.
                      Oh dear..that doesn't sound good. It'll be a shock to his system...well, it'll be a shock to all of you.

                      mollyka;1450824 wrote:
                      Anyway - been a bit self absorbed for a few days, hence my absence - but I'm BACK Well, need to hit friggintesco's - my roomie from Aiseiri is coming for the weekend so best get some food for her! I'll be back in a wee bit!
                      Luv youse all xxxx
                      You must have a lot to think about. I hope you and Joe can get something sorted out for the future. Enjoy your weekend with your mate.

                      JackieClaire;1450828 wrote:
                      I'm not going to talk about pensions but the one thing I will say is we'd have been better off putting the cash under the bed.
                      Afternoon Jackie

                      I feel the same way as you about pensions. As soon as I started having a little bit left over at the end of the month, I looked into them and decided they weren't worth it and stuck the money into a savings account instead.

                      Hi mick :hallo:


                        Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                        tiptronic_ct;1450839 wrote: God... I'm shit-scared of both old age and losing my job. Despite paying 40% of my income in tax, there's no safery net - no medical services, no unemployment benefits and no state pension. We'll only be able to draw income from what we've saved and invested.
                        Blimey tips! What DO they spend their tax revenues on, then?


                          Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                          Afternoon all
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                            Howya Questypoo :l
                            Reccie I agee on the robbers that are the drug / healthfood companies
                            Spent a fortune in my day :upset:

                            These are different. I heard about them from that mad men's gym I used to go to.
                            No frills just strenghth training. These guys know their stuff and they said we need to sleep to re-charge everything.
                            Poliquin is the make. Magnesium + L-Tryptophan. I've just ordered some. And no they are not cheap :upset: but hey if they work and stop me drinking to encourage sleep - then they are worth it
                            If you PM your address to me I will send you a tub and if they work you can order. How 'bout that ? You can pay me back @ April meet-up


                              Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                              It's on special

                              Poliquin Performance - Top Quality Supplements


                                Army Thread Saturday 26th January

                                OK all alone again :upset:
                                Off to do some damage in the shops.
                                Later Gaters :hiya:

